Project Motard DRZ400

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    KylieD wrote:

    Well the wheels are now sorted. I have bought them on Ebay and just need to get them sent from Perth but as I mentioned the old bull network is trying to help me out there.

    Here’s the blingy wheels:


    I have just spoken with the guy this evening Kylie, there is a express road train leaving tomorrow night that runs two up with 2 drivers so there is a remote chance they will be here by the weekend.
    Hows that fast and free, its not what you know but who ;)




    Trailboss wrote:
    I have just spoken with the guy this evening Kylie, there is a express road train leaving tomorrow night that runs two up with 2 drivers so there is a remote chance they will be here by the weekend.
    Hows that fast and free, its not what you know but who ;)


    That is fast – looks like the project DRZ will be gaining momentum quicker than what Kylie thought.

    Thanks again TB for organising the transport :)



    Yeah top effort on the transport side of things Gregorio :)


    KylieD wrote:


    On a serious note, taking into consideration what Jeffro quite correctly identified, do you think that this would cause a safety issue? I have no idea but if they put it in the book then they must have a reason for it.

    Apart from the soft tail of the bike as already mentioned you might need to consider where you would stand with insurance if something were to happen while riding 2 up, you could find yourself without cover. (Sorry to be a wet blanket :blush: )

    p.s. like the look of the new wheels, sweeeeet.



    Dont worry much about legal issues watch and learn…

    Training Video



    Beemer am I noticing an almost unhealthy obsession with the video, Kylie you may need an AVO :laugh:

    Nice work guys




    Trailboss wrote:

    Beemer am I noticing an almost unhealthy obsession with the video, Kylie you may need an AVO :laugh:

    Nice work guys


    It took all night to upload ’cause I used all my bandwidth so they throttle it back.
    Then this new forum software had me guessing for a while as to how to make it work, so I was late for work today but I was determined to get it posted properly and people to see it,,,, it is the same vid that inspired me to convert my DRZ and now the beemer.

    I’ve ridden road bikes but nothing excites me like a well setup Super Gohard.

    I am not back’n it in on the road yet but on the other hand, there are no chicken strips on the back tyre either.

    Actually, now I think of i did over cook a corner once, I probably should do a track day and get to know the limits in a safe way :dry:


    Dwayne O

    ANy progress on the project yet ???

    Have the BLING WHEELS arrived ???

    I wanna see some action :woohoo:



    They must be busy setting the chain length.


    Dwayne O

    More likely to be out burnin` up tyhe Tarmac if the wheels arrived :) :laugh:

    I am soooooooo jealous :angry:



    No real progress yet on the DRZ project. The wheels should be here soon. We know for a fact that they left on a truck bound from the west to east coast. Kylie gave the project bike a wash and I am hopefully going to get it blue slipped on Monday.

    Once the wheels arrive it will be time for a full strip down of the DRZ for some full on cleaning and polishing to happen.

    Kylie has got to write or wish list of add on bling and then it will be full on into project DRZ.

    Kylie is known not to be the most patient person so she is getting a bit antsy at the moment about not having a road(ish) bike to ride. She is even going to ride the WR tomorrow on the road :ohmy:


    Dwayne O

    :blink: What,,,,,
    There`s another WISH BLING LIST !!! :huh:

    How much BLING can a girl want ???? As if I can`t guess,,feel sorry for you Dan, you aint gettin` any more bikes for a loooong time :P



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    :blink: What,,,,,
    There`s another WISH BLING LIST !!! :huh:

    How much BLING can a girl want ???? As if I can`t guess,,feel sorry for you Dan, you aint gettin` any more bikes for a loooong time :P

    I wont be getting a new bike for about 10000000000000 years at the rate that Kylie is going through bikes.

    I am waiting for Yamaha to bring out a fuel injected 450 before I worry about changing bikes anyway.



    I do recommend the StainTune header pipe, it will polish up nicely and looks heaps better and gives more grunt, especially to the bottom end and also helps the tone sound better.

    Also with the standard size front brake rotor she might need a braided brake line, they’re available in bling colours.

    I mean the options are endless, those Travis Pastrani bars, what colour are they? If you buy something like that a trip to an electroplater before it put on the bike can give it those shiny trick blue , red, gold or green colours.
    One of my favourites is black chrome but there is almost no-one in Aus doing that, it must be difficult or something.

    Also the tyres on those beautifull wheels look like they have Armorall or something on them, be carefull on the first ride with them please.
    You might want to wipe them off with acetone or give ’em a good wash first.



    I would like to get a stainless steel header pipe for it so it can be polished up to look even more bling than the standard.

    Kylie has been busy this arvo re doing the wish list and doing plenty of market research.

    The DRZ is going to be super phat when it is finished. Don’t tell Kylie but I am keen to get this project under way and done so I can have a go on it – thats if Kylie every gets her arse off it.

    I will make sure that plenty of pics are taken and posted through out the build up of project Motard DRZ.

    We need a name for it though. Chops has his banana what will Kylies DRZ be called?

    Any ideas – maybe we should start a pole.

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