Rideadv May High Country report

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This topic contains 46 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Dave Wilson 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    Lefty and I have landed in Omeo. 6 hrs hard and fast. Stopped once
    More later






    Awesome keep em coming :)


    Dwayne O

    Second that, sweet looking conditions,

    But where`s the SNOW ??? :laugh:
    More chance of snow on the Barringtons overnight now and the next 2 days up here ;)


    Yeah it was cold Eags. But no snow…..yet…tomorrow maybe a different story :blink:
    Bring it on! :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    You were keeping the big fella on his toes this morning I see, had him charging to keep in front hey ?? 😆
    I noticed he posted a pic containing his two favourite items,,,

    A Coldie and a KTM :laugh:

    Wait till he sees this post :P

    Cheers gents



    Rideadv.com.au 4.40 am update. We had a very successful day yesterday with everyone arriving safely after enjoying a great days riding with awesome views and trails.
    With a cold snap entering most of Vic and NSW we have been concerned about snow today. Live weather updates have become the new addiction. In about an hour Lefty and I are going to head up to Mt. Hotham and suss the situation out. Check the 4 am updates and watch this space!





    Have a great day’s ride guys :angry:



    Had to shut two stages this morning unfortunately due to snow and slippery conditions

    Sweeps are out already shutting tracks, it is bloody cold

    Lefty and I rode out at 6am and it was tough

    Looks like fun but it isn’t real fast


    Better than not riding but




    Dwayne O

    BRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :S Looks inviting (if your a Polar Bear) :laugh:

    Good work boys on the early scouting run while the others were no doubt sipping on a hot latte back at the digs.
    Pity the poor buggers that were camping out :blink:

    Enjoy the remainder and stay safe peeps


    mt Hotham



    Dwayne O

    TB`s spot is not showing today,,, maybe forgot to turn on this morning :whistle:

    How did you go with the stuff after the phone call yesterday Strucky ?



    Hi Eagle

    TBs spot not working today,spoke to him early on today all going well as he said had to change something’s due to weather

    No good yesterday could not get it to work, but found a link to what of the sweeps and it was all good after that.

    Thanks for your help on that mate.

    Bloody cold down were they are, as you said I had to be camping

    Cheers mate
    King Strucky


    Dwayne O

    I had TB, Lefty and YZ80 on the tracker, just TB`s not showing today.
    I can help you set it up if you still need to mate. Can go over it on the phone if you want.

    I`ll still check in on the page periodically over the weekend anyway, out of interest to see how they`re going ;)



    Day 2 complete. We rode through snow and rain but everyone has arrived safe.

    Only issues for the day were Fuchsy’s flat tyre before he even got off the tar, Mooses bike stopped so he jumped on the pre run bike and Leo went bush but luckily no injuries. Other than that we had a section cancelled due to conditions and a couple people charged off down a wrong track following bike tracks instead of the GPS tracks.


    Dwayne O

    I couldn`t stand looking at that pic upside down any longer Jeffro, even a pissed as I am at the moment, I fixed it for ya :laugh:

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