Ride report for Monday long weekend watagans

Home Forums Ride Reports Ride report for Monday long weekend watagans

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    Well guys where is it? The ride report that is?

    Ollie did someone put OBT flyers under your wipers on the ute at the tennis courts?




    He gave one to Gary so he can join up. I wondered who had put them there until you called me yesterday arvo’.

    Here’s my ride report:

    We all met at the Tennis Courts near Dooralong at 8:30. Attendees were myself, my mate Matt, Gili, Ollie and Gary. After a quick chat about where we were going to go we set off up Maculata with me leading.

    It had been raining and the ground was wet and slippery. We made our way up Maculata and down the other side into the valley. The normal puddles and bog holes were deeper due to the rain and it had started to get a bit warm. This meant we all had issues with goggle fogging and difficulties seeing the track.

    We stopped just short of the single trail where there is a couple of hills that we knew would be greasy. Ollie was keen to miss these out due to the conditions, but we plowed on anyway. We should have listened to Ollie! The overgrown bush that frequently slaps across your face depositing water was never ending and it took a while for us to plow through what are relatively easy trails in the dry.

    We arrive at the first hill which looked greasy. After cleaning our goggles for the 10th time in as many K’s. Gili was first to have a crack. He made the first stage of the hill easily and struggled a bit on the next stage as it had some slippery exposed tree roots. With a bit of leg peddaling and muscling around he got himself up.

    Ollie went next and didn’t make the first section of the hill, stalling just before the top, Gili came down to assist but was struggling just to stand up. What was very impressive was the way Ollie rode his bike down the hill backwards!

    I went next, and despite having ridden like a complete tool up to that point felt that I had this hill in the bag. I selected second gear and off I went. I couldn’t really see where I was going due to fogging but it didn’t matter the only way was up. In a superb effort I managed to flip my bike up and to the side to land it at an angle lying the wrong way on the hill. Gili descended the hill with all the stability of retarded mountain goat and helped me get my bike pointing back down the hill. I made it up second go and had another fall at the top just for fun, I don’t really know what was going on it was just easier being on the ground than on my bike that morning.

    Ollie got up second go with some pulling and shoving as did Gary and Matt having had their own crashes on attempt no.1. We were hot and tired after this but pressed on through the slippery single trail.

    After seeing Ollie and Gili get stuck on the next uphill we took the normally more difficult route through the ruts and got to the top but not after another pointless off from me halfway up. Considering I was supposed to be erring on the side of caution to protect my injured finger, things weren’t going well. At the top of the hill I let some air out of my tyre which helped me out heaps for the rest of the ride.

    Ollie had an electrical issue with his bike down the bottom of a gully which gave me the much needed chance to go have a poo in the bush. Once we got going again we decided to skip the next section of single trail as it would be pretty narly given the conditions.

    We hit up some firetrail for a few K’s which was a welcome relief to everyone, allowed us to cool down a bit and get some air into our goggles to defog them. We ducked off the firetrail on both sides for a while riding up some faster flowing single line tracks which was fun. I could see out of my goggles and hadn’t crashed for at least 5K’s so I was quite happy with myself :)

    We headed up the Null and rode for about 15 minutes on some high speed twin trail which was great fun. I should mention at thos point that Gili pulled a motocross style whip off of an erosion mound which looked very groovy and had me laughing when he landed with a big wobble.

    We actually had a couple of dead ends up there and decided to turn back and I enjoyed riding back down the sweet fast flowing twin track until we hit the fire trail again. We had more single track all the way to the ‘Y’ intersection where we headed off down to towards Muirs lookout. From here I don’t really know where we went, except to say that I had been on some of the trails down near Cooranbong before with Matt and we had half an idea where we were. We decided to head down into Cooranbong as we would have needed fuel to get back anyway.

    With a few wrong turns here and there we eventually found our way to the road and headed to 4K’s or so out to the servo for some food and a refuel. At this point we had covered 79K’s. I had to make some zip tie repairs to my chain guide yet again before we left. Thank god I pick the parts up to fix it today! Oh, we also saw a real hot looking Indian chick, who would have thought it out in the middle of bumfuck?

