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April 1, 2013 at 11:24 am #102555
Random photos from the 2013 Scrapheap
Andrew on his Yamaha SB250, Andrew is a paraplegic. Check his home made helmet cam
Andrews catcher his son Ryan. Ryan’s job is to try and stay in front of Andrew and catch him when he stops. Great effort and a great son
A nice guy who I am sorry his name fails me. He rides a BMW lives in Newcastle and will soon be an old bull
Wolfie and Rach made bacon and egg rolls, scones and cuppas for us all at their place between Bathurst and Wellington. Cheers guys really hit the spot. They wouldn’t take a cent saying it was their Scrapheap donation
Farm life
Random art shots while waiting somewhere
Two posties that didn’t make it. The two older blokes from Wauchope bit the dirt 44kms out of Bourke after one got cleaned up by a roo then hitting the other taking his mate out! Broken ribs, hand and arm I beilive was on the list of injuires plus more. Both got picked up and bought home by Toes. Toes also repacked the trailer to get the guys bikes on, top effort Toes.
My bike at Cameroo
Lefty’s at Cameroo
Supporters everywhere, purple is the new the new??? It’s the 2013 Scrapheap colour
Toaster on the right there
Old Safari and Baja legends never die they ride to Cameroo
For a place with no phone range it became a hot spot when Lefty and Steve fixed the mobile booster
The locals watched the tourists with interest
The tent where it all happened
Andrews special 250 was on its 2nd Scrapheap carrying the wheel chair guys, it was showing the abuse and needed some welding
Pilot Air a major supporter of the Scrapheap and Down syndrome. Their stickers could be seen everywhere
The water heater of one of the shower blocks. Yup wood heated
Toes was kept in a gage or should of been :laugh:
Nice bike
Damus and the mighty DR250
Air filters work for their money out there, Damus being the pro he is doing his.
Boony and the greatest bike he will ever ride
Toes looking after everyone else carting their gear, willing to go back to Bourke to get the postie blokes if needed. A true old bull performance
Lefty tested the latest DR
Why did the SB250 frame break? Here is Ryan testing the welds
more later
April 1, 2013 at 8:56 pm #238936:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Some classic shots there TB, great stuff! Well done to everyone and some great memories!
BTW the BMW guy’s name is SteveCheers,
LeftyApril 1, 2013 at 9:10 pm #238950Oh sorry Steve :blush:
If anyone wants high res shots etc just PM me it isnt a problem
April 1, 2013 at 9:13 pm #238951Cont.
We took the kids and Salina down to the heated artisan bore natural spring about 13 kms away
All the meals were cooked here, fires ran up and the coals collected and put under the plates by this lady (Moc’s wife sorry missed her name) Fantastic food and a great effort
My boys had a ball and were well behaved considering the time they spent in the car, Lochie my eldest on the right was a trooper that worked endlessly helping me and everyone else.
Lefty swept on his own on Thursday, here we are at the bikes on the presentation night Saturday
The brains trust from the ride out,
Pezz and the mighty 460 four
Umm whats doing here
Steve (Adv Moto Fame) drove his car out for no other reason other than to support this cause, dragged dead people and bikes out and back. Supplied fuel, carried other people’s jerry cans, looked after the photographer donated prizes and more this guy doesn’t stop.
Toes, mighty effort helping everybody and carting their gear
Bastard was up to no good in these pictures
Lefty swept, lead and went for the ambulance when required. Helps and never complains just gets it done. Cheers Champ
Charlie, welcome to the outback cobber! Swept with Mick thanks guys (sorry didn’t have a close up of you Mick)
Sorry if you don’t like the photos being a bit more personal than a normal old bull ride report, but for me it isn’t about the bikes or the riding so much as it’s about the people that just get out and do it for the event and the charity. They aren’t necessarilyin the photos here they just get on with it, do it without the chest beating its very humbling what they they do. They help have fun and support a great cause. I would like to thank them, cheers guys.
April 1, 2013 at 9:38 pm #238952Hey mate,
Great photo’s and memories of the Ride and people that we met. It was great to see every one have a good time and to get all those scrapers out there with minimal break downs was awesome. It was a great cause and also a big thank you to all the support crews driving along towing trailers and picking up the pieces when needed.
Salina, Lachie & Keiran (TB’s Family)
Steve, James & Max (Adv Moto)
Toes (OBT Wauchope Crew)
And for any other crews that I have missed a big thank you!Cheers,
LeftyApril 1, 2013 at 9:53 pm #238937glad all had a ball, tb if you doing any sort of a ride out this way dont hesitate to call past or make this a camp base
April 2, 2013 at 12:22 am #238954wolfie wrote:glad all had a ball, tb if you doing any sort of a ride out this way dont hesitate to call past or make this a camp baseHey there Wolfie and Rachel! I must apologise I forgot to thank the both of you for your generous hospitality on day one of the Scrapheap ride coming from Bathurst. :blush: It was a great morning tea with egg & bacon rolls, coffee, tea etc! And those Scones………
Bloody awesome, but don’t tell anyone eh! Great job Rachel and Wolfie and thanks heaps! We all appreciate it.
Cheers, Lefty
April 2, 2013 at 4:42 am #238955What a crazy 6 days on the bikes!
So much has happened during those 6 days a report would end up like Lord of the Rings!With a planned leaving time of 12 noon Wednesday, I was just in the process of getting kitted up when my phone rang, it was Toes, our support driver on the Phone. With him having left before us, I had a feeling this wasn’t a call I wanted to take, as it could only be bad news. I was correct as he informed me that the Ford Transit van had broken a timing belt 70kms from town and it was going no where!
