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This topic contains 43 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by glenn maisey 11 years, 1 month ago.
February 5, 2014 at 8:26 pm #253776
You must have BIG dinners at your house! :whistle:
February 6, 2014 at 1:47 am #253777As promised i thought i would knock up a quick ride report from the weekend’s Nav ride.
TB had mentioned that he may need a hand sweeping this one as he was running two courses (standard and special) so I told him that I could help out.
I arrived at Breckenridge around 7.30, sorted the accommodation out and got my GPS loaded.
A few beers were enjoyed by all, and the bench racing had started before we had even set offAfter the riders briefing TB informed me that I would be sweeping the standard course with the King and I was happy with that, we were heading off at 8 sharp
All the riders were away and we headed off on the route just before 8.
The King seemed to be having some trouble with his GPS (back light wouldn’t stay on) so I lead and the King followed.We weren’t long into the ride when we came across a broken Triumph (must have been upset about the cricket results) and we played with it for a while but couldn’t get it going. Bike and rider were loaded into the support vehicle and we lead them out to the tar.
About 300m from the tar there was a couple of danger signs, just before a small bridge with two erosion jumps straight after.
I kept going and got to the tar and waited for the King and the support vehicle.
After around a minute or so they weren’t there so I very gingerly went back to find the King’s steed on the ground at 90 degrees to the track and Dejay in the support vehicle tending to an injured royal off to the side. :unsure: :unsure:
Dejay was quickly on to the Ambo’s and we just made Strucky as comfortable as we could while we waited. I went back to the intersection to guide the Ambo’s in who were quite quick in their response.Ambo’s made the King more comfy with the help of a little green whistle and before long he was on his way to Port Macquarie Hospital. With some unloading and loading of bikes, trailers and riders I was off sweeping again but with a new partner (Mark from the Tiger now on TB’s WR250R) and we kept heading for Nambucca.
We rode some awesome twin tracks and even a bit of single between Wauchope and Kempsey, it was a real hoot on the bigger bikes.Fuelled and got some lunch in Kempsey and continued on with the other sweep group until we went our seperate ways just after the lookout.
Again we had some really nice twin tracks through the next section where you could slide the bikes around and have some fun.
As we got closer to Nambucca we were traveling on graded gravel roads that were very slippery and you could have easily got yourself into trouble if you weren’t concentrating.
Thankfully we had no further incidents on day one and we rolled into the motel at around 5.30 to the good news that the King was ok, couple of busted ribs and a punctured lung, but was going to be fine.
Good luck King, hope to see you back on the Tenere soonAs we were now one sweep down it was decide to only run one course for Sunday and that I would be sweeping with Pete the Wulf on Day two. :woohoo: :woohoo:
Day two to follow……………………………
February 6, 2014 at 5:11 am #253976jtb2879 wrote:You must have BIG dinners at your house! :whistle:You have no idea just how big……
February 6, 2014 at 6:47 am #253778Well, it’s about time I added my story to the thread
although I’m really looking forward to seeing Cat and Lochie’s photos, since I don’t have many…
As I explained to a number of people during the weekend, I have no experience on dirt, coming from a background of road riding. I have future plans to do some big rides around Australia etc including crossing the Simpson Desert, so I figured I would need to learn and practice my offroad riding beforehand – and hopefully have a bunch of fun too!
My weekend started on Thursday night, as I battled with the unfamiliar task of changing tyres to a fresh pair of D606’s. Attempting the front first, it took around 2 hours including several breaks for beer and contemplation. The rear took a while to break the bead but after that only took around 45 mins – I’m sure that time will come down with practice!
I took the smart option (rare for me!) and took annual leave on both Friday and Monday, so as not to be rushed getting up and back. A mid-morning departure took me from Sydney up the Putty Road, Buckett’s Way to Gloucester, and then up the Comboyne Road to Wauchope. 500kms on the stock DR650 seat was painful (my backside was numb enough to be ready for any ‘initiation’
), but apart from that it was a relaxed, enjoyable way to settle into a good weekend’s riding.
