Out of action, sorry Mike

Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only Out of action, sorry Mike

This topic contains 56 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Mike Wyeth

    This might make you smile, I went out for a pre run of the loop on my own yesterday and just planned to take a cruisey ride round :)

    Well as you do :P I got into it a bit and ended up going faster than I should but all was ok ;) I had a ball 😆

    Got home and unloaded the bike/ gear and went into woolies to get a bit of shopping :angry: came out and fell over the kerb and done something to the ligaments in my knee 😆 😆 😆
    Currently sat in Noosa hospital ER waiting to be seen feeling a right twat. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Adam Rodgers

    Unlucky Nick but by the same token very lucky, spinning mower blades do a lot of damage.

    Seems to be a bit of a design flaw in the mower too :unsure:

    Get well and take it easy ;)



    craig evans

    sorry to hear the news mate :blink:

    your very lucky mate ,could have been a lot worse

    take it easy and get well asap

    cheers wolfie


    Nick Jackson

    Funny buggers !!! Especially your story Mike !!! Hope the knees ok ?

    Thanks for the thoughts guys its much appreciated but who’s going to take my place a Noosa for one of the rides of the year ??? :)

    Time for more oxy ( insert Murphs sequence of emoticons ) :D




    Gees Jacko and Mike down for the count :ohmy: this ride might be cursed :huh: :whistle: :laugh:

    Need this dude to cleanse it and scare away the bad juju :laugh: :laugh:


    He can then do house calls to both Nick and Mike maybe :laugh: :laugh:

    Actually is it me or does he look a bit like Spud :P :ohmy: :whistle: :laugh:




    Geees! And they say trail riding is dangerous :huh: :unsure: :P At least yu have all the gear on for riding,,,might have to start walking around in it :laugh:

    Heel up nice and quick guyes,and all the best to yuz.
    Cheers Teza.


    simon burke

    Jeez Jacko…you should have got Lantana Man :woohoo: to do that sort of work for you mate ;)
    Your a lucky boy…another busted up old bull :(
    Get well soon roota B)

    Bol :woohoo:



    Rolled the rideon, that’s epic. How yah gunna handle the 450 if you handle a mower nick.

    Heal fast buddy.



    No Good Nick, I hope it all goes well mate.

    Maybe it’s a pommy thing, didn’t Ozzy Osbourne do something similar? :D

    Get well soon mate.


    Ron Birrell

    Sorry to hear Nick. I hope everything goes well with the recovery and your back out there real soon.



    Dwayne O

    Damn it !!!
    You are one lucky man Jacko :blink:

    Rest up mate and do as you are told,,,,
    All the best mate ;)


    spoke to nick…..there keeping him in over night until they get the results on his back..

    I asked him if he needed anything…..

    He said….. “A six pack be good mate.” 😆 😆

    He,s a lucky man….Get well mate..


    1. he dose look like me a bit TB.
    2.What are you doing shopping Mike….. :pinch:



    Shit sorry to hear Nick. That’s why I don’t mow my lawn or paddock. Take the time to recover the bike will still be there.

    This should make ya smile


    With all the OUT OF ACTION BULLS I think we need to start a “Shit Im out topic”. :dry: Dam seems like a lot this year, come on 2014



    Thats crazy Nick, hope all ends up good mate.
    Do you need anyone to cut your grass while your in hospital ? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Rest up Jacko and make sure you call on the OBT family if you need us :)



    Shit Nick!! I hope that all is ok mate and wish you all the best in your recovery.


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