SHHH, Scotty’s Hunting Single Twack

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This topic contains 20 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Peter 12 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #228316
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    This was a grade 4 hill climb before the trail cutter lads cleaned it up, as well as a few other areas. Nice blokes.
    Hook up with Mal5.1 and get the best singles sorted Scotty. Sweet pics.

    Funny you should mention the trail cutter lads. I run into a group of guys out there who said they had done some work on the trail including fixing some of the creek crossings. They said they where there cutting in some new singles, :)



    Great photos and report there Scotty, i have been down through here with Galey a few times,
    Brilliant riding and awesome scenery.

    Will have to catch up for a ride at Clarence in the next few weeks maybe. I know Twobanger is always keen to get in there and he knows the area really well.

    Cheers Marty


    Adrian Gale

    Ah the swamp monster lives. Now where is that photo?


    Nice work Marty 450 ( Swamp Monster )


    Dwayne O

    Nice report Scotty,
    That entire area is awsome, terrific trails & great places to visit & have a general look around ,,

    Thanx for the pics ,,, made my day at work all that much more enjoyable :S NOT :laugh:




    Great report Scott, only remembered I hadn’t complemented you on it when I saw you mentioned to Eagle that all your pictures had been taken with an iPhone. I did 99% of the Cape photos with my iPhone they have a very good camera.

    Great report




    Great Pics & report Scotty

    That is some great / awesome country


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