Silverton, Oodnadatta, SA ride report 2011

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This topic contains 184 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Clive Carre 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Just looked at the spots and thought something must have been wrong. Seems as though Krusty & Owl’s spot has stopped working as well.


    Mick D

    Well the “Cameron’s curse” has struck again (TB’s words).

    TB and Nick rode 200km’s looking for the CDI and didn’t find it. It was found though, just 8km’s out of Innaminka, unfortunately it was trashed and of no use. So that is Boulders dash over. They have a plan to get him out of there though which TB didn’t get around to telling me.

    He said it is as hot as Hades there today and they are gunna make a mad dash for the Corner this arvo. Lets hope they make it. I don’t think I could bear watching them have another go at it next year……:laugh:


    Dwayne O

    They wanted Adventure, and this time they are sure getting just that :laugh: :whistle:
    Next year is too busy & they have no plan to do another Corner attempt (hence the push to get there this time as the weather has cleared better than predicted) ;)

    The DR`s frame cracked on the recent run out to the Flinders Ranges on the TK Memorial ride I think too :unsure:
    The big man will not be happy it has ruined his ride this trip :(

    Watcing intently for the next update,,,,, or the next drams fillled day anyway :laugh:

    Thanx Mick


    Mick D

    Hey Eags, when are they supposed to be back?


    Dwayne O

    Unsure mate as they changed the route details from the original plans,,,,,

    I guess this sunday is the planned finish as that was the last night that was planned for St Albans (then ride home on the monday)
    But with the start being moved to Silverton, thats the finish cause the cars are there :whistle:

    Who knows,,, they will be back when they`re back :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Looks like they have finally made it to the Corner just now ;)
    Well done lads,,, persistance paid off on the end :laugh:

    Will be a ripper ride report when they get home ,,,,,


    Looks like you may have jumped the gun a bit the Mr Eags, they all look a little bit short of the corner when you zoom in.

    Perhaps you have trouble arriving a little early :blush: :woohoo: :P


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: No , no probs with early here mate :P :whistle:

    On topic,,, Geez your harsh,,, They are practically right on it TB`s was anyway last I looked.
    Surely they have to be sitting on the famous post either sometime this evening or in the morning :whistle:
    Can`t be that close & not make it there now :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    They are at the Cameron Corner Store,,,, which is good enough to be at THE CORNER :cheer:
    That is also where the tyres & spares were dropped by Boulder some time ago for this trip …


    Mick D

    I got another call from TB last night, they had in fact made it to the corner and Boulder was with them!!! In True OLD BULL spirit they towed Boulder and his stricken DRZ the last 240km!!! What an awesome effort! Friday will see them heading for Broken Hill with Boulder in tow! A big effort by all involved. Kudos to the guys for not giving up on their quest to get to the corner as a team!
    Cant wait to read the reports and see the photos!




    Thats a big effort and your right Mick they have dug deep and plenty of OLD BUll Spirit




    It looks like they have split up with Owl & Krusty’s Spot showing them on a different route to Nickj


    I would guess the Owls and Deejay are towing Boulder down the highway and TB and Nick are off on their own adventure.


    simon burke

    check out the lightning that is heading towards the boys at the moment :ohmy:
    Run Forrest …Run!!!


    Mick D

    Good work posting that site Bollocks. It is a great site ay. Wanna buy an ad on it?? I could organise that if you want. ;)

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