Recreational rego in NSW

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This topic contains 65 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    i reckon we should just make this a greenslips are to dear thread and just bitch about that as scoty said your going to need them with rec rego anyway.PS rec rego s no good anyway you can not ride to the pub bugger that . :ohmy:


    micknmeld wrote:

    What ever :laugh:

    The petition is due in by Jan 30. If you are inclined to sign it and send it in,you can do it.

    As for me, I am happy with the status quo at the moment.

    The problem with signing a petition at this stage is from what I can see nobody has put forward any information about what the rec rego will be or how much it will cost, they have just stated a system similar to Victoria (and QLD, as far as I’m aware they don’t have rec rego). How about one of these groups who are putting forward a proposal actually put together a draft plan of what they want to put into place and some costs, surely the insurance companies will have a ball park figure for what they will be planning on charging for the insurance.

    It’s a bit like the blind leading the blind at the moment as the insurance companies are expecting us to sign a petition for a scheme they have given almost no information about, call me cynical but I trust insurance companies about as far as I could kick the c#nts. If they are serious they would put forward a proper proposal. Give me some detail and I will then make an informed decision to sign or not.

    If there is more information out there that I am unable to find can someone put up a link.



    Full rego or stay off the public road system.

    What would the rec rego revenue be put towards???better highway conditions or safer riding areas in the state forests for everyone???



    the bone of contention for you guys getting rec rego is CTP and the sh!tfight that comes with it.

    our version is included in our rego payment. its got nothing to do with insurance companies and who is cheaper. you just pay it and it is part of our TAC scheme.

    you guys really need to come out of the darkages with your pink slips and green slips and every other bloody slip.

    insurance companies have you all by the balls.

    they control your rego system, not the RTA

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    The quads on stockton beach have to get conditional rege and they pay about $20 for rego and about $250 – $300 for their green slip.

    They dont need a pink slip, but as i understand they fill out a declaration saying that it has a horn, lights, blinkers. ect.

    Someone might might be able to correct me if im wrong.

    So if this is how much conditional rego is then i wonder how the rec rego will go, and i wonder if the quads will fall under rec rego if it all happens, surely not as that would be a disarster waiting to happen ( i would hate to come around a corner and see a quad comeing at me ).




    Choice is the goal I think. Rec Rego or Full is the choice we could have. I say it’s a great idea. Finally will be able to ride my WR200 in the scrub legally.

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