Rim Repairs

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    So who has a stuffed rim from hitting a rock or a grid too hard, incorrect tyre pressure or just plain old neglect?

    The front rim on the F800 looked something like a 50 cent coin after the last couple of 2 day nav rides and the Tri State tour i completed recently with the King, TB, PTW and Crash(Ding Ding).

    TB and Strucky can confirm that it had some dooseys in it and one of them was so big that you could fit your small finger between the wall of the tyre and the rim :pinch: . All up the rim had 8 dents of various sizes. Three were really big.

    So i was driving along the other day near Wyee and noticed a sign on a tree that simply read ‘Wheel Repairs’ with the phone number. I gave the number a call, explained the situation and was told to drop the rim off in Cooranbong.

    I picked it up this morning(2 days later) and i have basically got a new rim. All of the dents are out and Tim even painted the rim for me! :) He said mine was the worst rim he had ever seen. :whistle:

    So how much for this excellent service…..$50!!! I offered more but he said he wasn’t overly happy with how it came up so $50 will do. I do like perfectionists.

    Unfortunately i didn’t take photos of before but here are some of the after shots. You be the judge.


    My recommendation would be to call Tim from Pro Weld Repairs in Cooranbong if you need a rim repaired. He also does repairs to cases etc.

    0411 691 377

    Tell him your an Old Bull



    craig evans

    thanx ace iv got 1 here that is cracked mite try him as I try to get some one b4 without any luck



    Good job there Ace B) always Good to see quality tradesman ply their trade.




    Yeah spot on Ollie. I was looking around for a new blank rim at $400 but now I’ll just get mine straightened when needed. Most workshops couldn’t open their door for $50(and I understand why).

    Send it in Wolfie, you won’t be disappointed mate.



    Gavin Brown

    Thanks ACE,

    Next time I have the front off mine Ill give him a call. He is just down the road from work.

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