Not a great start! I then had to run around getting his ute and trailer up to speed to take on the trip. I then loaded up the NX on the trailer and headed west to meet up with the stranded support vehicle. We quickly transferred all the gear into the ute and trailer, I unloaded the NX, kitted up and I was finally on the road headed west on the bike!
As we were planning to meet the main ride on day 2 at Nyngan we only had to make it to Tamworth on day 1. Charley and I set a cross country route via Nowendoc in order to avoid the main roads and both bikes ran smoothly all the way and we saw some country new to us both. First fuel stop was at the thriving metropolis of Nowendoc
From there we headed off towards Nundle where we got a bit directionally challenged and it wasn’t until I saw Chaffey dam that I realised we were headed in the wrong direction.
We finally made it to Boony’s place, just before dark and promptly had a few beers to celebrate with the rest of the boys that were joining us on the ride. Maybe one or two more beers were consumed than there should have been.
A few of the bikes and the support ute
In order to make the long run across to Nyngan and early start was required and 6.30am saw us riding off.
Yes I know some clown put a KTM sticker on my headlight
A rest stop somewhere near Barraba
The old KDX 175 was flat out at 80kms ph and had self oiling brakes!
Damus was all thumbs up
The dust off the road trains was something to be seen!
AS we neared Nyngan the clouds rolled in.
About 5kms from Nyngan the heaven opened up and we finished the day in flogging down rain.
Thankfully I had booked a cabin and we didn’t have to camp in the rain.
Another big night on the juice ensued and plenty of laughs were had, thankfully a takeaway bottle of Wild Turkey was too expensive at $65 and we told them were to stick their bottle. Otherwise if we had gotten the bottle, we would have gotten real messy I think. With another big day ahead on the bikes a hangover of monumental proportions is probably not the best thing to start the day with.
Charley and I were sweep riders for the Nyngan to Cameroo section and with 40+ bikes in front of us it was going to be a long day! Especially when a DR250 took off ahead of me at 25kms per hour in a cloud off acrid smoke and making a bizarre hissing noise! Thankfully the DR only made it 700 meters up the road before expiring and I made the call that it was going on the trailer as I wasn’t going to follow that for 400+ kms at 25kmph!!!
Especially when some of the roads were so straight they just disappeared off into the horizon
Being sweep riders gave us a chance to pull up and take a few photos from time to time
The offending DR250 on the trailer,paint something KTM orange and you can only expect issues!
Pez on the mighty 460 four! This thing has the sweetest note at full song!
Matty on the Mighty SR250, you may notice that his feet are strapped to the bike,that is because he is a paraplegic and has a great outlook on life and nothing is gunna stop him from having a good time, what a dead set legend!
The ride leaders, TB and Lefty
We finally rocked into Bourke at about 2pm for lunch at the pub before doing the last 150km dash to Camaroo Station. That’s where things really started to get interesting.
To be continued……………
April 2, 2013 at 6:10 am #238938top report so far guys
I must say though,,,,,
Damn it,,, Lefty looks even smaller on the 640 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Great effort getting on & off champ (that god for centre stands hey) 😆Looking forward to more pics as they come in !!!
April 2, 2013 at 8:49 am #238939Well done to everyone who has made this a success and raise a lot of coin for a great cause.
Toes and Lefty a job well done guys in total OBT sprit.
TB great photos really capturing the moment , I think the one of Lefty and the young boy is a statement of what it was all about,plus the family shots showing all involved to make this happen.
Great report from all so look forward to the rest.
StruckyApril 2, 2013 at 9:07 am #238940Thanks Team OBT for making a difference.
April 2, 2013 at 9:13 am #238962Sounds like an awesome weekend for a great cause.
well done to all involved.
I get the feeling that I will be buying a scrapper soon for next years adventure.
April 2, 2013 at 9:14 am #238956It was great to be on the Adventure Moto Ride. Lead be Trailboss from the Old Bulls, with Lefty sweeping on day one and and Mick Debreceny and Charlie Loomis sweeping on day 2. Steve Smith and Maxx were at the back of the pack as usual dishing up encouragement, fuel and trailer space as required. Thanks All!!
The Adventure Moto Ride left Bathurst on Thursday Morning, and the Mighty XR460/4 proved a little tough to get started, I did bring a second battery and eventually it fired up and we were ready to depart, I started to smell petrol and looked down and it was draining out quite quckly, so I turned off the fuel tap and rode until it coughed and turned it back on again. This happen a few times but eventually it stopped as we left the town of Bathurst and headced towards Ophir.
Little bit off the GoPro
It was a great ride and apart from nearly collecting 2 deaf Kangaroo’s, well they must have been deaf cause the XR460/4 aint exactly quiet, the ride was well planned and the cornerman system worked a treat. We stopped up behind Wellington at Wolfies farm and had a late breakfast of Bacon and egg rolls, Scones coffee and Cheescake to keep us full of energy. Thanks Wolfie and Rachel
It was a great weekend, with a LOT of people puting in a huge effort for a Great Cause, Thanks to all who participated, lead, swept and morally supported us from home
April 2, 2013 at 9:39 am #238941What a fantastic ride, and a fantastic bunch of guys, I had a ball, thanks for everything. I met so many wonderful people, and at 100kph on some of those roads, the pucker factor was so high you couldn’t have driven a needle up my butt with a sledgehammer,lol
Oh, and TB, um, after giving me a hard time about Harleys going home on Trailers all weekend, I believe I seen the NEW Yamahahaha, loaded up on a trailer when I left, you didn’t think I would let that slip by did you:) You know they make Gel filled sheep skin covers for tender bottoms:) hehe
Cant wait to see all you guys again, even if it is just for a beer in Mic’s shed, thank you everyone.
April 2, 2013 at 10:32 am #238942your welcome pezz ,it was our pleasure
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