    We headed back much of the same way and rode some great tracks back to Watagan’s Forest Drive where we rode some of the single trail we came up on backwards. When we got closer to the cars Gary took over and took us on some tracks up around the top of Whitemans Ridge Road. We didn’t go down the narly rock section but were taken down some sweet tracks that I hadn’t been on before. Gary sure know some good trails around the Watagan’s.

    We eventually pop back out at Maculata and I had a great days riding. When we got back to the cars it was around 4 o’clock and we had done another 59?K’s since lunch. Ollie will probably remember as he made a point of asking me, I should remember as we were taking the reading from my bike :p

    We said our goodbye’s and we were off. By the time I got home I had ridden 187K’s for the day with probably 30-40K’s getting there and back. It was a big day, and I was aching already.

    Just as I get in and start to lock my bike up I get a call from TB asking how the ride went. Did I mention that you missed a really good ride? :p He also fessed up about putting the OBT flyer’s on Ollie’s ute that had had us confused when we arrived back from the ride.

    I’m sure Ollie will fill in the gaps – cheers for the ride boys. Should have been there TB ;) After thinking about the Indian chcick on the way home it made me hungry so I took my girlfrind to our local Indian for dinner. Gotta love it!



    Trailboss wrote:

    Well guys where is it? The ride report that is?

    Ollie did someone put OBT flyers under your wipers on the ute at the tennis courts?


    :laugh: Yeah mate as a matter fact they did I thought Geez the OBT are gaining in size!! I gave them to one of the fella’s that went with us (Gary) PS where we departed from there was a couple of fellas getting ready to ride their Brp’s they were DBW guys though ride report to come later when I get a chance.




    They both had 25 litre tanks and were all kitted up for a long ride. Vash (username on DBW) had ridden the thing up from Sydney! Would have liked to see them tackle that hill on their bikes. Ollie calls it ‘Prick Hill’ :p



    Yeah Moto if I knew those guys were going to give “Prick Hill” a go I would have taken a fold out chair and a video camera for sure:laugh: that would have been most entertaining! :laugh:


    Mick D

    Ollie wrote:

    Yeah Moto if I knew those guys were going to give “Prick Hill” a go I would have taken a fold out chair and a video camera for sure:laugh: that would have been most entertaining! :laugh:

    Ollie, with a decent rider aboard you will be suprised where a pig can go. Although a 25 litre tank may upset your center of gravity a bit.:ohmy:



    Yeah Mick I know I wasnt bagging the BRP’s it was the 25 litre tank and Prick hill has to be seen to be appreciated, its not hard in the dry but when wet :ohmy: This particular hill has already broken three of my ribs before and the numerous amounts of broken plastics scattered about lay testament to its bequethed name :laugh: I have to mention Gary who is 48 and had a hard life :laugh: got up it second go on his 03 WR250F with a bit of help from the boys his back tyre was near bald,he claims 3500kms with a lot of tar riding bloody good effort;)




    Except their tanks were so big they might not have fit in bteween some trees on the way there :P




    Nice report. Sounded like fun.

    Ollie, was it your blue or yellow bike that had electrical probs? If you took the WR, how was the rekluse clutch?



    xr torcher

    if you use double lenses they don’t fog up you just have to pay the money or use safety glasses with rainx on them



    slug aka wr450fs wrote:


    Nice report. Sounded like fun.

    Ollie, was it your blue or yellow bike that had electrical probs? If you took the WR, how was the rekluse clutch?


    Nigel, took the blue beast without the rekluse didnt want it stuffing up on me again, I replaced the whole clutch pack with a newby from the states $91 delivered when I get a chance I will tear it down again and sought it out as it would have been an advantage to have it in the slop




    riderx wrote:

    if you use double lenses they don’t fog up you just have to pay the money or use safety glasses with rainx on them

