Old Bulls 7th Birthday Ride

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Old Bulls 7th Birthday Ride

This topic contains 78 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #262020


    Just a quick question, seeing the I was leading and am now not attending and TB
    has pulled out of the ride,who is organizing this event and who is leading the rides.


    Adam Rodgers
    Boony wrote:
    Just a quick question, seeing the I was leading and am now not attending and TB
    has pulled out of the ride,who is organizing this event and who is leading the rides.

    I don’t know who is organizing but I’m coming anyway.

    Maybe we can convince Boze, Buzz, Aaron, Snowy, Rick, Bollocks to show us around those hills of gold.

    At worst Sam has a good memory for tracks, and He’d have plenty of time waiting on corners for me to work out where to go next :whistle:



    Boony wrote:
    Just a quick question, seeing the I was leading and am now not attending and TB
    has pulled out of the ride,who is organizing this event and who is leading the rides.

    Just saw this, sorry been away

    Any after hours events like extra auction etc if we have one will be organised by myself or an OBT rep this will include the lead up voting for a king etc

    As for leading the rides? I would have correctly assumed the people (you Boony and co) who picked the actual dates of the ride, the location and posted up you have been working on the trails would be leading. You guys had at first nominated the Cells but relocated to Nundle for good reason and set the date.

    If I was leading it would be down here as before




    After a few phone calls this ride has been cancelled unfortunately due circumstances beyond OBT’s control. The actual ride organiser is having a medical procedure prior to the event. OBT management didn’t set to location or date for the event so it is out of our control but we would like to thank the people that attempted to get this ride of the ground. The actual only official OBT parts of the weekend being the crowning of a new King and the spirt award will be run at the replacement event.

    We will look at a replacement ride location to be announced in the next 7 days. It will not be the same weekend to be clear


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