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This topic contains 232 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #228814

    Adam Rodgers
    Ollie wrote:
    adam wrote:
    Sam went riding at Dungog Pony Express today and got 1st place in clubman class :woohoo:

    Made up for him not being at the family fathersday gathering :whistle:


    well done Sam, Dungog Pony express are always great fun- was this at Salisbury ? good memories there ;)


    Sorry Ollie it was Denman not Dungog. I’m getting oldtimers disease :whistle: :pinch:




    anyone been riden today quiet on here ‘goin for a ride at dubbo tomorrow if anyone is keen.a tank of snotty single track to do :pinch:



    Saw your tracks this avo. We marked some new track on the tomingley run today with Grant. Couldnt ride with you this morning, bike was covered in dry mud from Neville and needed a look over.
    Dusty out there.



    found some new hills out there done a bit of rock climbing today axel right at the end of the track not sure why we had not found them years ago.was a crap ride compared to the last few i have done bobs catumble etc back to reality hay


    Bob Dowsett

    NO I HAVEN”T 👿


    Matt Baker
    Bob wrote:
    NO I HAVEN”T 👿



    craig evans

    had a cpl hrs spare today so took my oldest for a lap today on her new bike [ klx140 ]around the new farm were we just moved in ,first ride for a few weeks nice and easy as daughter only been riding since last xmas what a blast sometimes simple rides are so enjoyable especially with the kids



    Nice one Graig, all settled in out there?


    Matt Baker

    Inspired by Rockets ‘town riding rum ride’ I did some ‘urban enduro’ today, minus the rum.

    Pretty boring on your own :(

    Green450 and I are sneaking out for a few hours before work tomorrow morning :woohoo:


    wolfie wrote:
    had a cpl hrs spare today so took my oldest for a lap today on her new bike [ klx140 ]around the new farm were we just moved in ,first ride for a few weeks nice and easy as daughter only been riding since last xmas what a blast sometimes simple rides are so enjoyable especially with the kids

    Awesome Wolfie, I know what your saying there I spent last weekend riding with my boys at Trangie was fantasic and actually as pointed out by an excited Kieran our first ever real ride all together :)

    I will come for a run out you way soon and say hi



    craig evans

    hi teza hows the injury coming along all good i hope ,we ere finally ere but im hating the unpacking bit ,iv made more of a mess then anything else and it so hard not to get destracted every time i walk out look at those hills but the lovely wife keeps bringing me back to realatity with a loud coment “back to work” or something thrown at me with a laugh and some kind words “later”. i had a ball tb just cruisn with the oldest got up early today and went for a bit of a walk around the house paddock 250acres and walked a new track and marked it out for the the oldest got back woke her up told her to get dressed and went for a cpl laps around be for mum woke up ,she had a cpl of busters bike and her covered in mud and a huge smile



    That sounds great,,,right at yu door step. B)
    The leg is geting there,bit of a ways to go though.
    Cheers Teza.


    Bob Dowsett




    craig evans

    had a great longweekend at home bikes going everywere kids had a great time . they went from daylight to dark all kinds of bikes [ 2polaris 50 quads ,2 chinesse quads ,1 polaris 500 quad ,1 kawa 140klx ,1 kawa klx110 ,1 yam ttr50 ,1yam pw80 ,ktm 450 , husky 310, lots of bbqs drink,yabbying with the kids and fresh cooked yabbies what a great weekend :cheer: :cheer:



    Stop it!!! Yu making jelouse :laugh: :laugh: Good one Craig,,hows the new place going,out there in Orange country.

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