    Yep I know about them and have used them just forgot to pack em as it was clear when we left, after we got out of the initial shitty stuff the vision wasnt to bad as the sun was out,wet tree branches were a problem though, see following long winded report

    cheers Ollie




    It seems Moto gave a pretty good insight into how the days events unfolded so I wont bore you all with the finer details.
    7:15 We got a phone call from Gary whilst Gili and I were on the F3, hey Ollie its Gary, where the F$#@s the Tennis courts?! I have been up and down this rd twice and I cant see no F$#@en tennis Court! Is it near the church (F$#@ed if I know!, they are tennis courts!) we then arrange to meet him at the Cemetery on the corner of the main Rd. 5 minutes later another phone call, its Gary again, hey Ollie make sure you stick to the speed limit, there is a Bluey doin laps up Hue Hue Rd! cheers mate We had just passed a speed trap on Ourimbah straight,luckily the Courier only just manages the speed limit when she has got two bikes and gear in her.
    We met gary at the Cemetery and had a chat, Then Moto and his buddy Matt went past on their Kato’s, We all exchanged pleasantries at the CHURCH which happened to have TENNIS COURTS out the back!! After finally getting myself kitted up (im always last!) we head down the Rd and into Maculata, We had a heap of rain overnight and as we were riding up the trail we were slowly engulfed in this mystical mist that was quite surreal, we rode down into the Valley with Gary leading, I made the transit through one of the deeper holes look harder than it really was, but we all get thru ok, after about ½ an hour we arrive at Watagans Forest Rd and decide on the best plan of attack, Moto wanted to do the single trail stuff straight up, I had my doubts about one or two sections as the rain would turn a couple of hills into real SOB’s . The track was pretty good and the pace was steady, our goggles were next to useless as they kept fogging up or getting wet from the tree braches that whipped across our face, it would have been a good day to bring the safety specs. I think Moto inspected worms a couple of times on this bit of trail but I didn’t really see it as I was sweep. We then break into a small clearing which is at the base of “Prick Hill” it has a well used turning area to allow for a decent runup and the base of the hill is littered with all different colors of plastics (mainly Red) The approach is quite short you can get into second Ok but wouldn’t even think about third it has about a 60 degree slope on it for about 20 mtrs then a rock step then about another 60 degree slope that is only about 5 metres it then veers around to the left to the viewing area!! This is a red clay base with the odd tree root and shaley rock thrown in for good measure add to this the nights previous drenching rain, yeah it was slick!! Gili had first shot at it he had to test the new retread that he got from me,the first section was easy but he got there, the next step up he got stuck on a tree root and after a bit of pushing and shoving and a generous amount of throttle he made it.
    I was next, I snicked the 4fitty into second and rode the clutch to get to a good speed, unfortunately the Gumby Gods had blessed me overnight and I stopped at the rock ledge. after much pushing and slipping over I decided to go back down and have another go,I couldn’t turn the Yamaha around so I rode her down backwards impressed the boys no end. Moto was real determined to beat this hill and gave her max revs, unfortunately for him as he launched himself at the rock shelf his rear tyre got traction and he did this most impressive flip with a half pike thrown in for good measure!! Pretty to watch ha ha !!
    Matt got his 450 Kato breathing fire and charged the hill and made a pretty fair effort, Mats legs arnt the longest around and he did a fair amount of slipping and sliding, Gili did his best to help and eventually he made it. Good effort Matt.
    Next up was Gary, his first attempt was not that spectacular so he turned around and went back down
    I had another go at this hill, this time when I got to the rock step I knocked it down to first this gave me the momentum and revs to just get over the rocky bits, and with some extra hands on the job we managed to get my fat Arse to the top.
    Gary let rip on the little WR250 and made an impressive attempt with the boys positioned in all the right places he made it look easy, not bad for an old fella with a rear tyre that was near on bald!!
    Well that was the first concern of mine gone we had all eventually conquered prick hill next up was the other hill on this same trail leading out of the Valley. I went around to the right which in the dry is usually the best but I started wheel spinning before I even got near it the soil is the real dark slick stuff, Gili had a go at the same way but didn’t go much further, I directed the other boys around to the left and up the deep ruts which they all managed Ok, Moto got near the top then somehow unknown to him he fell over in a slow speed getoff, Me having my Gumby boots on managed to get halfway up the rut and fimly stuck, the boys came and gave me a hand but I was totally rooted so gili rode her out of there for me (thanks mate)
