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This topic contains 232 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #251265

    Mike Wyeth

    Just wondered if anybody knows of any definite rides happening next year yet?
    Micks birthday ride etc,etc, be good to get something sorted


    Mike Wyeth
    mike wrote:
    Just wondered if anybody knows of any definite rides happening next year yet?
    Micks birthday ride etc,etc, be good to get something sorted

    Don’t know why that post went there :( maybe a moderator can sort that out for me and put it in the correct place ;)


    Mike Wyeth
    Nickj wrote:
    Another early knock off and straight into the singles , made a crazy new hill climb and put another hour on the 250 :woohoo:

    How goods daylight savings !!![

    Don’t start me off on daylight saving!!! :angry: :angry:
    Bloody Queensland



    A mate and I went riding out the back of Coffs Sunday, came across a small crew out the middle of nowhere, one of whom was Ken from Nundle..funny who you bump into sometimes.
    We joined theyre ride but was cut a little short due to a dodgy front brake so all headed to the pub for icy cold ones :) :)



    He is a top bloke Burnside. Did he tell you what he done for a crust.


    Boony wrote:
    He is a top bloke Burnside. Did he tell you what he done for a crust.

    Yeah Boony one of the other guys he was riding with is in the job to…..Its all good :laugh: My mates goin riding/drinking with them again Thur/fri. I gotta work :(



    who s riden this weekend perfect weather for it at dubbsvill wish i was


    We’ll be ou there tomorrow
    Its absolutely pissing down at the moment
    Gonna be a wet one ;) :woohoo:



    So you off work Rocket? I’ve noticed you on here in the day and no riding this weekend?



    yep and not happy


    craig evans

    what happened mate you need a weekend out ere rocket nice and quite



    dropped a lump of steel on my foot wolfie fractured toe and sore foot not that bad but can not do much.have had great sking weather and now rain perfect for riding my faverate time of the year and instead being a couch potato shit happens



    That sucks dude sorry to hear that. Yes it’s a great time of the year for riding. You’ll be back soon enough.

    white rocket wrote:
    dropped a lump of steel on my foot wolfie fractured toe and sore foot not that bad but can not do much.have had great sking weather and now rain perfect for riding my faverate time of the year and instead being a couch potato shit happens

    This is not good, Rocket. :(
    Have our Team Leader off at the moment.
    Still have no idea what he was doing out on the job.
    Paps, the Guru’s will understand that we need to fill the ranks on the floor. ;)
    Probably not. :pinch:
    Why was a Foreman out on the job????????????
    Because we are understaffed.
    :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :huh:
    And why??????????
    In my opinion we are being ruled by idiots. ;)
    Look, the politics behind the bullshit (that we have to deal with) is crap. :sick: :sick:
    Just thought I would say it politely.
    Off the track a bit, even into the bushes. :pinch:
    Shit, Sorry for that little vent :silly:

Viewing 14 posts - 226 through 239 (of 239 total)

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