Silverton, Oodnadatta, SA ride report 2011

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  • #210285

    All is good, The rear tyre on the DR is farked, Bike is out on the track but everyone is safe and ten parts know what! Havin a ball


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: Stuff it with Sinifex & ride on young man :woohoo:

    Good the here the good times ar a rollin` ,,,

    Carry On :silly:


    Great to here everyone is all ok and having a good time. TB Rang earlier this afternoon and seemed to be having a grat time. It looks as though they will try to head for the corner tomorrow. :woohoo:
    Hope that you get all of your bike issues sorted tomorrow and good luck. ;)


    Dwayne O

    :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
    Looks like they have had the whole day still in Birdsville today after recovering the DR.
    No movement in either direction after that :unsure:

    Waiting on tyres, fixing rims, bad weather ??? Could be a number of things I suppose


    Nick Jackson

    We had a huge night on the cans at the Birdsville pub last night and woke up very seedy !!!

    We took off Fishs back wheel for DJ.
    I took DJ on the back of my Tenere 46km back down the Birdsville track to recover the project DR. We we fitted the wheel with Lotsa , TB and Krusty and headed for Birdsville. 10km short of town DJ got a flat in Fishs back wheel.
    Krusty and I went back to town and got Boulders back wheel and headed back to the DR.
    Fishs E09 side wall was split too.
    Once back at the pub we stripped all the wheel got new tyres and did some bike maintainance.

    After a Camel pie and a Kip we decided to get back on the cans then hit Big Red tomorrow :woohoo:

    It’s been a great adventure so far and the best is yet to come !!!!


    I just got of the phone from Nickj and today was a maintenance and recovery day. They took Fish’s wheel out to bring back the stranded bike and then that tyres failed so it turned into a big mission. TB has had a leaking shock from day 1 so the boys have shared his gear among them so his bike is unaided.
    Sounds like it is really turning into an adventure. They now plan to try for Cameron.



    Nick Jackson

    The Birdsville Track


    Birdsville pub




    Dwayne O

    Good to hear Jacko ,,,
    Continue your partying then mate and enjoy Big Red tomorrow :woohoo:

    Cheers to All & good luck


    Mick D

    OK, I have had 3 phone calls from TB since they have hit Birdsville. The first was at 9.30 last night and TB was speaking some foreign language, although I did catch the phrase “19 rums”.

    The 2nd was this morning, at first I didn’t recognise his voice, it sounded like I was talking to someone in intensive care who had just woken up from a coma. He mentioned that he was suffering from the worst hangover in living memory, surpassing any of those monumental ones he has had at my place.

    He said that once he can get his hands and feet co-ordinated enough to ride a motorbike they are going out to get DeeJays bike as they have sourced a tyre and tube for it somehow. Once they get that fixed they are going out for a go at “Big Red”. I presume that is a big sand dune and not the local Ranga prostitute.

    After they are finished on big red they intend to make their way back to Birdsville for another night on the turps.

    THe 3rd confirmed STM’s post, as per below.

    EDIT. It seems as though since I typed this this morning (but couldn’t post it due to technical issues.), a few things have changed due to tyre hassles. As STM says the boys are gunna give big red a run tomorrow.


    Mick D

    Just got off the phone from TB, the boys have just arrived back at Birdsville after tackling big red and another harder sand dune. Everyone one got up eventually, although they have now christened Krusty “Ostrich” as he always ends up with his head in the sand. :laugh:
    They are now preparing to head off to the “DIG Tree”.

    Sounds like they are all having a great time!

    micknmeld wrote:
    Just got off the phone from TB, the boys have just arrived back at Birdsville after tackling big red and another harder sand dune. Everyone one got up eventually, although they have now christened Krusty “Ostrich” as he always ends up with his head in the sand. :laugh:
    They are now preparing to head off to the “DIG Tree”.

    Sounds like they are all having a great time!

    :P Bastards :laugh: :kiss:


    Mark Bunting
    Jeffro wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Just got off the phone from TB, the boys have just arrived back at Birdsville after tackling big red and another harder sand dune. Everyone one got up eventually, although they have now christened Krusty “Ostrich” as he always ends up with his head in the sand. :laugh:
    They are now preparing to head off to the “DIG Tree”.

    Sounds like they are all having a great time!

    :P Bastards :laugh: :kiss:

    +1 :laugh:


    micknmeld wrote:
    Once they get that fixed they are going out for a go at “Big Red”. I presume that is a big sand dune and not the local Ranga prostitute.

    I dont think you would have been too far off the Mark Mick :laugh: :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Looks like the boys are doing it tough tonite,,, Camping out after two night at the Birdsville Pub :laugh:
    At least their camsite is on the banks of another waterhole of sorts,,,, BULLAH BULLAH WATERHOLE :pinch: :P

    Their livers probably need some R&R anyway :S


    Mick D

    OK just got a phone call from TB, there has been a bit of trouble.

    Boulder’s chain kept coming loose and they realised that his frame was broken on the drive side, so the bike had to be towed to town. That was the least of Boulder’s problems as it seems, somewhere on the way to town whilst getting towed, The DRZ’s CDI has worked it’s way loose and fallen from the bike, it is now Lost in the desert!
    Never heard of a CDI just falling off before!

    They are back tracking looking for it as we speak.

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