It looks like I am off the bikes for an extended period. Last Sunday I had the misfortune of rupturing my Achille’s Tendon and am now in plaster from toe to knee and will remain so for at least 6-10 weeks.
Anyhow, I have been paying $350 a year to Combined Insurance for the last 14 years for a personal injury policy. I rang them today to see what they can do for me.
Sweet F#@k all…is pretty well what they will do. Evidently a tendon rupture isn’t a personal injury, according to the policy.
I read the policy and it says I am covered for “confinement”. Stuck at home in plaster is confinement in my book. Not theirs though. Confinement means hospital they tell me now. Doesn’t say that on the fuggen policy.
So at the moment I feel that I have wasted close to $5000 on this heap of shit policy. The bit that shits me most is that if I had broken my little finger, I would have gotten a lump sum payment.
Lesson learnt, check your policy if you have one, before you need to make a claim.
Needless to say I have told them what to do with their policy.