Should i ?shouldn’t I ?Buy a 11 450 or a Fuel injected

Home Forums Yamaha Bikes Yamaha Bikes Should i ?shouldn’t I ?Buy a 11 450 or a Fuel injected

This topic contains 58 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  corey heather 13 years ago.

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    Bob Dowsett

    where’s admin when you want them :ohmy:

    Back on topic please

    oh sorry it was the hierachy that strayed to start with …………………..typical :dry:




    Will you just buy a bloody bike, so we can take the piss out of you by saying you bought the wrong one



    Mike Wyeth


    I had an 04 wr450 and loved it, I had done over 13,000ks and only had the valves shimmed once and that was only one inlet that needed doing, the bike never let me down and if im honest it was more that everyone else had bought new that prompted me to start looking at a new one.
    My choice was between a new wr,husaberg or gasgas, I wouldnt have a kato so i went and test rode the berg which i liked but at the end of the day the price was going to be near 14 grand :woohoo:
    The only reason I didnt buy the gasser was because of the resale value down the line :( I loved the bike but the more i thought about it the more i kept thinking that I always rode well on my old wr, so i should have another look at them :P
    My son has a 2010wr450 and i took it out for a good ride which was the best thing :ohmy: The power was good,the suspension was good and probably more important was the fact that i felt comfortable on it :P
    I ended up paying 12,200 a year ago exactly and have no regrets whatsoever B) B) its brilliant.
    I think if you want a new bike ,and you can get a 2011 for 9000 :woohoo: snap it up mate you will love it, in my opinion they are a MUCH better bike than the 04.

    Yes the efi bike will be good but im not in the slightest bit dissapointed with my’11 :ohmy: :P :silly: :silly:
    Hope it helps mate ;)


    Adrian Gale

    Husky TE449 11 Demo for 8500 ? Good for blokes with short stumps.


    Matt Baker

    Check this one out Bob, comes with a free exhaust so we can still hear you loud and clear, you can pick it up when you come to my place on the weekend :)



    Save your money for tires and body armour Bob. ;)


    If you wernt such a short ugly prick Id reccomend you get a DRZ, but you couldnt reach the ground or pick it up when you dropped it!



    here you go Bob, seeing as we’re all giving you stick over the height thing, and weight saving.

    it’s the only one i could find that’s ADR compliant.


    Check out all the 2012 Shercos 250, 300, 450, 510. Light weight, fuel injected, European made, Australian support….
    Cheers Budge



    Sorry…what were you guys saying…i must have watched LC4 Skins avatar 40 times and forgot what the topic was for a while there. :blush: :woohoo: :blush:

    Yeah just get one and enjoy :laugh:


    Adrian Lee

    i cancelled my order for the 2012 WR and bought a 2011 model instead.
    $8700 ride away was far to tempting up against 13k for the 2012



    thats the go cheap hay



    Good Buying $8700 is DRZ price territory.

    But I was sweating on a real life WR450i review.



    Adrian Lee

    My bike is a US import. It has no ADR components and is fully deregulated from factory.

    it would be no good in NSW as it can not be fully registered, lucky in mexico we can rec reg. And you think we are are the poor cousins, ha :laugh: :laugh:

    It has a pro circuit pipe and has been re jetted to suit,also has been dyno tuned.

    Only thing i need to do is get the suspension sorted to suit my fat arse

    Had a quick blat on it last sunday and was very impressed


    Bob Dowsett
    aido wrote:
    My bike is a US import. It has no ADR components and is fully derestricted.

    it would be no good in NSW as it can not be fully registered, lucky in mexico we can rec reg. And you think we are are the poor cousins, ha :laugh: :laugh:

    It has a pro circuit pipe and has been re jetted to suit,also has been dyno tuned.

    Only thing i need to do is get the suspension sorted to suit my fat arse

    Had a quick blat on it last sunday and was very impressed

    After all the hype /Bullshit and anticipation you went for the 2011

    Stuffed if i know i can’t work us out I’m the tightarse and i’m saving for the efi (I think)

    You’ve got more money than the king and you went for the 9k deal (awsome deal I must say) F@#$% its still tempting though

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