Ride at Bulls 24/3

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This topic contains 167 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 12 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #218583

    Mick D
    Jeffro wrote:
    I’m there!!!

    What time does the ride start? Have to decide whether to come up Friday night or Saturday morning.

    9am start, I am heading up early Saturday morning.


    Nato, G rider are 100% in.

    Corey8 is a have no idea yet. but count me in for now and if i don’t come i will send money down with Nato for Bulls efforts.


    Mick D

    Just went through the list and confirmed who I knew was coming for sure. Let us know asap if you haven’t confirmed.

    KTMRAT- Confirmed
    Ratlet 601J- Confirmed
    Ratlet 611,- Confirmed
    Ollie- Confirmed
    Ollie’s Brother- Confirmed
    Micknmeld -Confirmed
    Connor -Confirmed
    Jeffro -Confirmed
    Corey8 – THERE IN SPIRIT
    Nato -Confirmed
    G rider _confirmed
    King STM -Confirmed
    Sjono520 -Confirmed
    Timd505 +Troy, Saturday -Confirmed
    Dude Confirmed
    Dozer confirmed
    Dickie- Confirmed
    Kram + Zy- Confirmed
    Nickj- Confirmed

    Fossil?? bike issue maybe
    Unit + mini units X4 ,saturday Confirmed

    kellygang X 4- Confirmed
    Gassit- Confirmed
    Boags- Confirmed

    Adam- Confirmed
    Ryno- Confirmed
    Chris-t- Confirmed



    Here is some start times
    6.30pm Friday night at the telegraph point pub for dinner will be there till 930-10
    Saturday morning ride will take off at 900am so you will want to be there with enough time to unload and get ready for the ride or if you get here too late you can wait till the after lunch ride
    Sunday morning start time :sick: o’clock



    Im confirmed thanks Bull. Can someone pm me an adress please and an estimate on how long it will take to get there from Kempsey


    Mick D

    No worries Ev I will mark you as confirmed and will send the PM. See ya there on saturday!


    Not on the list but im a definite (if theres room) thanks micknmeld. Also a time frame from Kempsey might be good for me to. Thanks


    Mick D

    Cressy, I just rang Osmooian and he is unable to come Saturday now. So his spot was up for grabs and you are it, it seems ;)

    See ya Saturday, allow 15 minutes (min) from the Service station at Telegraph Point, you will need to turn off there.


    john i

    Kelly gang will only be x 3 as Redman is unwell with an ear infection[big poofta 😆 ],but the rest of us will be at Telegraph Point pub at about 7.00pm


    Mick D

    No Red Man??? (actually amazed that he is still alive) :laugh:

    Looking forward to shaking hands again Bear. Hopefully you are still a XR man?


    Its all too much. 👿
    Hey KTMBull / Micknmeld
    Is there still enough room for a 1 dayer (no food, just some fun)?
    Maybe someone can sort out my suspension??????
    Take a little Trip
    Take a little Trip
    Jeezuz sounds like I should go to the freakin Pub
    After all it is only 9:30 and it is pool night.
    Maybe another, before I go. ;) :ohmy: :sick: 👿 👿 👿
    Do love ya’s alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!



    Sure Murph come on out to the farm what day


    Hey Bull
    Sorry about the late shit
    Still haven’t seen my tadpole for a couple of hours
    I do believe he has grown into a decsent tail rider/ trials, without the trials bike.
    In the end, I am hoping to be there early Saturday mornin and will be keen to ride. :)
    If we make it there, we will also be leaving that night as I have to work Sunday!!
    Pleasae do not cater for us fly by the nighters
    Oft to the Pub
    Shouln’t go so the bride said. :pinch:
    But it is the local beat your head up against a wall Pub
    And unfortunatelty, I have found a way to the Belmont hospital, occassionally
    Once, I have done that. :ohmy:
    Well ya just gotta go back. :sick: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: 👿
    Goodnight for ever DUDES and DUDETTEs
    Said someone once
    Kato’s rule
    At leaasast for a little whilrCheersswefdiuwejm,’.
    b/D 4eyrokgf87p[;oi/k


    Hey my wish is for a surf tomorrow. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Then a bush bash with so many ather Dudes from OBT”s
    Gotta love the meet and greet B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
    Love to hear from my young fella tonight.
    Maybe he is at the Pub??????????????????????????????????????
    Maybe NOT???

    Murph the surf wrote:
    Hey my wish is for a surf tomorrow. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Then a bush bash with so many ather Dudes from OBT”s
    Gotta love the meet and greet B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
    Love to hear from my young fella tonight.
    Maybe he is at the Pub??????????????????????????????????????
    Maybe NOT???

    There will be some surf around tomorrow mate.
    See you Saturday.


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