Silverton, Oodnadatta, SA ride report 2011

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Reports Silverton, Oodnadatta, SA ride report 2011

This topic contains 184 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Clive Carre 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Dwayne O

    Got him good there Jeffro :P


    Jeffro wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    Deejay’s snappy dress sense :blink:



    Haha, now there’s the pot calling the kettle black :sick: 😆


    This isn’t a court of law but anything you do, say or wear will be used against you. :kiss:

    Your on drugs Jeffro, they arent even close :blink: he has thongs on I have boots on ya tripper :pinch:




    Day5 was a planned 6am start from the front of the pub, we wanted to get out to Big red before it got to hot. Again everyone was early or close enough to time, all the bikes had their luggage stripped off and in one case even the rear rack. It was serious business this making it to and up Big Red. We motored out with Boulder and Fish sweeping, Gaz struggled when we hit the sand and after a tumble or two decided he would venture back to Birdsville and await our return. We waited atop a dune



    We then watched Fish, Boulder and then krusty ride up. It was here Fish dropped his bike after stopping, which was fitting as he was always asking whose bar had hit the ground and then it was his on film

    We headed for Big Red proper and as soon as we got there I let a little bit of air out of my rear tyre and took off first I made a run at the hardest hill of the 3, my figuring was don’t over think it and take the tiger by the tail. Unsuccessful first attempt only 3/4s of the way up, I backed down and went straight for the middle track and made it first go. There were 3 tracks, the chicken run (no one even went near it, the middle and most commonly used track and the hard track)

    The view from the top, you can just see the boys now there


    Krusty’s first unsuccessful attempt, close but no cigar

    Looking around from the top of Big Red and Fish helps krusty turn around and back on his bike

    Nickj has his first run and it was a successful attempt up the middle

    Boulder then flew up and over and very nearly cleaned up the two Teneres!! He then gets up Fish for letting us park there!!

    Lotsa cruised

    krusty went from being an Owl to an Ostrich

    Deejay then kicked its arse first run

    Krusty binned it again, sadly I didn’t get the whole thing but here is a picture


    Mickp torqued the big 690 straight up

    We started then playing on the big hard steep option, Boulder got up

    Deejay went down for try at the hard option and to try and talk Krusty into another attempt, he had two falls now trying and wasn’t feeling up for another

    Fish had a dig on the hard one, FAIL

    Deejay tries again

    Fish fails again and near flips turning around

    Deejay again!!

    And again stubborn little bugger

    krusty finally cracks it

    Then Fish cracks the steep one

    Nick has a dig on the steep one, he almost makes it. The 2nd video has the official judge Boulder state clearly he didn’t ride unassisted into the bowl so it doesn’t count

    I had a crack at the hard one, fail!

    We then took some group shots



    Looking across to the start of the QA track, 1100+ sand dunes that way boys


    I rode across the flat and up onto the start of the QA and took a photo back at the boys on top off Big Red, also shows how big that dunes is



    The Simpson real


    Tenere in the Desert



    Track back to big red


    I crack the hard run up big red, and do it smooth as

    Final score for big red, everyone up the middle run. Hard run Boulder, Fish, Deejay and me

    I will continue day 5 later as its still only 8.30 in the morning by this ride report



    Dwayne O

    Some goodtimes right there on video ;)
    Sounds like you all had a ball

    Thanx for sharing B)


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Some goodtimes right there on video ;)
    Sounds like you all had a ball

    Thanx for sharing B)

    Thanks Eags the bloody videos, photos and stories are taking as long as the ride :huh: 😆




    big red looked like fun :woohoo: top report so far


    Thanks to all on this ride it was awesome!!! Here are a few pics from along the way. :)
    water at Big Red


    Great report so far, sounds like you guys had a great time. Big red looks awsome. I wish i was there. Cant wait to read about the rest of the ride.


    Jack Kerouac


    I just blew in my pants looking at those photos.

    Might have to put some pivot pegs on the XR250, top up my camel back and have a crack at the Simpson.

    How many kms West until the next fuel from Big Red? Perhaps a support vehicle would be in order.



    Bloody awesome read guys, looks like a great trip, we really do have a beautiful country to call home :)



    I am sorry I couldn’t this one, you guys look to have had a ball.


