Old Bull Project DRZ400

This topic contains 86 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Chris 14 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #116296


    Let me preface this post with “I like Chop.” He could beat me to a pulp in a heartbeat!

    But when I saw him ride I had that circus tune running in my head. You know the one that plays when all the clowns pile out of the mini??? Made me smile.

    …but then I think I overtook him once and he had the pleasure of seeing me become intimate with Mother Earth!



    I had the same pleasure Shane. You and that log didn’t make freinds did you ;)

    I saw Chop fishtail so bad all the way up a knarly hill (and make it) that I don’t think Evil Kenevil himself would try and attempt to copy it :laugh:



    So the Doctor has about 900kms on it since we screwed it back together and its going on the Hillend ride next weekend. Chop Chop and I had a chat regarding the few short comings I thought it had when I took it out on the Zig Zag – Orange ride with Moto, Boulder and Tiny. The biggest thing that needed fixing was the gearing, the standard gearing was way to slow or maybe was more of a put of with the engine screaming maintaining 100kph on the dirt roads or bitumen.
    Easy fix, of came the rear 47 tooth stealth sprocket and on went a new Talon 41 tooth just to allow it to cruise a bit better and the DR is a torquey little engine that will allow you to use its mid range and pull this gearing nicely.
    A road test showed that the sort of revs it used to do at 60kph in 5th its now doing in 4th instead, yet first isn’t to tall when I came through the single line down the back of home.

    Yamahas#1 (aka Young Michael) from next door came over and gave me a hand, we fitted a set of Pivot Pegz quick read of the instructions by Mick (must have been only pictures lol)
    and next thing they are fitted

    We gave it a quick oil and filter change and checked the post that Holeshot started regarding the breather tube re-route for DR’s and carried out the mods as explained on the link someone else added
    Tubes at the Carby

    Up at the air box

    Chop had a new Dunlop K695 or something round and black, Mick and I chucked it on, check Micks shoes, shoes of a bandit I reckon, a back door bandit :laugh: lol

    Micks tyre changing form


    That’s all he did :P

    Some photos of the force radiator guards that Fathead hooked us up with when we built the bike, showing here how they bolt back to the frame, I would recommend the guards they are a good thing and fit straight up no mod required.

    Thanks for your help Mick, remember to come over next Friday night, you can have a coke and meet the boys

    Its ready for pick up Chop Chop



    michael back
    check Micks shoes, shoes of a bandit I reckon, a back door bandit lo

    NO Bandit here mate, only one i can think of is the one taking a photo of another guy bent over.



    SOOOOO true mick, he loves broke back mtn, and his pup tent.


    Dwayne O

    THE DOCTOR is still having BLING BLING I see,,,,,,,,
    Keep up the good work Boys



    SO the4 mighty bannana is all ready and raring. I only wish I was riding to see CHop pull some more fishtail moves up them hills :laugh: Maybe the new round and black tyre will prevent this happening?


    Trailboss wrote:

    Ollie wrote:

    I would consider a front disc plastic cover like the RMX has keeps out a lot of mud and crap.
    also the nice shiny lower fork legs cop a hiding and need protection I made some carbonfibre/kevlar ones for the RMX and they do a great job.
    hope all goes well with the DR


    We cant buy an over the counter disc brake cover because of the oversize disc we have fitted :(

    Hey TB

    Been looking for some disc covers for my bike with no luck, do you where i might be able to get one ????:unsure:




    Try ringing Fathead at Battyes and ask him, 95435133, tell him trackbolt sent you!



    Thanks TB will give him a call 2morrw


    Dwayne O

    Wonder if the Project DRZ has seen any action lately ???

    Anybody know????



    I know ;)


    Dwayne O

    WELL,,, WHAT DO YA KNOW ????? :blink:
    HAs it been sold or something :dry:


    Dwayne O

    :unsure: Must be a Secret :laugh:



    :huh: What do you need to know Eagle? :blink:

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