Rehoming my dog Ellie

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  katrina ratcliff 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    OK… this is really off topic.

    This is difficult but due to some personal circumstance I’m moving out of my rented home and into a townhouse (strata) I own and unfortunately I can’t take Ellie my 8yr old German Shorthaired Pointer so I’m having to rehome her.

    The biggest challenge is she is fear aggressive and in the past bitten people due to a fearful experience and has been placed on the dangerous dog register.

    I’m trying all avenues (contacted breaders, doggie rescues, spoken to my vet etc) and not had much luck. I really don’t want to take the last option – doggie heaven.

    She would be happy in a quiet home with not to many people around (no kids). When she know’s you she is your best buddy but when she doesn’t know someone and they do something rash then she is unpredictable.

    I’ve had lots advice from friends and family suggesting I put her down but I’ll keep trying until I’m forced to do that.

    Any suggestions or if you know someone who would be willing to have Ellie and all her quirks I would greatly appreciate you contacting me.


    Kat :(

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