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    so who s going for a spin this weekend i am not :( hope someone is



    whats a riden :silly:


    I had a pre-emptive strike and went for a ride today. There were a billion utes and trailer full of bike headed over the mountain as I was driver home and I saw lots of 4WD’s setting up camp whilst I was up there. With so much traffic in the bush, it may actually be a good weekend to stay at home. :dry:



    good stuff scotty i am going to try some watersports if i can get my sh&t box boat going :blink: if not will prably go for a spin on the bike



    We are taking the tin lids for a 2 day ride in the forest around nundle ;)


    craig evans

    i was till today [fell out of a tree] at work hangn like a pendglen and bruised a few ribs shoulder and hip im hopless lol

    white rocket wrote:
    whats a riden :silly:

    Not sure what that means but I had a surf today, plan one for tomorrow and will ride my bike a few times over Easter.
    Love the North Coast!!!



    Scotty wrote:
    I had a pre-emptive strike and went for a ride today. There were a billion utes and trailer full of bike headed over the mountain as I was driver home and I saw lots of 4WD’s setting up camp whilst I was up there. With so much traffic in the bush, it may actually be a good weekend to stay at home. :dry:

    I won’t be riding to many dickheads out in the forest, seems whenever there are school holidays people come up with there unregistered bikes, quads, etc no care for anyone else, they treat the place as though there are no laws and don’t respect any thing, If any Old Bulls are coming up to Clarence or Sunny Corner areas for a ride be super careful!!!


    Adrian Gale

    Just as I thought Medog.

    i will be fixing and replacing stuff on the 300 from the Murphsberg ride last weekend and prepping it for this weekends ride at Kowen. Yeeha. :woohoo:

    medogrocket wrote:
    I won’t be riding to many dickheads out in the forest, seems whenever there are school holidays people come up with there unregistered bikes, quads, etc no care for anyone else, they treat the place as though there are no laws and don’t respect any thing, If any Old Bulls are coming up to Clarence or Sunny Corner areas for a ride be super careful!!!

    Exactly what I’m talking about. I rode the Clarence/Ben Bullen State Forest area on Thursday and by afternoon there where plenty of people setting up camp all over the place. On one single track I come across three young kids on 80’s, no adults to be seen supervising them. Now without going into the legalities of this, I like seeing kids enjoying the bush (brings back memories) I would at least expect an adult to be out riding with them to supervise.

    Then there were the full modded 4×4’s heading into the bush all geared up. F*#ked if I want to meet one of these out on the trail.

    I might head up there again next week when everybody else is back at work.


    Wont be venturing out this weekend. Took me about 45 minutes to get a gas bottled filled at a servo normaly 5 min away today. The great western highway was at a standstill in the Lawson area bout 4pm today, lots of bike on trailers going west over the mountains. Clarence will be a nightmare over the week end, wont catch me any where near it.


    Matt Baker

    I went to Belanglo yesterday, there were a lot of campers, picnicers and other riders there but we didn’t come across anyone out on the trails. (heaps of carpark racers)

    The rangers were there cracking down on unregoed riders and making sure we didn’t ride on the closed trails.

    I was a good day, but my arms are pretty sore today, lots of bashing over rocks out that way.


    LC4skin wrote:
    I went to Belanglo yesterday, there were a lot of campers, picnicers and other riders there but we didn’t come across anyone out on the trails. (heaps of carpark racers)

    The rangers were there cracking down on unregoed riders and making sure we didn’t ride on the closed trails.

    I was a good day, but my arms are pretty sore today, lots of bashing over rocks out that way.

    Yeh! the same as that LC,,I’m not used to draging that old RMX up steep hills,,,I rather it draging my ass through the bush HA!HA! Top conditions though,and a good day.
    Cheers Teza.


    Went for a ride back of Menai yesterday morning. Heard a few bikes, but only saw one other rider that we spoke to for a while (riding by himself!!). No 4WDs where we were either. If you go early and stay away from the White rock area, there is some good riding. Ciao Budge


    Bob Dowsett

    Took the kids camping and riding and found a bit of time to make a few more trails
    We could hear a few people but didn’t see too many i suppose you just have to pick your spots B)

    Have just tallied up a list of parts after trail blazing :woohoo: and A murphsberg :woohoo: last weekend and i don’t think i have enough money :(

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