Snapped ktm seat bolt

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  • #104685

    Hey Guys.
    I snapped the single bolt that holds my seat on. I can remove the seat from the bike now to put the new seat cover on that I have ordered, but in the mean time can anyone suggest the best method to get the remainder of the bolt out of the seat base. I cannot grab it with pliers etc. Any tools that would make it easier or would you just front up to KTM and exchange your first born child for a new seat. Cheers.


    Drill bit and easy outs is the only way I know to remove snapped bolts.



    Yep that sounds like a first – the seat bolt. Very annoying position to snap a bolt in, but not the worst. Did it snap off because it’s all rusty/corroded or did you cross thread it and tried to wind it out?
    If you can remove the seat cover (your doing that anyway) and can see the seat foam, not sure if you can lift the foam a bit to get access to the plastic seat tray. My idea would be to make up some wood chocks to somehow fasten the seat tray in a vice securely, then left hand drill bit drill out the bolt. Punch a dent into it first as a guide so the drill bit doesn’t stay and destroy everything else. Then again, if you have the seat cover and foam off/up (never seen it myself) you might be able to see how the nut is secured to the seat and remove it as well – replace entirely or work on removing the bolt away from the seat. Someone who has seen the naked seat tray might have answers to all these questions.



    Or buy a whole new seat from Enduro Engineering or similar….


    Yep Axel, there is not much I can’t stuff up. The bolt looks pretty shagged. I doubt it was the original bolt as its not the typical torx head bolt you see on ktms. The seat was going on and coming off a fair bit when the bike was fouling plugs so maybe something happened then to weaken it. Perhaps my frustration made me over do it last time.
    I have got a lend of an Easyout so with try to drill the bolt and give that a go. Cheers



    Use the biggest ez out that you safely can ;) And FFS dont break the EZy out :laugh:



    Well anything is possible with the right tools. Got it out in under a minute. Cheers guys and Boze for the lend of your easyout.


    Luke. One word




    All good see ya on the trails

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