shed time

This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    craig evans

    as iv not long got dinner done ,kids in bed, wifie in bed, iv got NO jobs from the wife to do tonite im going to make the most of it and im going to the shed put a movie on, grab a drink sit in my favourite chair and clean my bike and relax ,so what is everybody else doing


    That sounds like my life every night…. Got no kids, no other half to cook/clean or make happy…. I’m sitting on my new leather lounge watching my new huge smart TV … laptop on lap and surfing the net on anything to do with Adventure motorbike riding ……I’m LIVING MY DREAMS….

    Got a long list of jobs to do on my bikes but that will wait for Saturday……



    looken at oldbulls i spose :blink: heaps of work to do in the shed next week maybe


    wolfie wrote:
    as iv not long got dinner done ,kids in bed, wifie in bed, iv got NO jobs from the wife to do tonite im going to make the most of it and im going to the shed put a movie on, grab a drink sit in my favourite chair and clean my bike and relax ,so what is everybody else doing

    just left the shed,
    bike is on trailor for delivery tomorrow night, gear is kinda packed,

    bring on the weekend.


    Just finished re-jetting the gasser so eagerly waiting for a test run tomorrow!!



    when I got home from work this arvo, I parked the BRP and noticed a small pool of fork oil on the thr front rim of the Gasser :angry: damn and Im riding it on Saturday up at Dungog. Hope the old film wipe around the seal trick works :ohmy:

    I think ive finally got rid of the flat spot in the jetting now as well,



    craig evans

    hey kat girl glad you livn your dream but some body cookn you a nice meal wouldnt go astray aswell so you can relax even more.Mr boon hope you have agreat weekend im lookn after the kids as the wife is at a wedding expo and havn a girlie weekend with no kids,so i cant go any were ,wish i could have as iv got about a hrs worth of work in morning and thats it till monday would have been a great long weekend riding some were


    Dwayne O

    I get shedtime pretty much everyday ,,,
    Makes it easy when the mancave is under the house :woohoo:

    Nothin` like a cool beverage, some tunes in the background, no missus & kids home till later and just tinkering with the bike B)


    My shed is a two car garage with no cars in it. They are both parked in the driveway slowing rusting away. :laugh:
    No need to hang out there tonight as my bike is dialled and waiting for a ride on Sunday with Tdriver and the Yamba boys. :woohoo:



    craig evans

    gas heater just came out more drinks ready to dissapare. im pretty lucky iv got a good misses get plenty of shed time and if i need or want something wifie orgs it for me im a lucky man


    Have you been hacked or is she watching you haha


    I make a visit to the shed at least four or five times a week!! A man needs to have somewhere for Theraphy !! B)


    Mick D

    Yeah I am a bit partial to some quality shed time. Not that I get in there as much as I would like. :whistle:


    Ian Kersley

    Picking up wot your’e putting down there boulder , I work 250km from my shed & only get to see it 3-4 days a fortnight,

    every man needs his shed so after 14 years Im going to move my shed THIS YEAR { just the content} and all the

    projects I’ve been putting off can be attended to . Carn’t wait , the little lady will become a shed widow but she’ll get

    over it.



    craig evans

    no i havnt been hacked or being watched lol nato just got a good one a hell of alot better then my ex. she gives me what ever i need or want and spoils me ,she was the 1 who org my new bike just b4 xmas and told me to start enjoyn myself,cant complain with that can i just finished work for the week wife at expo here i am in the shed movie going [ hatta desest race ] relaxing

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