Sign-in was painless, meeting plenty of people and settling in, loading up the GPS (the phone worked well, for those who saw it). Plenty of tips on setting up the DR650 and riding offroad followed, as well as meeting fellow DR rider Usi, who agreed to ride the “Standard” route with me instead of the more technical “Special” – in particular, skipping around Jacob’s Ladder instead of going up it. Pizza, beers, and the rider’s briefing followed, during which Wigster arrived late to make our Standard group a trio, then it was off to bed. A quick trip to the dunnies at some ungodly hour showed that Usi didn’t even make it that far!
An early start the next morning, with all of us feeling the after-effects of beers and being keen to tackle the day’s run, led to us accidentally “missing” the sign out form…sorry guys! The route took us straight into the State Forest outside Wauchope, onto some fun fire trails and a bit of single track. Slow starting by me and not being used to following the GPS led me to falling behind the other two a bit, then going off the track and climbing what seemed to be a challenging hill – nothing compared to the much talked-about Jacob’s Ladder, but intimidating for a newbie! And the worst bit was realising I’d gone wrong, and having to come back down!
Once I’d caught back up I quickly settled into a rhythm with the other two, taking it at our own pace which let me explore the limits of grip on dirt and have a ‘play’, while not worrying about where I’d end up! The rest of the morning was a good variety of fire trails, single track, and occasional road sections, up until the last stretch to the Taylors’ Arms pub for lunch – a very slippery dirt road, bringing on a number of sphincter-clenching moments. This stretch initially wiped out the confidence I’d been building until I pulled up at the end and confirmed with Wigster and Usi that the road was slippery, and it wasn’t just me! A nice relaxed lunch gave way to a spectacular afternoon stretch, running through the bush along the ridgelines, up to the lookout, and back down the mountainside. A meander along a creekline through some farmland was a great way to come down from the exhiliration of the tight bush riding, into Nambucca for the night.
Stiff and sore from 280km of hard riding, the first thing we did on check in was hit the bar! It must have been a really hot afternoon, because the beer was evaporating really quickly, but fortunately there were plenty more to open once one was dry. It was here we heard the bad news that King Strucky had come to grief early on in the day, riding sweep – hope you’re recovering well mate! Dinner, beers, jokes about Breckenridge / Brokeback Farm, beers, conversation, more beers, then off to bed. As a group (under peer pressure, I might add!) we decided to change to the “special” route for the second day, which meant two things: (1) everyone would be riding the same route; and (2) we’d be going down Jacob’s Ladder!
The second day kicked off much like the first – brekkie helped cure some mild hangovers, then we all lined up for an “official” photo in front of the motel…pity we were looking (squinting?) directly into the low morning sun! I’m sure there’ll be some funny expressions when those photos go up
The early part of the ride went back the way we came, following some of the same routes, but it was in no way boring or repetitive! I was starting to feel a little more confident on the loose stuff, getting some tips overnight on how to weight the bike etc, so I cut ahead of the other two back through the Forest, up until the top of the dreaded Jacob’s Ladder! I paused to gather my composure, and wait for the other two to catch up, only to see four bikes come around the corner – Pete the Wulf and Trailraider, our two valiant sweeps, had caught up and were now riding with us.
