2013 OBT Birthday Bash ADV Style 5,6&7th July
Mickp and myself are going to ride up to the 2013 OBT birthday bash at Mount Seaview.
If you would like to join in you will need a 250Km Fuel range. Everyone is welcome. As we get closer I will email you the track in form of GPX file so you can load onto your GPS. You don’t need a GPS just a little bit of faith, that we will get you there.
Friday – Leaving from Freemans Waterhole 9.00am. this gives the people from Sydney a bit of extra time.
Route through Black Camp Rd, Monkerai, The Glen, Mt George for lunch.
Saturday – Loopin Round the Cells forrest Roads and a probable lunch at Gingers Creek. Hoping to get back in plenty of time for the festivities
Sunday – Return Home through Enfield Forest Rd. & link up some favourites on the way back.
So we dont clog this page keep an eye on this link below for changing details: