secret squirrel

Home Forums Ride Reports secret squirrel

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  andrew 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Well four of us got to the tracks in search of this mystery creature. It slipped past us this time. The only thing that came close was in depleted giraffe hanging from a tree. :laugh:

    the singles were smick and slippery snowball was just a mud hole lost the front end in there.
    vid and pics to come soon. High light of the day goes to ruts brother who is riding again after 18months off.
    he crashed a bicycle so he decided a new WR 450 :woohoo: was more his style. Done well we even got it to boil on one of my singles :laugh: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    No guessing where that flat Giraffe came from :laugh:
    Good onya Andy


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    No guessing where that flat Giraffe came from :laugh:
    Good onya Andy

    i wonder who popped it eags. :whistle:


    Dwayne O

    There would be a few likely candidates mate :sick:

    How cool was it up there ?


    Dwayne O

    Come to think of it Andy,
    You said “Giraffe”, not “GOAT” , so you`d think it would be safe :whistle:

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