
This topic contains 36 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Chris 14 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #176153

    Bruce Curtis

    menace wrote:

    well im gonna try hatto’s magic download first.

    im not sure its my pc but most likely is.
    its only obt doing it.
    if i try to open multiple tabs on obt it basically says FU :laugh:

    theres is wierd shit happening in my house at the moment…

    my printer started printing blank pages… 2am yesterday morning. when i heared it i got up thinking WTF and my dog was shitting himself and cowering in the bathtub :dry:

    there was a wattle bird in my bathroom monday night. i have no idea how it got in there :laugh: :laugh: we are both stumped!

    my foxtel changes to either the christian channel or the porn channel when ever it feels like it and i dont have porn channels!!

    we just got an antique cuckoo clock the other day from sammys parents it has a mind of its own and cuckoo’s as much as it wants.
    at 8am this morning it reckoned it was 28 o’clock. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    and everytime i cook the bbq, the outside light flickers SOS in morse code :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    its a poltergoosed i tell ya’s :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I’m seeing you in my minds eye with the possessed Cuckoo clock Dennis…. and the Foxtel one is cracking me up.

    Porn pornporn…. Prayer prayer prayer…. OH OH OH AHHH thats’ the way baby give to…. The lord is watching over……yeah baby that feeeels……. now all join me in ….Oh god it’s so so big……………yes god is Big….



    I experienced slow connectivity all day yesterday to all international based sites including Old Bulls..

    Heres why…,optus-customers-hit-by-china-ddos-attack.aspx

    UECOMM’s backbone got hammered pretty bad..


    yeah, thats about it bruce.

    i think the tv problem is a neighbour with an RF sender/receiver thingy.

    the possessed clock is another matter, it was sam’s late nanna’s and her parents had it repaired ($400) and its off its chops :laugh: :laugh:

    i still cant explain the wattle bird or the outside light :laugh: :laugh:

    and thanks hatto, that program works a treat ;)
    geez, there were thousands of problems in there :P


    c-e-l wrote:

    I experienced slow connectivity all day yesterday to all international based sites including Old Bulls..

    Heres why…,optus-customers-hit-by-china-ddos-attack.aspx

    UECOMM’s backbone got hammered pretty bad..

    interesting read c-e-l, but it started going bad before that.



    menace wrote:

    yeah, thats about it bruce.

    i think the tv problem is a neighbour with an RF sender/receiver thingy.

    the possessed clock is another matter, it was sam’s late nanna’s and her parents had it repaired ($400) and its off its chops :laugh: :laugh:

    i still cant explain the wattle bird or the outside light :laugh: :laugh:

    and thanks hatto, that program works a treat ;)
    geez, there were thousands of problems in there :P

    Bet you had steak and MUSHROOM sauce again didnt ya. :laugh:

    Why dont you tell the story of the dinosaur climbing on the ceiling while sing “Pass the dutchie on the left hand side”


    no mushrooms here JAK, although i did see some on my run yesterday :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ive cleaned with hattos magic fix and also ran Evidence Eliminator.

    OBT is still running slow

    every other site is fine

    its even slow to delete stuff if i hit backspace

    annoying it is :(



    O.K I have about 5 minutes before I go into a big meeting but I will clarify and share some trade secrets..

    Firstly Menace has no idea what he is talking about.
    Secondly Boony I’ve removed the edit button from your account.

    Now the real stuff.

    My Server is located in Brisbane at a Major Data Centre Directly off the Telstra Backbone, no overseas servers here, (maybe its slow because TB is currently in Brisbane) it hosts around 30 websites which is really bugger all for the server beast that it is. OBT is by far the biggest user of Bandwidth and accounts for nearly 80% of the total.
    Once the banners are loaded into the cache they are in memory and they do not constantly reload so there is no slowdown there.
    As far as flicking around on the forums yes there is a slight delay but if you notice there is nearly 74000 posts so maybe we should start considering doing some archiving but I like the fact I can go back in time and see what was happening 2 years ago.

    Menace I think you need a priest.

    There are 3 programs which we use daily to remove crap off pc’s this advice comes without warranty or support so don’t ask unless your willing to hand over a six pack each time! Does a great job of removing crap and temp files from your pc, also cleans up the computer registry. (run this first) does a great job of removing most newer threats, trojans, worms, rootkits etc. picks up what combofix doesn’t remove.

    Make sure you always have the latest version of these and also a good av program, TrendMicro is what we prefer, Although AVG Free does an O.K job if your a tightarse.

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