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This topic contains 24 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Greg 12 years, 3 months ago.
December 6, 2012 at 8:14 pm #233314
AS I said before, it was a great day out on the bikes, although a little humbling it was a big learning curve as well.
We all like to think we can go alright but when you head into some single trail and you get smoked by a bloke on a fully loaded KTM990 it brings you back to earth in a hurry!, This being the case, you have not a hope in hell of shaking him off on the open fire trails. Homer can certainly peddle the big girl!
The day started off in a strange fashion for me, the plan was to make the run across the mountains from Wauchope and meet TB and Homer at Buladelah. At the last minute the plan changed and I had to slab it down the Pacific Highway to meet the boys.
All was going well, considering the XR is geared for the bush and it had a brand new MX tyre on the back that was out of balance something shocking, this made for a steady trip down the highway. I was just chugging along at 100kms and hour in the 110 zone when a Semi trailer loomed large and close in my mirror. He began to round me up and as he come up beside me he let rip with his air horn and frightened the living shit out of me! I looked up at the driver only to see Ash in the drivers seat grinning like a fool and giving me the bird! Cheeky bugger he is. Anyhow I let him past then I sped up and went around the right hand side of him level with the drivers door to say gday, when all of a sudden the XR coughed farted and flamed out. This left me in the RH lane not running just coasting, I then had to dart in behind Ash’s truck in front of the B double that was following Ash in an attempt the coast to the left hand side of the highway, a rather scary moment I tell you.
The pig rolled to a stop and I presumed that, going on what had just happened that I had picked up some water in the fuel, so I drained the carby and the XR fired straight back up, I stayed in the LH lane and just before Taree it did it again, I drained the carby again and got going again only to have it do it again at the Forster Turn off, I just let it sit for a minute while I had a smoke and it fired straight up again and off I headed, only for it to start playing up again just before Nabiac. It would run fine at 90kmph but if I sat on 100 it acted like it was starving for fuel.
Anyhow I rang TB from Nabiac and told him I would meet them at Krambach instead, as I wanted to stay off the highway for the fear of being mown down by a truck. The XR got me to Krambach without missing a beat, so I waited at the pub for the boys and had the best steak sandwich I have had in years!
I could hear the boys coming for a long while before they actually hit town and when they did I could hear TB yelling and laughing at some last corner antics that had just gone down.
We got underway straight away as we still had 200kms off gravel road and trails ahead of us to get back to Wauchope. Once we hit the gravel road it was as the saying goes “on like Donkey Kong”! TB took off with me and Homer in hot pursuit, I was hot on TB’s Back tyre when he got a little hot into a corner and all but ran off the road, That made me think I was going alright, until I found out he was actually talking to STM on the phone at the time.
We headed through Bundook and onto Knodingbull road headed for Elands and we were setting a cracking pace when Homer decided we should try a side trail that lead down into a Valley at the Southern end of the Cells, it was steep and loose and he just charged down it on the 990 like he was on a trials bike, leaving TB and I no option but to chase him. The trouble with this area is that if you go down a steep mother of a hill there is always a steep mother of a hill to get back out of the Valley and this was the case again! Once again Homer took off and made TB and I look amateur as he charged up the hill up and over a log and all! The last pinch of the hill was particularly nasty with ruts and loose rocks every where and both TB and I scratched up and over the shitty bit only to stop at the top so TB could remove a hen egg sized rock from his helmet that was propelled there at speed by the back wheel of a scratching 990!
I will admit I was glad to see the main road again and have a rest as I was all but knackered! I don’t think I was the only one that got a work out on that bloody hill!
Anyhow to cut a long story short we headed out to Elands and onto Comboyne where I had to fuel up again at $1.78 a litre for standard ULP!
From there, TB left us to go see a good friend of his, while Homer and I heaed into Bago for the last section of the ride, where I lead Homer into some singles that didn’t bother the 990 one bit! We ended up getting back to my place at 7pm.
TB and Moose were there and they handed us a well deserved refreshment as soon as we stepped off the bikes. From there the evening consisted of a shed party with a few fizzy drinks and pizzas while we told stories and bullshitted in general. A swim in my pool topped the day off nicely!
We didn’t play up too bad and hit the sack reasonably early compared to past shed parties. TB got up at 3am and headed back to Sydney with Moose, with the XR loaded up in the back of the truck.
Kram arrived at 7am to take over the next leg and lead Homer out through Plommer road and onto Rollands Plains and up to Bellbrook for him to make his way to Ebor. This is going to be one hell of a ride by the time Homer gets the whole route plotted!
It was hard to watch the boys head off from my place knowing I had to be at work in an hours time!
December 7, 2012 at 12:09 am #233349Great report Micknmeld…sounds like a cracker of a ride. I can imagine pulling up the flying 990 would be a bit like pulling up a road train under compression :S Good to see the big bikes out having a crack :woohoo: and no injuries with the fast pace.
Did you have to put in the pici of the steak sang and chips…i’m freakin’ starving now
:laugh: :laugh:December 7, 2012 at 12:19 am #233352Ace wrote:Great report Micknmeld…sounds like a cracker of a ride. I can imagine pulling up the flying 990 would be a bit like pulling up a road train under compression :S Good to see the big bikes out having a crack :woohoo: and no injuries with the fast pace.Did you have to put in the pici of the steak sang and chips…i’m freakin’ starving now
:laugh: :laugh:Fair dinkum, that Streak Sandwich at Krambach pub was worth the ride in itself! It smashed me, I couldn’t finish it all!
December 7, 2012 at 12:24 am #233353and whats the story with the XR…fuel issue?
December 7, 2012 at 12:54 am #233354Ace wrote:and whats the story with the XR…fuel issue?Dunno? Once we hit the bush it didn’t miss a beat for the rest of the day. I am going to strip her down over Xmas and give her some TLC, that includes rejetting and servicing the carby, so hopefully that will sort her out. It has never done that before on prolonged high speed runs, so it has me buggered as to what went on. :huh:
December 7, 2012 at 1:08 am #233355Ace wrote:and whats the story with the XR…fuel issue?Issue is main jet got crap in it most likely (thats used when throttle held open last half to one third) see being Mick’s XR it had never been on the main jet before :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Sorry Mick, it was funny at the time trail side
Well I laughed. (so did Homer and you even)
December 7, 2012 at 1:45 am #233356So what you are saying is TB, that I managed to sit on your arse all arvo, using only half throttle? :laugh:
I’m happy with that statement!
December 7, 2012 at 2:13 am #233358micknmeld wrote:So what you are saying is TB, that I managed to sit on your arse all arvo, using only half throttle? :laugh:I’m happy with that statement!
Facts newspaper boy :laugh:
Fact – You need to include the fact that I was using a tyre that was soooo worn that it was touching the case between the knobs
Fact – You were running a brand new tyre you said a few posts earlier
Fact – Video shows when I stop and turn around rarely were you sitting there waiting :laugh:
Fact – The only time you stuck it to me I was on the phone :blush: :pinch:Was a great ride but eh, wait till you see some of the footage :ohmy:
December 7, 2012 at 2:16 am #233359yeah yeah, never let the facts get in the way of a good story is our motto!!
Just for the record, I was there all day, just chugging along at half throttle just keeping you in sight. :laugh:
December 7, 2012 at 2:26 am #233360micknmeld wrote:Just for the record, I was there all day, just chugging along at half throttle just keeping you in sight. :laugh:And you took a picture of a fish you caught and the negative weighed 4 kilos keep your stories to yourself and your newspaper or I will let the videos tell the truth :laugh: :laugh:
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