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This topic contains 232 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #219457

    Matt Baker

    time for a new bike Bobby


    Bob Dowsett

    Making some nice trails for us , i got a little ambitous some times but all good i just won’t show you the short cuts :)

    ps Trail cutting tip

    don’t wear shorts whilst trail blazing …………………………………through blackberrys my legs are cut to shreds from the top of bike boots to above the knee :blush:


    Matt Baker

    Have to get back out there soon.

    Nath is back into it after hurting his knee and is always keen for a ride at your place.

    Where did you go camping?


    Bob Dowsett

    about 500 m west of k..nt…y rd there is a paddock surrounded by pines that has a Good single track loop in it we just camped there

    Making tracks from pretty much the front ramp on that rd through camp spot all the way over to River/creek crossing and then all the way back to kent…. rd where we usually come out of glenollie and then do kent…y single ……prob doesn’t make sense but anyway

    fair bit of it is marked but i ran out so i just scouted the rest and found the best way , so shouldn’t take too long to mark next time if i can remember ??

    Yeh bring them all it sucks on your own marking trails it takes too long


    Matt Baker

    I’ll bring more paint next time


    Peter Horn

    A mate and I went to Dungog on Friday, no other bikes in sight or seen parked up, bet they are there now though. Great ride!


    Adam Rodgers

    Test edit


    Adam Rodgers

    Is there something wrong here or is it just me.

    My previous post is blank on my computer, I go to edit it and it’s all there :huh:



    Nick Jackson
    adam wrote:
    Is there something wrong here or is it just me.

    My previous post is blank on my computer, I go to edit it and it’s all there :huh:


    Seems to be happening whenever we edit mate ?? Not sure why but I’d say Chris is onto it B)



    Adam Rodgers

    I’ll try again.

    The Chad, my mate Mark and I hit up Ourimbah on Saturday :)

    It was Mark’s second ride on the DRZ and the bush so nothing too hard ;)

    We have to pass beside a bog hole the 4bies chew out and Mark missed his mark and had a minor moment :ohmy:

    At least he took the dry option as the mud is like a paste :laugh:

    He did score a leach for his efforts though :laugh:

    All fun and a perfect day for it :woohoo:




    HA! looks like he had a bit of a tumble down the hill there,,,I know how that feels 😆 😆
    I went for a bit of a spin this avo,to test out some repares,and wound up going for a decent ride,repares all good,,,,this weather is great for riding. Stayed out till the sun was getting low,bit nippy on the wash up at home though. :huh:


    Matt Baker

    Sounds like you got the bike running nicely again Teza, good stuff!


    LC4skin wrote:
    Sounds like you got the bike running nicely again Teza, good stuff!

    yeh, LC,it’s humming nicely. Turned out to be the tiny little spring clip that holds the flote tab to the needle in the carb,,was on the wrong side of the tab,leting the needle stick in the seet,,fuel starving,exactly what the old smoker was trying to tell me on friday,but how it got that way???


    Matt Baker

    The bike was upside down too many times :laugh: :laugh:


    LC4skin wrote:
    The bike was upside down too many times :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeh,that must have been it :P :laugh: :laugh:

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 239 total)

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