Sam’s at it again!

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    Moto wrote:

    Cheers for the tips Mal. I got to that point when Sam was at home with me and Tyne, but not when visitors are present. Will keep at it.

    Here’s for all you dog lovers, how do I stop Molly from shitting/pissing in the house (other than not letting her in!)?

    Hey Moto we investigated all of this when we first got Sam and re-looked at it again with Yoda. We persisted with Yoda and he is fine now. Puppies can’t control their bladders and bowels until up to 6 months old. So the trick is to take them outside at regular intervals as well as after eating or drinking or when they first wake up from sleeping. Take them to the same spot to go each time, make up a phrase such as ‘Go toilet’ and if they go make sure they are well praised. One book I read said that you should stay out there for 15 minutes with them if they didn’t go straight-away then take them back inside for 15 minutes and then outside again after 15 minutes again. We didn’t do this because it was very time consuming.

    We used the above techniques with Yoda and they say that pugs are really hard to house-train but with persistence he came good. Just try and remember that it will take months (hopefully less because she is a labrador and easier to train).

    Good luck!

    BTW – She’s gorgeous. I honestly can’t imagine how she could be a terror.



    We breed dogs and our puppies are house trained by 10 weeks when we sell them.
    When do pretty similar to what kylie said by putting them outside after feeding and when they first wake up in the morning and after naps, and as Kylie said
    lots of praise when it does crap outside. The other thing you need to do is don’t go off at the pup when they crap or piss in the house, just clean it up
    with paper (not a scented tissue as it has a scent) and put the paper outside in the same spot on the yard with the wee and crap in it every time. This helps
    the dog by giving it a place it is allowed to poop and it very quickly recognizes that spot as its toilet from the scent.
    Good Luck. I have attached a picky of one of our little pups his name was Elvis.




    I love the pics of Molly & Sam!!!!

    At times I would love a puppy but it would eventually grow up, & would always be locked up in our yard while we buggered off somewhere – way too unfair for such a cute animal.

    Have fun training!!!!



    Some more pics of Molly & Sam:



    those bloody dogs drinking your goonbag of crisp dry white again moto :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    no wonder they are passed out…

    they look too cute to be devil dogs :dry:



    There not sleeping, I actually think both of those dogs are dead Menace.



    Dont worry Moto it’s not just Lab’s that like to eat everything.

    Bloody Yoda (aka mad eyes) decided to have a nibble on my phone this arvo, it now has extra holes in it, and a cracked screen.

    Thanks Yoda you little shit.



    DanD wrote:

    Dont worry Moto it’s not just Lab’s that like to eat everything.

    Bloody Yoda (aka mad eyes) decided to have a nibble on my phone this arvo, it now has extra holes in it, and a cracked screen.

    Thanks Yoda you little shit.

    Yeah good on you DanD. You are trying to help Tony sell his pug puppies not turn people off them.



    KylieD wrote:

    DanD wrote:

    Dont worry Moto it’s not just Lab’s that like to eat everything.

    Bloody Yoda (aka mad eyes) decided to have a nibble on my phone this arvo, it now has extra holes in it, and a cracked screen.

    Thanks Yoda you little shit.

    Yeah good on you DanD. You are trying to help Tony sell his pug puppies not turn people off them.

    Yeah but Tony’s pugs dont do that type of stuff – Yet



    Hey Moto I found this on you tube funny as :laugh: youve got all this to look forward to

    Ollie :laugh:



    Ollie wrote:

    Hey Moto I found this on you tube funny as :laugh: youve got all this to look forward to

    Ollie :laugh:

    That is funny as!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Poor dog I know exactly how he feels :( Funny though :D


    Dwayne O

    That is funny,,,, until the thing rams that wall hard enough to go thru it :huh: :blink: :laugh:



    Ollie wrote:

    Hey Moto I found this on you tube funny as :laugh: youve got all this to look forward to

    Ollie :laugh:

    That is F in hilarious, my 12 tear old is currently doing doin a re enactment on our tiled floor showing his sister.


    There has been a new member added to the K9 sector of Old Bulls. This is Billie, she is 8 weeks old and already a terror.


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