perth or bust

This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 12 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #218090


    Well what a trip so far. All was good right up until the oil light came on. Seems we blew an oil line. Beer is real nice here at the warren services club. She goes in tomorrow and hopefully where back on the road.


    Dwayne O

    Better than blowing a seal hey ???? :woohoo:

    Damn, Warren is a long way short from Perth pal …………….
    Good Luck & stay off the piss :silly:


    Adrian Lee
    Boony wrote:
    Well what a trip so far. All was good right up until the oil light came on. Seems we blew an oil line. Beer is real nice here at the warren services club. She goes in tomorrow and hopefully where back on the road.

    Lucky out in the back blocks its still a current model so easy to get parts :laugh: :laugh:



    Well we missed our cutoff time for departure from warren so here we are back in tamvegas gutted and looking for something else to do.


    simon burke
    Boony wrote:
    Well we missed our cutoff time for departure from warren so here we are back in tamvegas gutted and looking for something else to do.

    oops :unsure:
    You can clean my car Boony :P

    Nah…bad luck bro..that sux biggins :(

    Bol :woohoo:


    So no Perth trip shame eh but I’m back in oz late Thursday what about a ride Sunday? Got a great photo for you from sheep world of some cute pink ewes!


    Ron Birrell

    Sorry the trip didn’t work out mate.
    Maybe you should have taken a Toyota :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    If your truly bored you can come and help me drink some stubbies while I change the bearings in the rear link.

    Riding is off limits for him Snowy. He is still sore from his dinky kicking him



    Aaron Wilde

    That sucks Boony. At least you didn’t run the thing without oil and stuff it completely. That would have been a long way in that thing but might have been a blessing in disguise. Better luck next time.


    Mick D

    What a bummer, I was looking forward to the ride report!

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

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