Queensland Floods

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 14 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #194244

    Nick Again

    Look out NSW and Vic, all our Inland water is on its way to you all, not to mention the weather pattern is now shifting towards you all. Take care all, Be safe. :(


    Mick D

    Check out this site. Quite interesting to see the before and after shots.

    Run your mouse over the photo from left to right to see Qld before and after the floods.

    Incredible photos.




    Bit of a side issue but there were people in Brisbane complaining about the noise of the army rescue/aid helicopters. If people are complaining about something that is actually helping their devastated neighbours it shows the fight we have on our hands over the noise of dirt bikes.

    I’m hoping it was just a media beat up and there wasn’t actually too many people complaining.

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