Site tweak?

This topic contains 65 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  David 15 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #137161

    Mick D

    I tell you what though boys,if what ever operating system you have at the moment gets wind of the talk on this thread, I doubt if their USB port will except your external hard drive ever again


    Eric Smith

    Ah Crash, I see you are still using the Schoolgirl 5.2 giggle matrix mate, might want to think about upgrading that to the latest version 6.3, which includes Titmouse 1.2 Beta. ;)

    Moto clearly needs to configure the corealis syphon vector in his atari though… that sounds like it is about to let go. Actually, if you combined Boony’s harddrive with moto’s external stick… well that doesn’t bear thinking about really!!:laugh:



    we aim to please Crash

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :side: :side: i’m almost in tears now!:silly: :silly:


    Mick D

    crash wrote:

    Oi, you blokes. You are very funny! I’ve just read through all your ramblings. The ‘double onton’ (or however you spell it) is brilliant. I was giggling like a schoolgirl. How good is it to finish a days work, come home, crack a beer/ rum and read through some light, meaningless funny stuff. Well done, Keep it up!

    AS you can tell Crash a few of us had quiet days at work today..LOL

    BTW Crash it is spelt “double entendre”


    Bruce Curtis

    micknmeld wrote:

    I tell you what though boys,if what ever operating system you have at the moment gets wind of the talk on this thread, I doubt if their USB port will except your external hard drive ever again

    Oh Mick 1.0 you’d be surprised what a good well rounded operating system will put up with before becoming totally unstable and denying access, but while trying new programs remember if not using the correct virus protection there’s always the data left in the Cache’, which if you’re unlucky could turn into Paternity 3.0., just after the 9 month trail period of girlfriend V7.2



    this is the funniest thread ever…..

    looks like chris isnt the only nerd around here

    :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:


    Mick D

    menace wrote:

    this is the funniest thread ever…..

    looks like chris isnt the only nerd around here

    :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

    Is that the best you have Menace??? I was thinking today ” I can’t wait for Menace to find this thread”.
    :unsure: :(


    sorry mick im…..just not a nerd…..but it is my kind of humour though:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Matt Baker



    Mick D

    ahhhh go ahead mock what ye doesn’t understand.LOL…one of the funniest threads I have seen…


    Matt Baker

    i can understand but it is quite geeky



    Nerd pick up line.

    “if you show me your software, i’ll show you my hardware”.


    Matt Baker

    xy-transit wrote:

    Nerd pick up line.

    “if you show me your software, i’ll show you my hardware”.

    spoken like a true nerd



    LC4skin wrote:

    xy-transit wrote:

    Nerd pick up line.

    “if you show me your software, i’ll show you my hardware”.

    spoken like a true nerd

    Just ‘cos my hard drive is larger than your floppy:P


    Bruce Curtis

    Most knowledgeable Bloke I know with computers is a 145kg bull necked sherman tank of a bloke, rough huge hands, fingers like sausages, arms like a sprinters legs, loves his hotrods, chainsaws, large powerful roadbikes and his old XR500r, is doing up a 52 dodge ute ATM, we met when we were both young fellas working in the logging game, camping out rough all week to earn a quid, he was a tree faller, I was a dozer/skidder driver, and tree faller. He’s my kids Godfather these days, cause i couldn’t think of a better bloke to look after them if the worst occurred, and it’s going to be priceless to see the look on the face of any spotty teenage “groper” who wants to take advantage of my little girl when hes meets all “the parents”, like my Younger Sis’s Hubby when he first meet the 5 older brothers.
    He taught me everything I know about computers, which ain’t that much in the scheme, but turns out we DID make the right choices at school leaving at 15 and all cause we both ended up as “nerds” but we have better stories and more scars than your stereotypical poindexter. :unsure:

    BTW they used to have 5.5″ floppys and they really were floppy, but Big Bill never liked the floppys anyway………..:dry:

    Still stay away from Girlfriend 7.2 she’ll overheat your plugins and leave you with a flogged out floppy and a burnt memory………


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