Save My Sanity

This topic contains 24 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  corey heather 14 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #179138

    Mark Bunting

    menace wrote:

    kram, heres some tips…

    brush your teeth lots :)

    maybe take up pole dancing :dry:

    get a job as a lolly pop man at a school crossing :laugh:

    try building yourself a new arm out of matches or paper mache ;)

    put a steering wheel knob on the car and go rallying

    take up darts?

    practice drinking lots ;)

    I’m working on the drinking lots and trying hard for the nurses outfit :P :)

    I never knew nurses were so over paid :blink:


    simon burke


    watch Life of Brian for the 118th time :P

    and go and buy one of those old one handed poker machines ;)

    or just sit on your front verander giving young hoons the bird all day :blink:

    bol :woohoo:



    i’ve got it, be Boll’s sit nag :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: tell him where to go all day, guiding him to all the farms he has to go to.

    check out all the rally teams, see who needs a stand in navigator.

    if the nurses’ uniform is a no go try and get a muc off one ;) ;)

    . :P :silly:



    I reckon you should get that Still over at Stexs place flashed up and make some moon shine :laugh:

    Ollie B)



    Ollie wrote:

    I reckon you should get that Still over at Stexs place flashed up and make some moon shine :laugh:

    Ollie B)

    that’s the best suggestion yet ;)

    . :blink: :huh: :silly: :silly: :woohoo:


    Steve Wyeth

    Some of the best fun I have when home alone only needs on hand…..admittedly two fit better though.


    Mark Bunting

    Some good suggestions there gents. I’ll work my way through the list :laugh:

    Corey8 wrote:

    Where do you grow flowers and what kind do you grow?

    I live just south of Crescent Head mate and grow native flowers. Banksia, flannel flowers, kangaroo paw etc.



    go out and trim the finger nails on the kangaroo paws,if ya bored :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    kram140 wrote:

    Some good suggestions there gents. I’ll work my way through the list :laugh:

    Corey8 wrote:

    Where do you grow flowers and what kind do you grow?

    I live just south of Crescent Head mate and grow native flowers. Banksia, flannel flowers, kangaroo paw etc.

    Do you send it on Charter Frieghtlines by any chance


    Jason Green

    The scary thing is that I have considered some of these options what about lawn bowls?

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