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This topic contains 184 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Clive Carre 13 years, 2 months ago.
October 21, 2011 at 10:39 pm #210657
Thanks to those who organised the ride and attended. Great company, great country and experiences.
Some photos
Top of big red looking north to east
Camera crew and observers on big red
Waiting in front of Tom Kruze truck at Maree
The flag pole at Cameron corner the morning we left
Looking towards the Simpson dessert
NickJ roosting boghole
Boulders CDI
Krusty and Gaz
October 22, 2011 at 9:01 am #210720A break south of Tibooburra
the road south of Cordillo downs
MickP at Mungerannie hotel
The crocodile sign at coopers Creek ferry, pinched from QLD
F*&king what, crocodiles eat Fish
Boulder in the Flinders
October 22, 2011 at 11:20 am #210725lotsa wrote:The crocodile sign at coopers Creek ferry, pinched from QLD
Where’s the Old Bull sticker
October 22, 2011 at 12:24 pm #210726Jeffro wrote:lotsa wrote:The crocodile sign at coopers Creek ferry, pinched from QLD
Where’s the Old Bull sticker
Good Question ??? :laugh:
They are plastered lots of other places :whistle:October 22, 2011 at 2:43 pm #210729EAGLE`02 wrote:Jeffro wrote:lotsa wrote:The crocodile sign at coopers Creek ferry, pinched from QLD
Where’s the Old Bull sticker
Good Question ??? :laugh:
They are plastered lots of other places :whistle:They have all been given away
October 22, 2011 at 5:37 pm #210734How hard core is Nick having his 1.30pm nanny nap :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: he wants it mentioned it was on the lay day after the big night on it in Birdsville. So having mentioned that I have to mention while this was going on most everyone else was in the beer garden having a quiet one or two
I had left the boys to go over the maps to lead the run to Camerons
Nice work Champion at least you dont snore as bad as DeeJay :laugh: :pinch:
October 22, 2011 at 5:47 pm #210743Yep hardcore drinking does that to me every time
Watch your back now TB
October 22, 2011 at 6:05 pm #210745Nickj wrote:Watch your back now TBI asked, I warned first and added your disclaimer
October 22, 2011 at 6:16 pm #210746Trailboss wrote:Nickj wrote:Watch your back now TBI asked, I warned first and added your disclaimer
Will still be good fun trying to catch you out
October 22, 2011 at 6:54 pm #210748Nickj wrote:Trailboss wrote:Nickj wrote:Watch your back now TBI asked, I warned first and added your disclaimer
Will still be good fun trying to catch you out
Join the queue mate, its a longen :laugh:
October 22, 2011 at 7:43 pm #210749Ever one was up early as we wanted to get into Innamincka ASAP to see what the go with Boulder and the DR was. We arrived and dived for the shade as it was getting hot in the sun. Soon it was noted that Lotsa and Mickp were in fact MIA. Fish jumped on his bike and was soon back informing all that Lotsa had a stick through his tyre and they had in under control and would in fact be along shortly.
We asked at the servo about Boulder and was told he was with the Mechanic and had left to drive back out the track to Cordillo downs to find Boulders missing CDI unit. CDI unit, how does someone lose a CDI unit!! In case you don’t know on a DR650 it is about the size of a cigarette packet and is housed under the seat on top of the air box. We had a bacon and egg roll (the most expensive I have ever had I must add, nice but way to pricey) Fish said he wanted to go and find Boulder and see how it was going so Nick and I got suited up and left with Fish. We started a slow ride, 3 abreast searching for the missing CDI and Boulder. After about 55kms at 35 – 40kph we came across Boulder and the Mechanic. They had got to the spot where the bike had stopped and searched the area and found jack!. They were heading back to Innamincka. We decided to continue a bit further to just double check. Fish came with us but turned around at the area where they started towing. Nick and I thought as everyone was a little hazy on the exact kms they towed or the exact location of a few things we would continue to the 100km mark. We found nothing, it was a mental head stress trying ride and search the track and track side. We turned and rode back a little faster around 45 to 60kph but it still to for what seemed forever. When we got back it was stinking hot and we heard the magic words they have found it!!! But the body language said it wasn’t all good news. The decision had been made that Fish would tow him to Camerons Corner, they wanted to leave there and then but I wanted everyone to wait and go together. We had lunch and were waiting for it to cool a bit as we had 260kms to go and it wasn’t dark until 8pm so we could cool how heels.
Boulder was worried about the tow speed and how long it would take so the call was made they were going, so we were all going.
Innamincka is an over priced shit hole, run by greedy people doing the outback a dis-service by over charging tourists.
Once we got going we dropped backed and checked on the Boulder bros, check the look at my speedo, yup that’s 104kph they were towing at!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugeQ3wKEFWg
We stopped and had a sticky at a drill rig
From there we passed the Boulders again and set about heading to the corner, would we really make it at last. A comedy of errors started then that lead to riding one of the best tracks all ride. I got to a T intersection and didn’t bother getting the map out to check as the Boulder bros would know for sure? As they arrived Fish pointed to the left and headed that way, so we sooted past and away we went, next intersection we did the same and then about a klm later fish pulls up and goes where are we? Out came the map, a route worked out and away we continued, there was a small misdirection later that was sorted. We then rode the awesome track into the back of the corner. This track had everything, sand, sand, sandy corners, fast straights, fast sand, slow sand it was great. We came across heaps of cattle and then this
(We were told later that night that apparently ol mate unloaded it and went back to the corner store had a few cans. He found it was in the wrong spot so went back out that night and went to reload it, the truck wasn’t on the flat nothing more need be said eh instant dismissal we were told for him and his offsider)
So we kept going the rums were yelling and I wanted to get there bad!! Soon in the distance I could see a radio tower and knew it was the corner. Nick said to pour it on and he was going to drop back and ride in with DeeJay. It meant a bit what with two attempts, years of planning and having promised Mal (from Sutto’s) R.I.P. that I would raise a glass there for him, I held it pinned for the last 2 kilometers. So there it was the corner store.
