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  • #221989


    any other dubbsvill people want to go for a spin sunday



    Havent heard from grant yet.
    Where above my house? Not mugga hill the mnt bikes have taken over.



    Yeh! I’m off for a blast tomoz,on me local tracks at Wederburn,down Campbelltown way,got a great loop sorted with bonus singels, many unexplord. Between 60-80 klicks of riding, from my place,about 20 of that tar.
    Any one interested let me know.
    Cheers Teza.



    a bit further up the road i reckon we could turn the second section of single into a loop


    Todd Jackson

    Is that a ‘legal’ ride you guys do down at Wedderburn?
    I have heard that the coppers have been chasing people out of Appin lately.
    If it is legal, I might try get down there and join you after the OBT B/day ride.



    Adam Rodgers
    teza h wrote:
    Yeh! I’m off for a blast tomoz,on me local tracks at Wederburn,down Campbelltown way,got a great loop sorted with bonus singels, many unexplord. Between 60-80 klicks of riding, from my place,about 20 of that tar.
    Any one interested let me know.
    Cheers Teza.

    I wouldn’t mind tagging along on one of your rides Teza :cheer:

    It will have to be after the Bday ride :(

    See you at the Bday ride :)




    Ah, wedderburn. Ive burned many a stolen car there in my hay day. No just joking. Have riden in there before.



    I will be at Dubbo this weekend but unfortunately I’m bringing the wife and not the bike.


    Action wrote:
    Is that a ‘legal’ ride you guys do down at Wedderburn?
    I have heard that the coppers have been chasing people out of Appin lately.
    If it is legal, I might try get down there and join you after the OBT B/day ride.


    Well if you enter there from the Appin end ,there are signs , BUT I ride in from Wederburn where there are no signs.
    In the last couple of years, I’v never ran into the cops,but have talked to other riders that have,and they recon all that the cops were interested in was unrego n dumpers.
    Not many peaple use this aria now,just a few riders and the odd 4by,and mountain bikes but many traks are too rough for them, it is such a great place to ride. Most of my rides I can tell if any one has been there by tyre tracks, and the amount of webs I always winde up coverd in,even on a Saterdy yu might run into a few riders.Through the week it my own place,just hope it last’s.
    Cheers Teza.


    Mick D
    pete the wulf wrote:
    I will be at Dubbo this weekend but unfortunately I’m bringing the wife and not the bike.

    Still a fair chance that you get a “ride” in. ;) :whistle:


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: Nice line there Mick ….

    I myself will squeeze a ride in on Monday (RDO) most likely do a run down thru the Watagans to Bucketty and get an idea on a timeframe for the Birthday Ride meetup with ACE & BONES at the Convict Wall (never taken any notice of how long it takes to get there from home) I have to factor in the early morning lack of light as well :whistle:

    Then might hook back up Murrays Run and do Yango out to the Putty for another fun run,,,

    Beats Workin` :woohoo:


    pete the wulf wrote:
    I will be at Dubbo this weekend but unfortunately I’m bringing the wife and not the bike.

    Hi Pete, you probably won’t read this until your home! Dubbo show is on. Lots of rides and crap.
    If you get bored I’ll pick you up and we can go for a beer wherever you are. ;)

    Sunday morning we are “riden”. Cutting some single in not too far away from town. We need to find you a helmet Pete, you can ride the WR200 :D



    i got a spare bud



    Well got out for that ride this avo,,work till 12.00pm,got home and headed out. Rode just over 70 k’s 50 of em dirt n rocks, in about 3 hours, looked into to some new singles,took most of the hard options :unsure: :ohmy: pretty knackerd now. Only ran into a few mountain bikers,,,one towing a trailer with a weel barow on it,,,tough slog, two horse wimon,where I puled over and cut the engin to let them past,,,n get a perv to boot for me good maners,and two kids hiding behinde a tree??? Busy day in the bush.
    Now a couple of cool beverages n feet up,,,AAAAH! :) :)
    Training for Sunny Corner B D ride :cheer: ,,,bring it on.
    Cheers Teza.



    Hey Axle and Rocket,
    You guys are awesome, unfotunately my wife won’t give me the leave pass for a ride but if you guys are going to have a beer tomorrow after your ride then give me a buzz and I will bring round a beer or three.

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