The Ladder, well, how to describe it? As a newbie, I couldn’t believe how steep it was – more than 1:1 gradiant for much of it, I’m sure. Using the advice to take it slowly and not let momentum build up, I crept down, balancing on the limits of adhesion with front brakes, rear brakes, and engine braking doing the trick – had a few small lockups and slides from the back but managed to get down in one piece. There were a few nervous moments at the bottom as Usi was right behind me, but Wigster took a while longer to appear. Eventually back on track, we swept through the rest of the day, and here was where my confidence started to get to me – once again pushing out in front of the other two, a little separated, I had a rock (maybe?) take my front wheel away, and I went down…popped both mine and the DR’s cherry! A scrape on my elbow and hip, a few scratches on the tank and mirrors, but otherwise unharmed. A moment’s reflection on Strucky’s fate the day before meant that I resolved to stay closer to the group. After lunch I had another minor stack, this time directly in front of the two sweeps – it would have been funny to watch, particularly as I was laughing at myself so much that I couldn’t pick the bike back up solo! Thanks Pete for the hand there
The final run in around the forests near Wauchope had the first real traffic on the trails – a near miss with a P plater in a ute and a Magna (of all things!) doing some offroading, made me thankful we’d seen almost no-one else through the bush for the rest of the weekend.
Finally arriving back at Brokeback Ranch brought both a sense of achievement and relief (to my poor aching muscles and sore bum) – I’d made it through two days of challenging offroad riding. A quick beer, then the decision of whether to stay another night and head home slowly, or make the run for home straight away? In the end I jumped on the freeway, but after turning off at Taree for fuel (and seeing a few familiar faces at the pumps), I decided to take the long way home along Buckett’s Way instead of facing the brain-death and wind-deafness of the Pacific Highway. This was truly Zen-state motorcycling, following the sweeping curves and feeling truly at one with the bike. Reality kicked back in as I rejoined the Highway at Hexham, and I ended up safely home a little after nine.
Overall I had a fantastic weekend – a massive thanks to TB, Steve and all the others for their hard work organising the weekend, and to everyone from the Old Bulls community for being friendly and helpful to a newbie
I will certainly be back for more.
February 6, 2014 at 7:39 am #253779Thanks men… more picha’s!
King, look after yourself and take it easy. If you need ANYTHING just call TB. He’s got oodles of spare time and little to do when he’s not at work.
February 6, 2014 at 8:10 am #253991Great to see a few reports starting to trickle in, lets me know what I missed out on :pinch:
Not good news Strucky :ohmy: hope you have a speedy recovery mate
February 6, 2014 at 8:21 am #253985PathLessRidden wrote:Overall I had a fantastic weekend – a massive thanks to TB, Steve and all the others for their hard work organising the weekend, and to everyone from the Old Bulls community for being friendly and helpful to a newbieI will certainly be back for more.
Thats a ride report
February 6, 2014 at 8:21 am #253993Lochie has 850 odd photos here we have to go through from the weekend. I will hurry him up :whistle:
February 6, 2014 at 9:12 am #253780So it was off to bed in the bunk in a room full of Olympic class snorers. Now I have heard some good snoring in my time but this was something else. I think Boulder might have been one of the main culprits but it was hard to tell above the cacophony. Usi had the right idea by sleeping on the couch outside the room with a pillow over his head. He was obviously trying to suffocate himself to escape the din, but he clearly didn’t succeed as he was still alive the next morning.
I hooked up with Usi and Pathlessridden for the days ride. David confessed it was only his second time on dirt, so I thought at least there will be someone slower than me on this ride. How wrong can a man be!
As usual, the day passed in a bit of a blur. Brilliant trails, beautiful country, it was the normal OBT fare. I do remember some really slippery gravel roads. Gravel is normally the sort of terrain I’m comfortable on, but these were like nothing I’d ridden before. Deep and loose, the surface was like riding on marbles. I locked her up a few of times coming in a bit hot to a couple of bends and went way wider than I should have. Thankfully there was nothing coming in the other direction.
A pie for morning tea helped keep the cholesterol levels at the required level for adventure riding. Up till now we were all riding at a similar speed, but as Pathless grew in confidence he got faster and faster so we ended up riding at quite a pace (for me).