The best hosts we had on the trip, they joined us, shouted a round, and looked after us no end the best place on the trip
We had a few and then headed for the showers, I went for a quick photo ride
The corner
Longest fence in the world, was 8164kms, shortened a few years back to 5164kms
Nick decided he would change out his 606 rear we had tyres waiting there for us with thanks to the Boulder Bros. I said to Deejay he should change the near bald Kenda he had bought in Birdsville which he did.
A good look over my bike and it was set for the run home
We headed for a few ales
And then a feed, what’s doing with Deejay
We then wandered to the corner post in the dark
Nick had a beer in every state, Deejay planked in three states at once but I can’t find the photo. OK so the video isn’t the best but whatever you should have been there
More evening shots
The shot as I departed for bed
The corner was the trip for me for many reasons, I will be back there next year and many more times in the future.
Later the last day
October 22, 2011 at 9:35 pm #210752My 606 with 2800kms on it rooted :pinch:
Nickj’s 606 at the corner around 2800kms
Deejay’s Birdsville purchased Kenda around 850 odd kms on it :laugh:
Mickp’s ED78 at around 2800kms
Gaz’s Mitas at around 2800kms
Tyres eh
October 22, 2011 at 10:57 pm #210767The night at Cameron Corner Store was made special by a couple of things …
Fenn the owner getting very drunk with us
And then introducing us to Special Ed ( or Fred in his version !! )
October 22, 2011 at 11:01 pm #210778Nickj wrote:The night at Cameron Corner Store was made special by a couple of things …Fenn the owner getting very drunk with us
And then introducing us to Special Ed ( or Fred in his version !! )
Thats funny shit, would have been funny that night. The description Fish gave of Fenn going to bed was funny also :laugh:
October 22, 2011 at 11:08 pm #210779With the DR fixed and ready to go, we headed out to big red to have some fun! The run out was defiantly, one of the highlights of the trip. We rode out via a dune that TB found the day before, which was a good warm up. The rode out to big red took a detour and that’s where the magic started.
The rode ran parallel with the dunes “s”ing its way along and then turn right 90 degrees along a fence and up and over the first dune, which I hit with a bit of pace and had to call Birdsville airport for clearance to land lol!!!
After hitting a few more dunes we pulled up to watch the rest of the crew and it was great to watch Fish and Boulder, at work in the sand! Top stuff! We got going again and the road weaved left and right snaking its way to big red with a few quicker straights chucked in for fun!
Big red was a sight to see from the bottom! It was awesome. And watching TB fail his first attempt I began to S the G!!!! I watched a few guys go up the medium track and all before me besides the ostrich made without a drama! It was my turn and I didn’t think too much, and hit in second wide open! Making it to the top got rid of the nerves but I was rather keen to watch someone go the hard track! Boulder smashed it and Fish and I went down to have a crack! Fish went first and his fate was the same as TB’s! I dropped the pressure in my tyre, and had my first attempt! And stopped near the top! The track from the bottom to about half way was awesome, 2nd gear pinned and held on for the ride! That itself was great let alone (on the fourth attempt) making my over the top!! To say I was happy with my efforts was an understatement!
Nick J and I rode across to the adjacent dune to take a look at the Simpson, which getting to the top was more fun, with peg high sandy tracks with a few ruts to make it worthwhile! The view was spectacular and made you want to keep riding to see what else the Simpson had to offer! (Keep posted for that adventure, on my other adventure bike lol).
We turned back and inflated tyres, and Fish and Boulder led the way out! Much the same as the way in, it was awesome riding! Both myself and Fish hit the same dune in the same fashion, with speed and smiles on our faces! I landed with a bit of a moment, as a landed in fish’s fresh made rut, I managed to power out of it and Lotsa said he thought I was gone!
We made our way into town for a quick bite to eat and a splash and dash! A quick photo outside the famous Birdsville pub and we head out of town! The road out of town was fairly hard packed, and I cruised a bit to save the tyre! But found myself a little bored! We stopped a couple of times, leap frogging two aspiring adventure riders, one on a DR650 (legend) and the other on a KLR650!
They were nice blokes and me and the jackeroo on the DR had a bit of fun as I was sitting back out TB and Nicks dust (and getting bored catching them and dropping back off lol).
After our second breather the road got a bit more interesting, the road had a few bog patches and detours around, which were more fun than the road itself! It went into creek beds and had sweeping lefts and rights! And more detours to keep me on my pivot pegs lol!!
We made it to the big sheering shed and had a snack and a look around! Boulder and fish went ahead to get Beers and meet us at the Dig tree! Well the drama that unfolded for them was the opposite of what happened for us! We rode some great sandy, hilly roads and as the entire trip we were really spoilt with awesome roads and spectacular views! We rode past a grass fire and stopped further ahead to wait for the rest of the group! TB did his speed run for the camera, (should call him dell). After the boys caught up we continued on at a fun pace and arrived about 45 minutes later at the Dig tree! We pulled up at our campsite with finally a creek bed that was full! Set up camp and slowly began to worry about the Boulders! Nick and Lotsa ducked off for some fire wood and we got a bit worried about them too!
When Fish pulled up (with case of beer), he told us of his drama packed arvo with his bro, and we spent the night around the camp fire when the boys finally got back!More to Come!
The run into Cameron’s corner after a day and outaminka (and pocket pub)Dejay
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