Person accident insurance. Check the fine print.

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    Mick D

    It looks like I am off the bikes for an extended period. Last Sunday I had the misfortune of rupturing my Achille’s Tendon and am now in plaster from toe to knee and will remain so for at least 6-10 weeks.

    Anyhow, I have been paying $350 a year to Combined Insurance for the last 14 years for a personal injury policy. I rang them today to see what they can do for me.

    Sweet F#@k all…is pretty well what they will do. Evidently a tendon rupture isn’t a personal injury, according to the policy.

    I read the policy and it says I am covered for “confinement”. Stuck at home in plaster is confinement in my book. Not theirs though. Confinement means hospital they tell me now. Doesn’t say that on the fuggen policy.

    So at the moment I feel that I have wasted close to $5000 on this heap of shit policy. The bit that shits me most is that if I had broken my little finger, I would have gotten a lump sum payment.

    Lesson learnt, check your policy if you have one, before you need to make a claim.

    Needless to say I have told them what to do with their policy.


    No good mick. Snap ur finger and get to hospital to retrieve your money!


    Barry Pike

    Mick – sometimes the insurance companies method of dealing with claims is to deny on the first application.

    A chat with a solicitor experienced in insurance matters may be beneficial.


    A mate of mine ended up a quadriplegic back in 2002 from a motocross accident. Combined insurance didn’t consider his injury to be “life changing”. Needless to say I have not recommended them to anyone from that day on.



    I have accident prevention cover. For some reason when you have had a bit of cancer no one will touch ya for a few years. Motor bikes well they cover me but will only pay if im out of action for 6mths or more.. What do you do go with out and hope for the best or pay the money and hope there is some help when needed… Hell my brother paraglides i don’t think he gets any cover 😆 :woohoo: i wonder y… Seems like any one living will get screwed at some point. good luck with the recovery btw hope all is well


    Mick, cant believe you believed an insurance salesman, they are only one rung above a realestate agent.

    Yes of course I realise your an exception!

    Did you do it kick starting the Tenere?


    Dwayne O

    Cant turn the key with his ankles Snow :laugh:

    That injury sux Mick, good luck with the recovery mate,,,


    Nick Jackson

    I had my policy state that anymore than 9 days unable to work I receive a weekly payment to cover costs. I had trail riding , adv off road and Motocross included and the premium lept up no end. Insurance is a minefield and I had to be very specific in what I wanted getting the policy rewritten a number of times to included my bike activities.

    The worst part I then went and broke my back on a f…king mower … not covered . !!!




    Shit mick no good. im with combined,broke my collar bone ages ago,they paid me 5 g for my time.
    admittedly have probably paid twice or 3 times that for cover.
    they were the only ones to cover bike riders.apparently they don’t anymore.
    good luck Achilles.bloody arrows through the ankle.
    get well soon.


    Gavin Brown

    Hey Mick if you do need help. With fixing a finger….. Give Crash a call.
    Remember the Sofala Incident with Fish

    Turn up the sound

    Good luck with the Achille’s Tendon.


    Mick D

    I remember that. Cringe worthy stuff.


    simon burke

    No Good Mick :(
    6 weeks?
    Geez your gunna get fat :laugh:
    Bol :woohoo:

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