See you later NSW OBT’s I’m off to QLD

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Steve Wyeth 12 years ago.

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  • #102482

    Steve Wyeth

    Title says it all really, its been a pleasure though peeps, hopefully I can drag Mike down for a ride at some point in the future once I’ve found my way round the QLD trails.

    Just need to dust the big berger off now, I haven’t ridden it since Coffs! :pinch:


    Where in QLD exactly mate?




    Sorry to hear that Moto

    I’ll miss your compay and Mystery Hills ride :woohoo:

    Pop round for a quick beer if you get the chance before you go.



    Traiter. :laugh: :laugh:

    All the very best, Moto
    Good luck with your move

    You do know that its not always perfect up there. :whistle:
    Cyclones, floods and drought. ;)

    Murph (originally a banana bender)


    Matt Baker

    See ya later mole bag, don’t get too sunburnt you pasty faced pom B)

    organise a ride/pissup and l will be there


    Adam Rodgers

    See ya Moto :(

    Is the move long term ?

    Plus one on LC’s suggestion :P



    Mike Wyeth

    As I write this Moto’s on a plane coming back from England,and it’s great news for me as his Uncle :ohmy: to have him living locally.

    I’m really excited to have him and Tyne move up my way, and will be looking forward to showing him the local tracks ,as well as dragging him off to some of the Dalby moto trailride series that we do.

    I’m probably going to do the Noosa ride weekend again around sept/oct sokeep ypur eyes open for that one LC :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Anyway Nsw’s loss is QLD’s gain :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Can’t wait :P


    Like murph said…Traiter…. B)

    Shame to see you go moto, All the best with the move ;)



    Steve Wyeth

    Hi all, I’ll be heading up to the Sunny Coast, not sure exactly where yet but somewhere around Buderim on the South end is the plan, I’ll be back renting for a while so it depends on where I can get a place that is happy to have 2 dogs, not going to be easy!

    I will certainly miss the top people I’ve met down here but I’ll still try and get down for an OBT ride here and there so hope to see the old faces from time to time :)

    I’m looking forward to getting out with Mike and Tommo and hitting up the QLD trails, it’s great exploring new ride areas……bring it on!

    Lotsa – Will deffo have to catch up for a beer before I go, I left my mobile in the UK so don’t have my phone for a week or so but we’ll sort something out.

    I start my new job on 8th April so will be heading up to QLD somewhere around the 4th, until then I’ll be at home getting my current house ready to rent, for those of you who know where I live, feel free to stop by :-)


    craig evans

    best of luck with the move ,and enjoy

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