Silverton, Oodnadatta, SA or bust ADV ride 2011

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Silverton, Oodnadatta, SA or bust ADV ride 2011

This topic contains 99 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Fish and I got cut off. I think we covered everything, so will catch you all at Silverton. :woohoo:


    Nick Jackson

    Can’t wait to catch up for a beer Boulder ;)


    Have a great ride Gents I wish that i was going with you. Maybe next time on my new adv bike. ;) Ride safe and have a beer or two for me on the way.



    Mick Pilgrim
    Dejay wrote:
    I think he’s running an E09, with all the weight and power of the might DR, we could both be in trouble! :P :woohoo: What tyre combo are you running Mick?

    I’ll be running Bridgestones – ED77 front ED78 rear

    Tryhard ran them on his 690 on the High Country ride and was happy with them, so I’ll see how they go



    Nick Jackson
    mickp wrote:
    Dejay wrote:
    I think he’s running an E09, with all the weight and power of the might DR, we could both be in trouble! :P :woohoo: What tyre combo are you running Mick?

    I’ll be running Bridgestones – ED77 front ED78 rear

    Tryhard ran them on his 690 on the High Country ride and was happy with them, so I’ll see how they go


    I an the ED78 last year on the Cameron ride and Marlow used the same tyre on the recent Northern Rivers Ride and I was happy with the wear ;)

    We did both crash a lot though !!!! :pinch: :laugh: :whistle:


    Mick Pilgrim
    Trailboss wrote:
    Mick I can only imagine is worried about weights after he has just welded the arse of the kato back on :laugh: :pinch:

    Sutto told me last week “The 690 is a good adventure bike but they cant carry the weight we do adventure riding”

    I will weigh mine maybe this week if I can get time and Lefty is available


    After about 23k’s I dont think its too bad to have a stress crack in the rack. :P The mods were to the KTM rack to fit 2 struts up from the rear peg mounting brackets and an extra brace onto the top of the tank making it similar to the Touratech 690 rack.

    I seem to remember a Tenere rack having pubside repairs not long ago :whistle:

    As long as I dont have problems on the track B)



    mickp wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    Mick I can only imagine is worried about weights after he has just welded the arse of the kato back on :laugh: :pinch:

    Sutto told me last week “The 690 is a good adventure bike but they cant carry the weight we do adventure riding”

    I will weigh mine maybe this week if I can get time and Lefty is available


    After about 23k’s I dont think its too bad to have a stress crack in the rack. :P The mods were to the KTM rack to fit 2 struts up from the rear peg mounting brackets and an extra brace onto the top of the tank making it similar to the Touratech 690 rack.

    I seem to remember a Tenere rack having pubside repairs not long ago :whistle:

    As long as I dont have problems on the track B)


    Blah blah blah the arse end broke on the bike end of the story Mick :laugh: :laugh: KTM crap :P

    Yes a rack on Nicks bike broke whats that got to do with the back breaking on your KTM :laugh: It wasn’t the bike it was the rack ;)

    30k on the big Tenere, the valves haven’t moved and its all good but it doesnt float :laugh:



    Nick Jackson

    Looks like a dry ride out to Oodnadatta :woohoo:



    Details for the 1st Sat phone, Looks easy enough to use

    The Isat Rental Phone is Connected and ready for use.

    The details are:

    SIM: 898709911416163812
    Master MSISDN: 870776470424
    PIN 1: 8888
    PUK 1: 47435215

    The Inmarsat ISatPhone Master MSISDN number provided above is your phone number, and includes within it an International Country Code equivalent. It is an International Satellite phone number, so you can be anywhere in the world and receive a call with the same dialling protocols as outlined below.

    I am quite keen on receiving feedback on how the phone goes for you, so I have feedback from actual users!


    Calls FROM the ISatPhone should be dialled using the following protocol:

    • + (or 00); then
    • 61 (for calls into Australia); then
    • A (where this is the Area Code, less the first zero … e.g. 2 for NSW/ACT, 3 for TAS/VIC, 7 for QLD or 8 for NT/SA/WA); then
    • the phone number
    • EXAMPLE: To call me, you dial +61262809447; or 0061262809447.
    • + (or 00); then
    • 61 (for calls into Australia); then
    • the mobile phone number LESS the first zero
    • EXAMPLE: To call the mobile number 0400123456 you dial +61400123456 or 00400123456.

    The first method with a + is the one that I have tried and tested successfully.


    Calls to the ISatPhone should be dialled using the following protocol

    From Within Australia:
    • 0011 (to get out of the Australian network and into the International network)
    • The Inmarsat ISatPhone Master MSISDN number provided above.
    • EXAMPLE: If a friend or family member from within Australia wants to call you, they dial 0011870776470424

    SMS – You can send an SMS TO the phone for free by visiting and clicking on the RIGHT side link to ‘Send a free SMS to an ISatphone PRO’ link. Plug in the phone number, and write the text! Easy! You can also send an SMS into an ISatphone Pro via email using the protocol:
    This means that if your number 870776470424, your SMS address would be :



    Gaz are you able to maybe print two of those as info sheets and maybe laminate them to pack with each phone?



    I suppose, would you like Fries with that ?


    OWL 02 wrote:
    I suppose, would you like Fries with that ?

    Dont worry I have Salina on the job doing it at her work ;) I am unable to do it where I am its all good



    Its already done


    OWL 02 wrote:
    Its already done

    Well we will have spares if either of us forget theirs :laugh:




    Are they very big Gaz the phones, are they in pelican cases? Just working out where to put them, camelback etc

    PS thats the missed call on your phone ;)


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