site update

This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    hi all, unfortunately I have had to go back to a backup dated 1/08/12 therefore all posts between then and now are gone, however I still have access to them and will endevour to manually import each one over the next couple of days, anyone that has joined in the meantime will need to rejoin. We are currently working very hard to get the new site up and running using all my spare time witch equates to about 2.5minutes per day, so hopefully it will be finished by about 2032 :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
    To mitigate things like this happening in the future I have asked the data centre where the server is located to keep 14 days worth of backups, currently they only keep a monthly and a daily and the dailys over the last couple of days have been corrupt. Unfortunately this also comes with extra cost so please consider donating to help out.. We will be giving access to the new site in the next couple of days for feedback only it won’t be live until sometime next week, we want to get feedback before it goes live, constructive feedback is more than welcome, any negative feedback and you will be banned, yes that includes you bob.. 😆 😆 😆

    the site is now cleaned and back to full functionality with the exception of the last 7 days posts.

    Chris & TB



    Great job Chris!

    That must have been quite a looooong and stressful night I imagine.

    Speaking for myself; I’m happy to save you the trouble if you want to skip any of my topics/posts etc. No big deal to be back at Aug 1.

    Look forward to the new site, and yes I’ll be making a Donation … I’m thinking your beer fridge needs re-stocking after the past few days :)



    Steve Wyeth

    Chris, I would to like to re-enter my posts one at a time please :D

    Good work fella, I know it’s not easy ;)


    Bob Dowsett

    sounds like your assuming its all gonna be rosy

    Negative feedback can be constructive
    if it was all positive there would be no further construction


    Your going alright for a beginner :laugh: :P

    Keep up the good work :)


    simon burke

    Double Thumbs up Chris ;)

    Bol :woohoo:


    Adrian Lee

    Chris well done and thanks for all your hard work.

    I think at times we take the site for granted and then when its gone for a couple of days

    we realise what a good thing we have here.


    Matt Hobbs

    Top effort with the upgrade. It’s never easy…

    Is this the reason I can’t access the forum on Tapatalk on my Iphone? It stopped working a few weeks ago.

    Will it be available again once everything settles back down?


    Desert Matt wrote:
    Top effort with the upgrade. It’s never easy…

    Is this the reason I can’t access the forum on Tapatalk on my Iphone? It stopped working a few weeks ago.

    Will it be available again once everything settles back down?

    Hey mate, upgrade got canned due to tech issues which have now been sorted, I will look at tapatalk once new site is up, I “believe” that tapatalk has been updated to work with latest software but don’t know 100% until we try it which will be soon.



    aido wrote:
    Chris well done and thanks for all your hard work.

    I think at times we take the site for granted and then when its gone for a couple of days

    we realise what a good thing we have here.

    Thanks Aido :-)


    Dwayne O

    A question,,,,
    Is everyone having the problems with the Latest Posts colunmn ???
    It keeps showing random times, rarely the up to date ones on my end,,,

    Only really shows the current ones when I first login, then all turns to shit :whistle:
    Sorry Chris, but is damn annoying :whistle: :)


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    A question,,,,
    Is everyone having the problems with the Latest Posts colunmn ???
    It keeps showing random times, rarely the up to date ones on my end,,,

    Only really shows the current ones when I first login, then all turns to shit :whistle:
    Sorry Chris, but is damn annoying :whistle: :)

    Yeah its a clitch in the new template. Chris is waiting on a fix from the program writers. Us the Index tab or the Old Bull Forum tab up the top I find works mate



    Dwayne O

    Yeah, The forum button works about 40% of the time for me :whistle:
    Cool, I thought he would be onto it, was just asking,,,

    Actually I just had the silly “”error 500 page again a few minutes ago :dry:
    It sux to be Chris sometimes hey ??? :laugh:



    Peter Horn

    The 500 error was the one i was getting i assumed the work IT Nazis had banned me cause i logged in OK from home. Have to try again at work (and buy the IT guy flowers after what i called him) :blush:


    Is it just my computer or does the writing run off the page when there are photo’s posted? Actually it can’t be the computer because it does it on my desktop, my laptop and the work laptop.

    Another thing is that the arrow keys don’t seem to work when I am posting, I can sometimes get the curser to move one place within the text but that is it.

    I tried opening it with firefox (using explorer at the moment) and it would open it wont open, also get a malicious cookie warning from my antivirus.



    blah blah blah, yep the 500 errors were me fine tuning and ridding the site of malware, as it turns out the malware was actually uploaded in a file by a member.. Just be patient if I didn’t already work 22 hours a day I would have some more time but I really just want to go for a RIDE…


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