We made our destination at quite a civilised hour compared to previous OBT rides. Late afternoon, plenty of time to settle in to the bar and big note ourselves to anyone who would listen. (Mainly each other).,
Then a dark shadow fell across the land as it was whispered that the King had been unhorsed on the battlefield. His loyal subjects grew grave indeed and silent prayers were said for their liege. Then a messenger arrived with tidings of great joy. THE KING LIVES! THE KING LIVES! Many tankards of ale were raised in celebration. THE KING LIVES AND WILL RIDE AMONGST YOU AGAIN! The King had indeed been unhorsed, but had been carried from the field in a carriage, bearing his injuries with noble grace. Even now he was recovering and would lead his people in battle once more. There was much joy amongst the serried ranks as even more tankards of ale were raised in even more celebration.
The riders briefing then ensued and it was realized that Jacobs Ladder was on the agenda for tomorrow so the trouser filling started immediately. I was sitting next to Katgirl and she confessed that If she drinks rum she starts dancing on the table. Armed with this information I urged her to join me in a rum and coke, on offer she sensibly declined. Next ride maybe.
I crashed in to bed well satisfied with the day but sh…..g pineapples about Jacobs Ladder. I hate steep downhills and apparently this was mighty steep. Bugger…….
February 6, 2014 at 9:28 am #253995Wigster wrote:So it was off to bed in the bunk in a room full of Olympic class snorers. Now I have heard some good snoring in my time but this was something else. I think Boulder might have been one of the main culprits but it was hard to tell above the cacophony. Usi had the right idea by sleeping on the couch outside the room with a pillow over his head. He was obviously trying to suffocate himself to escape the din, but he clearly didn’t succeed as he was still alive the next morning.I hooked up with Usi and Pathlessridden for the days ride. David confessed it was only his second time on dirt, so I thought at least there will be someone slower than me on this ride. How wrong can a man be!
As usual, the day passed in a bit of a blur. Brilliant trails, beautiful country, it was the normal OBT fare. I do remember some really slippery gravel roads. Gravel is normally the sort of terrain I’m comfortable on, but these were like nothing I’d ridden before. Deep and loose, the surface was like riding on marbles. I locked her up a few of times coming in a bit hot to a couple of bends and went way wider than I should have. Thankfully there was nothing coming in the other direction.
A pie for morning tea helped keep the cholesterol levels at the required level for adventure riding. Up till now we were all riding at a similar speed, but as Pathless grew in confidence he got faster and faster so we ended up riding at quite a pace (for me).
We made our destination at quite a civilised hour compared to previous OBT rides. Late afternoon, plenty of time to settle in to the bar and big note ourselves to anyone who would listen. (Mainly each other).,
Then a dark shadow fell across the land as it was whispered that the King had been unhorsed on the battlefield. His loyal subjects grew grave indeed and silent prayers were said for their liege. Then a messenger arrived with tidings of great joy. THE KING LIVES! THE KING LIVES! Many tankards of ale were raised in celebration. THE KING LIVES AND WILL RIDE AMONGST YOU AGAIN! The King had indeed been unhorsed, but had been carried from the field in a carriage, bearing his injuries with noble grace. Even now he was recovering and would lead his people in battle once more. There was much joy amongst the serried ranks as even more tankards of ale were raised in even more celebration.
The riders briefing then ensued and it was realized that Jacobs Ladder was on the agenda for tomorrow so the trouser filling started immediately. I was sitting next to Katgirl and she confessed that If she drinks rum she starts dancing on the table. Armed with this information I urged her to join me in a rum and coke, on offer she sensibly declined. Next ride maybe.
I crashed in to bed well satisfied with the day but sh…..g pineapples about Jacobs Ladder. I hate steep downhills and apparently this was mighty steep. Bugger…….
Thats gold :laugh: :laugh:
More please, can I have more :blink:
February 6, 2014 at 9:29 am #253781Best ride is a tough one .. The Last one usually is it!
Ive been steadily paying my dues last year, waking up in the swag/bunk/couch with a banging hangover with a bunch of new mates saying to myself “oh fuck not again!”
