
Home Forums General Bike Talk Police

This topic contains 16 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Eric Smith

    The responses to this thread is why Old Bulls is such a great forum!



    The worst experience i have had with the local constable was when he barrelled past me on one of our trails and then had the hide to wave and disappear into the distance. ( yes he was riding with s)They are only doing what pays their bills, piss them off and youll go for the row you deserve, treat them well and 99% of the time youll get ” carry on boys and be safe”.

    law abiding Boony :woohoo:


    We passed a cop in a 4wd going the other way a while ago while out in an area that wasn’t 100% legal. He stopped and stared at us as we rode past but no gesture. We actually stopped, turned around and went back to talk to him. He told us that we weren’t supposed to be where we were, but pointed to another track which we could ride on quite happily. I dont think I’ve been back on that track since then. Licence, rego and the right attitude goes along way.

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