safari TV

Home Forums General Bike Talk safari TV

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 5 months ago.

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    hia dirt bike fans
    the aussie safari is on taday @ 11 on NBN (channel 9?)

    i won’t be home to watch it an my video is waiting for the remote to turn up so i can program it. DOH!
    i was home yesterday arvo for the first time ever and didn’t realise that the SX was on. Double DOH!



    Well spotted. Thanks for the heads up.

    PAX Rally 2008 on SBS at noon.

    “A cross country rally open to cars, motorbikes and quads. From Portugal”

    Dwayne O

    Yeah Thanx Champo,
    I managed to catch it just in time. Not a bad coverage of the event.
    Those dudes on the 450`s are freaks I tell you !!!! 170ks on the rough stuff whilst following barbed fences, logs & not to mention kamikaze roos !!!
    Makes me want to get out there, hang on a bit,,,,,, no the KLX is fast enogh for me HA HA



    Crap I missed that then :(



    me too
    i think we should form a self help group



    Hi, my name is Steve, I’m 29 and am addicted to motorbikes. I missed Safari TV the other night and haven’t been the same since. I’ve started to steal money from my girlfriend to pay for my David Knight habit and it was getting out of control.

    I’ve been clean for 2 days and haven’t stolen anything or watched anything dirtbike related. Honest.



    moto wrote:

    Hi, my name is Steve, I’m 29 and am addicted to motorbikes. I missed Safari TV the other night and haven’t been the same since. I’ve started to steal money from my girlfriend to pay for my David Knight habit and it was getting out of control.

    I’ve been clean for 2 days and haven’t stolen anyhting or watched anything dirtbike related. Honest.

    LMFAO:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: You are a unit and need help. karma for that!



    Champo started it. Plus he needs more help than me. He posts pictures of little girls saying it is a photo of himself!

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