After a quick txt to the boss the night before i stated id be cutting loose from work early.. Got called out on the way out of Brighton by a bloke on a Harley gesturing at the tank on the DR .. “fucked if i know what your saying but bit ittl do around 600ks” Brrrraaaaaaaaappppp, I’m unsure if dumping 20 litres of 2 stroke in it to get out of the driveway was a good idea at this stage, The highway out was mind numbingly boring.. Rolling road blocks in every lane. Answered a phone call from a workmate leaving nothing but the sound of 120kph thumper highway drone.
Waking up on the couch on Saturday sucked.. Shirl was throwing plates around the kitchen and i decided to make maneuvers
Shirl: Jeeeez you look rough
Me: that’s how i roll
After inhaling bacon eggs tomato toast in that order it was time to go..
Set tire pressures with Wigsters gauge (Get a new one champ!), We set off to go do some skids.. Good flowing roads and trails
Yep missed sign in whoops!
I have it on good advice that the gravel on Taylors Arm road is pretty round..
Kicking back on Saturday arvo with stale beer at Nambucca was relaxed with a steady stream of riders on the way signing in, wasting valuable bar staff!!!! then the kicker came in , 2 bikes on trailer.. Much later that evening i grabbed another tasty beverage to survey the damage only to return to find the lights off and the bar shut.. Dammit
Day two started easy given the King Strucky wasn’t running the bar, After bartering with lulu for shit house AA batteries i managed to get out of the car park with a purple line to follow.. First two lasted an hour after that i just gave up and chased dust trails
There were a few solid good fun trails blatting up to Jacobs ladder.. Switched on the gopro only to later find out the card was full and
in the wrong mode.. Jacobs ladder was a riot PathLessRiden pulled point, i counted to 10… 5 and tipped it down the trail
Up on the pegs crossed up chain slapping woooohooooooooos, Nearly got a pass in near the bottom but the gate got shut!Fueled up on a coke and a roll, Quality battery’s sourced and the finish was in sight.. The remainder of the trails and the little bit along the highway were a absolute blast the dr was getting run out bounced off the limiter, stomping on the brakes being a hoon good fun!
Good to get it out of the system as the HWP was waiting at the bottom of a hill on the highway.
More rocky fire trails with on coming traffic to keep up the excitement, Decided it was time to sit back and cruse to Brackenridge..
Yeah i finally finished one, No drops several turn arounds Good timesAfter a cheer and a handshake it was back on the road with Wigster, My phone died on the trails so no mp3’s for me!
Back home with a 6pack in the panniers at 8:30Bring on the Vic High Country Ride!
February 6, 2014 at 10:25 am #253994Some of Lochie’s pictures
Dejay super car driver, laid back Friday arvo
GPS loading, many thanks to PTW
Brains trust having a sweep and lead riders briefing
Riders briefing
Great to see a father son team on the ride
The two super sweeps, left to right. Strucky, Pathlessriden and Trailraider. By the way sorry Pathlessridden isn’t a sweep :laugh:
6am, Crash and I left in the fog
Everybody getting ready
The King, sadly in a couple of hours he would be getting a green whistle and a ride he didn’t want
Wilcox, a legend if you haven’t ridden with him a funnier bastard you won’t meet :laugh:
Both the sweep team leaders. PTW back to us the special route and of course the King the normal route
Kat and Mick
Peter P, rode the horny sounding 1200 Tenere :woohoo:
Left to right
Mr Sqiggle (cause he is always sideways) the father and son teamIan on his 690
Protty and PTW (with his back to us)
Moose and the King
Gezzer from Yamaha
Steve the Wolfman Smith on his brand new Tenere
Amy on her 650 BMW
Factory “D Rally” on his factory XR650R ride. Its NOT FOR SALE DAVE :S
PTW on his way
more later
February 6, 2014 at 10:33 am #253782I added some words and pics over here too
February 7, 2014 at 5:16 am #253783Some great write-ups so far gents,,,
Keep `em comingCheers
February 7, 2014 at 7:47 am #254000 -
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