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This topic contains 232 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #219399

    craig evans

    lovn it out ere teza so are the kids .with 8kids hooning around and 4 adaults being bigger kids over the long weekend how can you not enjoy, especially when you walk out the house door jump on the bike and race off on the trail :woohoo: . kids have a new chore now and its the only chore they like doing and they fight over it, collecting the mail on the bikes 😆 😆



    just been riden with the kids on a great sand track :woohoo: havent been on the bike for over a month its great to get back on the bike again :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Way to go Rocket :)

    Sounds like everyone is out RIDEN today `cause it`s damn quiet on here :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Onya Rocket. :woohoo:
    Conditions were perfect here, nice and damp. :woohoo:
    Unfortunately I’m at work. :angry: :angry:


    craig evans

    been on the bike exploring some of my back yard [easier stuff], i need some company on some of the old dozer fire trails and hills ere as they a bit steep rutted and rocky just for saftey [2 or more safer then 1] ,would be good to put some good trails with some awsome hill climbs together with company for some obt ride weekends in the future and get my comfedence and riding improved with advice and maybe i mite be able to get tb and the likes to show some of there trails in the area to make a better long weekend happen in the future. iv now just got to work out the posting of vidoes as iv now just found the gopro and got some vids of the areas iv so far have coverd



    just give me a call wolfi may come for an xploration ride with you if you like not much happening in dubbsvill



    yep been riden again today on a whooped out sand track with smoken and the kids :laugh: a bloody misserable day cool and windy no dust with a bit of drissel :woohoo: perfect for riding looks like the bikes out now for another season of riding :silly: just goto get the bike fittness up now :blink: .so who else went for a spin today


    Matt Baker

    Tomorrow for me, its gonna be wet!


    Mike Wyeth
    LC4skin wrote:
    Tomorrow for me, its gonna be wet!

    Yep me too,first ride for 10weeks and it’s pretty wet up here too :unsure: should be good :)


    craig evans

    cutn in new sprint track with with michael with the natural lay of the land, gullies ,small bit of pines ,hill climbs, creeks and those bloody rocks had a ball till bike and i parted ways and im now on 1 leg and have only 1 arm the loops about 5 km on 1 loop and about 2km on th 2nd loop



    Thinking about a ride this fine morning,you keen mick.i just have to charge the battery.



    Maybe not .Pressed submit and 20 seconds later the skys opened up and its pissin down for a change.


    Adrian Lee

    Im leaving Now!!!!!!!!

    First real ride in six months and im shitting myself :silly:


    I’m out there
    Yesterday, sat on the lounge all day
    Not good
    Gotta go


    Mick D

    Hey Toes, still half keen. I might jam a new tyre on and see what the weather is doing after lunch.

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 239 total)

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