Old Bull Trailriders is celebrating its 5th Birthday 5th, 6th and 7th of July

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  • #239368

    No dramas with the licence /membership fee TB, it’s all good ;)


    Matt Baker

    I was planning on getting there before lunch on Friday and going for a ride because I will be annihilating myself on the piss Saturday night and might not be riding Sunday. For people travelling from far away is there somewhere we can ride on Friday? If not can I help setup?


    LC4skin wrote:
    I was planning on getting there before lunch on Friday and going for a ride because I will be annihilating myself on the piss Saturday night and might not be riding Sunday. For people travelling from far away is there somewhere we can ride on Friday? If not can I help setup?

    I am hoping that Kevdog or someone around there on the way may put up a ride like they did before the last ride we did up there. Otherwise stay in Wauchope somewhere and have a ride around Bago or the likes there are plenty of tracks



    Matt Baker

    Tour guide wanted for Bago, Friday 5th July.


    Can’t the two day license we have to buy allow us to ride which two days we choose as I suspect many will not plan on riding Sunday.



    singletrackmind wrote:
    Can’t the two day license we have to buy allow us to ride which two days we choose as I suspect many will not plan on riding Sunday.


    No the permit is for saturday and sunday, The cost of three days was too much and most arent arriving until friday or late friday

    Besides as a mod you will be marking out track anyway :laugh:



    Matt Baker

    The one event licences have to be on a certain date or dates.

    Can I be a temporary Mod and help mark out tracks.


    LC4skin wrote:
    Tour guide wanted for Bago, Friday 5th July.

    We are working on it now Matt, give us a day or so pls




    Bump cause its important

    Trailboss wrote:
    Please make sure everybody going knows about this

    With the world going the way it is, with litigation and the sorts, we have had to enlist the help of Hastings Valley Motorcycle Club and MCNSW in order to insure our Birthday Ride in July, should someone decide to sue OBT or the land owners at Seaview.

    Not that we expect someone would consider it but by doing this, we ensure that everyone is covered in the event of an unforeseen mishap.

    Unfortunately this coverage comes at a cost, a cost that will need to be covered by the participants who wish to ride on the property.

    Don’t freak out, as the cost is minimal in the scheme of things!! The cost will be $30.00 per rider for the whole weekend. This cost involves a nominal $5.00 weekend membership to The HVMCC and a $25.00 MCNSW weekend recreational licence.
    Those people with a current national MCNSW licence (will need to be produced when signing in NO EXCEPTIONS) will be exempt from the Day Licence fee and those who are already HVMCC members need not pay the day membership (will need to be produced when signing in NO EXCEPTIONS) .
    Those arriving on Adventure bikes would also not have to worry about paying the licence or membership fee, if they are only using the camp ground.

    Upon payment and issue of a receipt, you will get a sticker for your bike, no sticker, no access to the trails in other words no sticker NO RIDING!. If you think the cost is unreasonable, it would be best that you stayed at home, as we feel that it is a small price to pay considering how much a weekend at Louee or the likes would cost you.

    The permit only covers Saturday and Sunday, there will be no riding on the property on Friday!!

    Because of permit costs, only those few track setting will be on a bike on Friday and only for work reasons.

    We appreciate your understanding on this matter and it is a pity that the world has come to this.



    simon burke
    LC4skin wrote:
    I was planning on getting there before lunch on Friday and going for a ride because I will be annihilating myself on the piss Saturday night and might not be riding Sunday. For people travelling from far away is there somewhere we can ride on Friday? If not can I help setup?

    Lc old boy :cheer:

    Mt Seaview is right on the edge of the Cells State forrest.You can jump on your bike and go and explore the mass of a jungle that it is :cheer:
    just like we all used to without being led on a ride..all you have to do is remember which direction the highway is and you can’t get lost..well..maybe not anyway..i probably would :unsure: :P
    rego bikes only could do this option…for obvious reasons B)
    soooo much jungle and tracks everywhere :cheer:
    Me=friday=beers ;)
    Bol :woohoo:



    So my MA rec license should cover this,,,,,yeah?


    Mick D
    Boony wrote:
    So my MA rec license should cover this,,,,,yeah?

    If it is still in date, the answer is yes.



    I can’t make the BD ride sorry team. Nothing to do with any of the new requirements to be clear. Distance/Costs/Family reasons. Have fun.


    micknmeld wrote:
    Boony wrote:
    So my MA rec license should cover this,,,,,yeah?

    If it is still in date, the answer is yes.

    And you have it with you to be sighted when signing on ;)



    Dwayne O

    All sounds fair to me ;)
    I think it`s a more than reasonable cost to have an awsome property to explore for 2 days !!!

    See all you nutters there in a week and a bit :woohoo:

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 382 total)

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