Well, I cam home last night and went to let Sam in the house to find that he has had another ‘episode’. This time it was the giant bag of cat litter (left over from when he spilt engine oil in the garage). He had somehow managed to get it out when it was wedged between the wall and the washing machine. I forgot I had left it there several weeks ago.
He had emptied the whold bag all over the floor and out onto the decking where it was wet from the rain and had turned to clay. The caly was stuck in his fur on his back legs, stomach and tail. To top it off his tail had smothered the clay like catty litter all over the white walls and had wrecked his bed completely!
It took me 2.5 hours to wash and dry him, shovel up the grit, clean the clay off the walls and the floor. Mop the decking down and shovel the rest of the clay into the nether regions of the garden:angry:
It’s hard to stay angry at him when he looks like this though:

He likes to sleep with Tyne in the lounge too:

And has even adopted the bean bag chair as his own!