Red Dawn In the Mountains / NSW

This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 15 years, 5 months ago.

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    simon burke

    ahh you gotta love it….this is where the bush comes to the city….have a bit of drought Sydney :laugh: …imagine all those yuppys in their black BMWs..oh no..yucky dirt…eeeewwwwww :P



    I saw a black CL500 this morning (I see him most mornings) and his car look pretty damn dirty. Mine shows up the dust as well being Silver. You can run but you can’t hide….



    My black falcon looks like it needs a wash more then normal :laugh:



    Bruce Curtis

    High winds last night and this morning, and the roofing mobs are out in droves.. :ohmy:

    they’ll end up with arms like monkeys’ or worse.




    The poor old neglegted magna looks no different – actually maybe the increase in thickness of shit hides the bumps and grazes a lil better :D



    BOLLOCKS wrote:

    …imagine all those yuppys in their black BMWs..oh no..yucky dirt…eeeewwwwww :P

    Some vehicles just dont wear dirt well, others are better covered with it and, not all BMW owners are yuppies, some are still try-hards and wannabees :P


    you fools, its the beginning of armageddon…..

    the gods of “up north” know im coming. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    caves ride, torrential rain.
    louee, dust storms and red rain.

    tomorrow its gonna start raining fish and frogs:P :P

    but nothing can stop the menace……nothing :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Go to bed and get up early pedal hard all day you plot chucker, be here by 4 and we will go to Sutto’s



    This morning I drove through Wiley Park and all the Arabs were out on their deck chairs enjoying the conditions. :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Scotty wrote:

    This morning I drove through Wiley Park and all the Arabs were out on their deck chairs enjoying the conditions. :laugh:

    That`s very funny Scotty ;)

    Bet they felt right at home hey ??? :laugh:

    Newy Harbour was more like the RED SEA all day,,,
    We are hitting the waters tomorrow on our new Clay Red boat :blink:
    Hoping that the sea will wash most of it off to lighten our chores tomorrow afternoon on the Wash Down :dry: :unsure:


    Eric Smith

    Wellington was windy as hell and the dust was something else (although not as good as Broken Hill!). Got to Orange this morning at 8am and we were treated to gale force winds, rain/mud/dust falling and temps about 5°…. yes, it was unpleasant! Headed to Stuart Town for the next job and it was more of the same. Pulled up stumps by 2pm – just sick of that crap!

    The things ya gotta do eh!



    i think the red dawn is just natures way of preparing our lungs for Luee on friday (it was more like a yellow dawn in dubbo)bet its dusty there .


    Bob Dowsett

    nothing at all menace

    nothing at all???????????


    Mick D

    It appears we have woken to a much more pleasant morning today. Although my pool is full of leaves and other miscellaneous bits of debris from adjoining properties and further afield. :angry:

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