Queens Lake Ride

Home Forums Ride Reports Queens Lake Ride

This topic contains 15 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 11 years ago.

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  • #103698

    Richard W

    Top Day out with Fushy yesterday, heavy overcast day with no sign of rain and trails that have had little traffic with a nice layer of leaf litter made for perfect conditions.

    Apologies for ramming a radiator shroud up your rear at 15 km/h :sick:


    More Later…….



    More please Dickie :laugh: Dan is great to ride with ;)



    daniel lewis

    yes that was close lol. what a great start to the weekend I could have stayed out there all day. the ride had everything from bog holes, tight singles, open fast trails and hills I thought I could never get up thanks to dickie I had a crack and got up them. what a great ride cant wait for the next one :)


    Richard W

    Fuchsy didn’t mention what grade ride this was so I wasn’t quite shore what I was getting myself into.

    We headed off at a nice pace when Fuchsy found a nice puddle to start the day.


    We continued on and came to the first hill of the day which was nice and steep (probably a grade 4) with a few boulders and a nice tree root across the track at the steepest point.

    It took a bit of clutch control to get over that one.


    We meet a few bush walkers and they informed us that there were plenty of steep hills about and to turn left at the top of the hill. Lucky for me Fuchys turned right and we headed off to do a few singles before heading up to the lookout.



    We then headed back down and around the base of the lookout in search of more singles.


    After plenty of singles we made our way down to the lake for a quick breather.


    Off again and Fuchys found a beautiful little rainforest section which was a pleasure to ride.


    A quick run back to camp and the 3 hour ride was done.

    Thanks for the ride Fuchys and if another ride comes up and I would suggest to all that it will be one not to miss.

    A quick youtube edit, its a shame youtube turns a good video into an ordinary one.


    Dwayne O

    Good little jaunt there Fuchsy & Dickie B)
    Looks like you had a blast,,

    Cheers & thanx for sharing


    daniel lewis

    here’s the 1st single we came across enjoy :) look at 5:10 roo run across like a dart


    was going to check your video but its private, what did you get up to with that roo …. hmmmmm?


    daniel lewis

    its says public not working?



    Nice one! How nice is it this time of year when it’s a little cooler and there is some moisture in the ground and the bush :woohoo: Did get out my self for a friday avo jornt,love it. Great pics n vid there,n thanks for sharing.looked like a fun ride.Recon yu might want to get those pristine rear blinkers off the WR before they winde up as part of the trail though :( :laugh:
    Cheers Teza.


    daniel lewis

    yeah I grinded off the number plate holder on Wednesday ill take the blinkers off soon as I get a trailer



    Now that looks like good fun! the video is still private tho champ, Saw the ride get posted and then the cogs started turning.. I’m leaning toward another bike with rego decisions decisions


    daniel lewis

    here the last single of the day sorry about the music I was rushed it the blade sound track


    daniel lewis

    the 1st video is public now


    Richard W

    Worked for me, thanks for sharing. :cheer:


    Nice looking singles, fuchsy and Dickie :woohoo:
    Thanks for sharing those clips
    Almost a flip at 9:44 on the second single clip there, fuchsy. Bet that got the heart rate up a bit B) :woohoo: :woohoo:

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