    Hey Im not going to do it but I have to admire what you blokes have done. ive been allover the areas you travelled and crossed the Simpson a few times, but I did it from the comfort of my hilux or nissan wagon. There is no way id ride a bike be it a drz or a proper adventure bike out there and Ill stick to a seat in a 4wd for my trips out there. Well done to all.


    Nick Jackson
    snowy09 wrote:
    Hey Im not going to do it but I have to admire what you blokes have done. ive been allover the areas you travelled and crossed the Simpson a few times, but I did it from the comfort of my hilux or nissan wagon. There is no way id ride a bike be it a drz or a proper adventure bike out there and Ill stick to a seat in a 4wd for my trips out there. Well done to all.

    Kind words snowy !!! What’s the catch :D

    It is an amazing part of the world mate and I recommend seeing it no mater what mode of transport is chosen ;).



    Day 5 cont.

    We left Big Red and headed back to town, Nick and I decided to sweep so I could take some extra pictures


    And the rest I can’t find :huh: Well not here in Orange in the motel :laugh:

    Once back into town we went to the iconic Birdsville bakery for more camel pies and the likes. We also had a chat to Pie Crust from ADV, a top bloke bloody helpful and it was great to put a face to a name. Cheers for the advice and chat Pie Crust.
    We shot back to the pub, settled the tab :pinch: :ohmy: :ohmy: And loaded the bikes.


    We regrouped, fueled up and checked out the diesel powered air cooled Simpson desert recovery vehicle that ol mate at the servo has, reckon it’s over a grand up front before ol mate even leaves the depot and that doesn’t get you far when he does :ohmy:


    We headed for Cordillo Downs and into QLD. The Cordillo Downs run was a highlight in that Nick and I rode most if not all of it side by side. At times going faster and faster but with the bluetooth able to give one another room if needed. Shade was very rare if any so we didnt stop much, first was at a shettler in the middle of the development road and then at an old homested ruins


    Boulder put in a quote to fix it up :laugh:



    We had met a couple of blokes from QLD that were out for an adventure ride, just trying it to see if they like it before they get fully into it. We would end up leap frogging them for a while.



    We continued on to Cordillo Downs, the station was serviced by Camels for many many years





    Old shearers shed


    The boys were keen for a cartoon of piss for the nights camp so Fish said he and Boulder would go ahead into Innamincka. We would headed west and down through QLD to the dig tree where they would meet us. So off we went


    We arrived at the dig tree camping area just before dark, we started setting up camp when old mate driving around picking up the rubbish bins pulled and said you guys want some fire wood. nick and Lotsa jumped in with ol mate, and well there is a whole story regarding Bomber (the guy) and the ride to get wood that Nick needs to tell :laugh:
    We waited nervously for Boulder and Fish, it was getting dark and a we were getting more and more nervous as we all like Boulder, fish well whatever :laugh:
    Then we here a bike, but only one bike it gets closer and closer and we see Fish only. He puts down the cartoon of VB he is carrying on his lap for the last 61 kms and starts telling the long story of hardship.
    It seems Boulders frame had cracked again, then his bike stopped so Fish towed him into Innamincka. He had secured a room and would have the bike running tomorrow, we would get the frame welded and we would continue. Well it sounded great in theory eh :laugh: fish had an adventure just getting to us as he couldn’t get fuel in Innamincka (to late) he ran out of fuel and had to tip the bike on it’s side to get enough fuel to the pickup. Then the battery went flat trying to start it, but then some piss wrecks from the pub pulled up and tried pushing him but they were wrecked and kept falling over :laugh: So they said they would tow him by him holding the tray then when he had enough speed he could let go and clutch start it. Remember he is balancing a 30 can cartoon of VB :P but after they take of like a start to Bathurst race he gets it started gets to us :)
    We drank all the beers and Rums, had a fire slept well. More later day 6


    Nickj wrote:
    snowy09 wrote:
    Hey Im not going to do it but I have to admire what you blokes have done. ive been allover the areas you travelled and crossed the Simpson a few times, but I did it from the comfort of my hilux or nissan wagon. There is no way id ride a bike be it a drz or a proper adventure bike out there and Ill stick to a seat in a 4wd for my trips out there. Well done to all.

    Kind words snowy !!! What’s the catch :D

    It is an amazing part of the world mate and I recommend seeing it no mater what mode of transport is chosen ;).

    Typical Pommy never trusts an aussie, mate not all of us came out here as convicts (some came as mangers and rorted the system that way). Seiously theres no catches …………..yet!:evil:

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