
Home Forums Ride Reports riden

This topic contains 232 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #222039

    teza h wrote:
    Only ran into a few mountain bikers,,,one towing a trailer with a weel barow on it,,,
    Cheers Teza.

    Mountain bike in the bush with a trailer and a wheel barrow? W-T-F
    Did you find their crop? :D

    Pete I’m pretty sure I have your number still. I’ve got my wife’s birthday lunch after the ride but after that If I’ll see if I can catch you. Will see what Rockit says.



    think i just drank enough stubys .should have room for a few more tomorrow


    axel wrote:
    teza h wrote:
    Only ran into a few mountain bikers,,,one towing a trailer with a weel barow on it,,,
    Cheers Teza.

    Mountain bike in the bush with a trailer and a wheel barrow? W-T-F
    Did you find their crop? :D

    Pete I’m pretty sure I have your number still. I’ve got my wife’s birthday lunch after the ride but after that If I’ll see if I can catch you. Will see what Rockit says.

    HA! YEH! I though it was an odd site, and he was pretty red in the face peddeling away,but I figerd they were out doing some track work.



    just a been a riden ;) thanks for the ride axle and jasen was good.jasons bike was good to ride to axle done another 3 laps 😆 .just goto finish the rest of the track :side:



    So what time is beer time? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    pete the wulf wrote:
    So what time is beer time? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Anytime!!!! 👿


    pete the wulf wrote:
    So what time is beer time? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    did not axle ring you i got beer in the fridge if you like when you going home sorry i did not see this post earler



    No fn axel got tied up being a good family man after lunch. In laws were here. Dammit would have liked to slip out sorry Pete bloody slack hosts arent we?
    Dusty ride cutting in some new track today. Looking forward to finishing off some more there. Dead flat dusty boring batshit but better than nothing.


    I snuck out for a bit if “riden” today. Need to get the Husky up over 1000km before I take it down to R&D to get it de-restricted. She already backs into and out of corners nice. Cant wait till she’s breathing proper.





    Nice one Scotty. :)

    I snuck out for a quick loop myself.


    Nick Jackson

    Great to see the new bike likes poseing for the camera too Scotty :D

    Top pics !!! Are you enjoying the husky ??


    Nickj wrote:
    Great to see the new bike likes poseing for the camera too Scotty :D

    Top pics !!! Are you enjoying the husky ??


    Happy so far Nick but only just getting to know the big girl. A few things I want to do to it but first thing is to get it running the way Husqvarna intended then get out and ride.

    I rode today on open dirt roads that a Commodore would have no trouble with (in fact I overtook a Mercedes Benz out there) but it felt good and has mega torque off the bottom. Everything is still very tight, it dead set fells like a brand new bike, even has that new bike smell. :)


    Dwayne O

    Top stuff Scotty ;)
    I see you stopped off at the ruins that are for sale :whistle:

    Weird setup that must have been ,,, Jeffro & I checked it out earlier in the year on our ride to Bilpin

    Got any plans for some big rides in the making yet ??? :) :) :)



    justa beena riden .justa made some tracks .they were just great.justa goto love damp sandy loam.justa going to have a stuby .life is justa grand :S



    Yousa justa mad.
    I’ve been riden myself today too. Perfect conditions for cutting new singles. Took me ages to clean the mud off the car Rockit. Like shit to a blanket.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 239 total)

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