Ride at Bulls 24/3

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    There will be some pre runs of the trails this weekend i only just got my cast off today so will be taking the 4wd and chainsaw to clear some storm damage
    Cant wait have not been out in the bush for months :) :laugh:
    Any locals keen for a blast come on out ;)


    Spoke to scott from Suttos today and if there is someone travelling from sydney to this ride he can do the same tyre deal as he was doing for the “Coffs Singletrail Heaven” ride. Any takers on picking up some tyres?


    Nick Jackson
    Nato wrote:
    Spoke to scott from Suttos today and if there is someone travelling from sydney to this ride he can do the same tyre deal as he was doing for the “Coffs Singletrail Heaven” ride. Any takers on picking up some tyres?

    Sounds good Nato , I’m due a new S12 rear ;)


    Nato wrote:
    . Any takers on picking up some tyres?

    Nate I have to put Nicks bike back together (and now a tyre :pinch: :laugh: ) and get it to the pick up point to go to Bull’s (I am not going) it will fit on the truck so I reckon it will be right to go ahead and order mate ;)



    Nate I have to put Nicks bike back together (and now a tyre :pinch: :laugh: ) and get it to the pick up point to go to Bull’s (I am not going) it will fit on the truck so I reckon it will be right to go ahead and order mate ;)

    Hahaha quick nick think of anything else you want fitted!!

    Shall i make a new thread for the tyres?



    Just puting another call out to anyone who wants to share the ride up to port maquarie.



    sounds good
    Can you put me on the reserve list please


    Hey, like to join in. Can i get on the list………….



    Chris-t and Cappa55 you are on the list guys
    we are looking very full now ;)
    I will not be able to ride as the Dr said my left foot is ok if i can wear a boot but the right knee is still full of fluid maybe at the end of april i will be able to ,this will be 9 months off the bike its killing me 👿
    so repairs and BBQ detail for me but still looking fwd to the weekend and will have to be happy with watching the young bulls doing the MX and grass tracks


    Mick D

    Hey Bull, Have you got someone to lead? Finzy or Scotty should be up to the job shouldn’t they?? It has been a while since I have been up there and I wouldn’t be confident leading, STM and I can sweep if you like.



    Hi guys – just joined up – is there space for 1 more? – doing the APC rally in July and thought this would be a good tester of a newly set up bike (DRZ400)



    Scotty and Finza + Dicky will show us some new trails and I’ve tried to get someone from sliperyrock to lead as well Counta said he will try and do some too when i seen him at the hay burner show

    we may have to do a Jr ride and some may want to do that one if the main rides are too hardcore

    did a bit of trail checking and the bush is taking over lantana is going off due to all the rain but will take the old ute out this saturday to clear/check some other trails


    Mick D

    All good then Bill, things are under control then. Looking forward to it, I haven’t had the XR out on the trails since November!


    zimbo wrote:
    Hi guys – just joined up – is there space for 1 more? – doing the APC rally in July and thought this would be a good tester of a newly set up bike (DRZ400)

    Yes Zimbo you are in but you are it, if any one else wants in there will now be a reserve list started


    Anyone else interested in tyres Check out the Coffs deal for prices.



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