    After that lot of single trail we decided that wasn’t enough and had a go at some more!! It was deep into the valley that the WR stopped and didn’t want to go anymore, by this time I was getting really annoyed I should of brought the RMX along instead I let out a frustrating yell of FAAAAAAARRRRRRRRKKKK!!!! That could be heard in Cooranbong it was loud enough I believe Moto shat himself!! Ha Ha!! After a bit of investigative work I found a wire had shorted itself to the frame. I think the battery is now rooted as I had to kick her over for most of the day after that. WE then headed up the Null with some awesome twin trail and lots of erosion jumps, Gili was showing off and nearly came unstuck whilst doing a whip, I went over one of those slippery logs that was lying the wrong way and had a sphincter puckering moment, this was top gear and wound on! Unfortunately the trails ended abruptly and we had to double back to the main Rd, we went past Muirs lookout and did a couple of good laps around some real wet and slick roads it was awesome fun. Matt then took over the lead as we needed to get fuel and head to Cooranbong he took us down the wrong point rd which was actually one of his old mountain bike tracks we went over this rock step which was a near vertical drop!! Made for an exciting decent, gary was a bit concerned and took some convincing that there was a track down there. We eventually find our way down to civilization and fuel and feedup at the servo, oh and we see this really Hot looking Indian chick!! Moto had to do some running repairs on his troublesome chain guide again thank god for Cable ties eh Steve!
    After a gut load of Mrs Macs we head back into the bush finding the best single tracks around, some places there was a drop down into the gullies of over 100 metres and only inches from the side of the single trail it even had the mountain goats to go with it as we come across a mob of them who wernt to fazed at our presence. It was about this time in the slow going that Matt took a wrong turn and ended up stuck on a shitty rock step, his Kato didn’t like this and boiled her tits off, we got her going again after a short time and worked our way through the most single trail I have ridden for a long time it was great stuff, everybody was starting to feel the effects of the days riding or could have been the pies , sausage rolls and chips LOL but we all started making silly mistakes and the pace had slowed down a bit, we did all the whoops that lead up to the pines, but turned left and headed for Whitemans where Gary took over the lead again, there is some awesome side tracks off Whitemans and everybody was having a blast, I went over this small log that was lying at an angle, something you wouldn’t normaly bat an eyelid over and crashed over the bars unfortunately nobody witnessed it as I was sweep. Going Down Whitemans there is one steep rocky section that goes for about 100 metres a few of the guys payed homage to the rock gods but nothing to dramatic as the pace was all gone it was now a case of survival to just get home. We worked our way back to Maculata which was just a kay or two down the rd from the ute and headed up the road when it started to sprinkle rain talk about good timing, as we approach the tennis courts Moto decides to pull a wheelstand where he unceremoniously throws it away in Crust Demon style Ha ha good effort Steve. We check the Speedo and we calculated we had done about 130 km of actual trail riding with the majority of that being slower single trail stuff, that was a pretty fair effort I thought and by the time I got home at Hornsby unpacked and showered I was ready for bed.
    In Conclusion: This was a fantastic days riding, TB you should have been there! The first time we have ridden with Matt who is a great bloke and Gary who can peddle along pretty good and knows a lot of the Watagans. Gili who is a Victorian is loving the close proximity to the bush and the fact Im his boss and I try and get as much riding in as we can LOL. Moto, well Moto is Moto always entertaining and showing plenty of skill for someone who has only been doing trail riding for a short time, beats the hell out of being stuck on a oil rig in Namibia !! Lets all do it again some time

    Phew !!



    Mick D

    Great yarn Ollie, sounds like everyone is getting more and more Hard core every week!!!



    Nice report Ollie, I like the writing style, it’s always an amusing read :) I didn’t do a wheelie at the tennis courts it was a skid just past Gili and then I let go onto the ground like I’ve seen Travis Pastrana do before. I’ve been practising his moves and was going to do a double back flip into the car park but couldn’t find a big enough kicker :p

    Matt said he really enjoyed himself and he loved getting out. I’m sure he’ll be out again too….

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