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This topic contains 232 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    there going out tomorrow if your keen fat matts tomorrow at 9 will see if i am keen in the morning ?you should go and show smoken our little track its a bit longer look for the pink bits .the right foot stays on the pegs so hinders my right turns a bit and don t like jolting bumps in the track much.



    sounds like the boys had a good ride and run in the track i marked out think i had better keep marking and they will make a good loop for us hay need some more tracks rond here



    I saw smokin and probably jason riding home yesterday from it. Looks like we will have to make it longer then!



    marked some more tracks today while out riden for you axel reckon you should run them in for me being closer you get to do the woops now axel when you get home will be a mad loop when run in.with my poor fittness need a rest after one lap.



    am thinking of where to make the next loop axel me and jason need a hand will try and get the public servants to help hay smoken grant and josh



    Public servants hahaha.
    Next Sunday Ill get out there and check out what you guys have got up to.
    Sounds like fun.



    any one go riden this weekend i did think those adventer riders are showing us up and getting out there more than we are.think i better have a latte and a spoon of cement


    Dwayne O

    Might be that way for the next fortnight or so Rocket ;)
    Cement is good for ya anyway mate 😆



    got a few rides coming up eagle yellow mountain next weekend a two dayer than sweeping a 2 day state round enduro at wello the next weekend couple of weeks after that with boby its all happening


    white rocket wrote:
    any one go riden this weekend

    I did 880 in a day and a bit Saturday with the girls (most of the time when I wasnt tearing of doing photos 👿 ) and then a dark stint from Glouster to Necknock Sat night. This morning did Necknock to Maroota to get the car (trailered bike from Dubbo to Maroota friday arvo) was bloody cold through the Watgans :blink:




    just a been a riden done a bit a sweepen i swept rocks ruts loam mud girlys in mud :woohoo: girlys on hills got overtaken by a kx125 :side: tryed to keep with an a grade mx sweep :woohoo: he had a good broom note the tryed bit .rode special tests 👿 watched toby price and merriman fly .going to do it all again tomorrow :P yeehaa at all places old wellington mic set some great tracks and special tests for the state round endero think the riders are enjoying it will be harder tomorrow i reckon



    Glenn Kearny one both days of the nsw state rounds enduro 3 and 4 so those husky 310 s must be a good bike had a great time sweepen or pretend racing for free with free food and pis can not ask for much more than that hay. the special tests were great the riders reckoned it was a hard enduro .i reckon it would have been to .think i may have failed in my sweep duties a bit went out as a sho roo to move the wild life and the top 5 riders got past and had only covered about 3/4 of the track and there s some big skippys in wello.my advice is if you ever get asked to sweep ride do it great fun it was a great day with tight trail times and basicaly all single track back to old school enduro



    took an 012 ktm 450 exc for a 1hr loop great bike how good do they handle and pull of the bottem i like the 350 ktm but reckon the 450s much better its great being a bike hore


    Got out this afternoon for some fast fire trail blasting on the Husky. Big torquey feet up drifts where the order of the day. :)



    You sound like you want one of those new ’12 -’13 bikes Rockit….

    I rode last Friday at Mullion Creek near Orange. Found some of the old 4Day tracks – ah the bad memories. Fooking freezing. Orange had snow on front yards at midday.

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