Older old Bull perhaps

Home Forums Introduce Yourself Older old Bull perhaps

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    john casimir

    Hi All,

    I am new to this site and it is great to see so many bike junkies. A credit to those involved. My bikes are a nicely sorted DRZ 400 and GS 1200, of the two I think for sheer fun the Suzuki is my pick, but I love both.

    I fit into the 50 plus something demographic and many of my older riding mates are turning to tar or just not riding as much or my younger mates riding faster and faster bikes so have entered a bit of a space time void in terms of riding buddies and new dirty places. Never short of a tar ride but!

    I have seen the results of 20 plus bikes riding together and wonder how Old Bull site is used to organise rides with others. I guess you just ask. I know Herons Creek and Telepoint well, I like single track, hills, snot and stops to talk bs along way. My riding buddy rides a dr250 (very quickly) we are looking for like minded and some new terrain maybe.

    cheers cas



    Gyday Cas, thanks for the Intro mate. Plenty of riding up your way we have just finished a massive ride at KTMBULLS place at Rollands plains. B) Lots of guys from Wauchope/Port/Kempsey as well. just keep an eye out for any upcoming rides and put your name down.
    you can also organise a ride and lead as well, as you will know of tracks that others dont so a win win B)

    again Welcome mate




    Hi Cas, another BMW owner/rider. I think thats 2 in 2 days now :) Done much Adv on the Beema? If so what tyres you running. I’m just about to replace the Battle wing front but want something a little more dirt orientated with still a good black top feel.

    Enjoy the site and welcome.


    Hi Cas
    I had typed up a bit of a spoill (yarn)
    But it’s gone to cyber space, I guess
    Anyway it went like this. :silly:
    Thats all I remember. :pinch:
    On saying that,
    Your quite welcome to share some trails with the Murphs
    Hope to see ya one day. :woohoo: :woohoo: B)


    Mick D

    Welcome to OBT Cas, thanks for the intro. I am at Wauchope so no doubt we will cross paths soon.



    john casimir

    Thanks for the welcome. Rollands Plains has some good riding, often travel that way on GS to Kempsey to avoid highway. Most of my GS riding is 2 up and tends to be mix of easy dirt and tar. Have a 2 month trip later in year to Tas via Whit Cliffs then moto GP. Often think dirt bike/adventure riding can be counter productive, a bugger when riding GS and forget you are not on DR, it is a very heavy bike dispire its capabilities.

    thanks for welcome, I will lurk about from time to time and look out for upcoming rides.

    cheers Cas

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