Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

Home Forums Ride Reports Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

This topic contains 229 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Craig Hatton 14 years, 9 months ago.

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    So what happened on the hill :ohmy: I thought everybody just rode up no dramas?



    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    So what happened on the hill :ohmy: I thought everybody just rode up no dramas?


    Carnage,that is what happened.


    We need the pics and video’s boys, pic’s and video’s.
    As a certain aussie tennis player might say, C’MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Met up with Kram in Bathurst at lunch time. He is all good. Wrist is in a cast and hand very swollen. He can move all his fingers and has some exercises to do.

    Met Stex and Krams partner Penny. very nice people. They are all on the way home now and thanked everyone for helping him out.


    Craig Hatton

    Jeffro wrote:

    We need the pics and video’s boys, pic’s and video’s.
    As a certain aussie tennis player might say, C’MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    None from me, I was at the bottom of the hill getting you all jumping onto the road and starting the hill



    Mick D

    Hatto wrote:

    Jeffro wrote:

    We need the pics and video’s boys, pic’s and video’s.
    As a certain aussie tennis player might say, C’MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    None from me, I was at the bottom of the hill getting you all jumping onto the road and starting the hill


    CMON Hatto tell your boss to get stuffed and upload some pics man.


    Craig Hatton

    micknmeld wrote:

    Hatto wrote:

    Jeffro wrote:

    We need the pics and video’s boys, pic’s and video’s.
    As a certain aussie tennis player might say, C’MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    None from me, I was at the bottom of the hill getting you all jumping onto the road and starting the hill


    CMON Hatto tell your boss to get stuffed and upload some pics man.

    I haven’t even unloaded trailer or any gear yet, just the washing.

    My boss is a real pr**k, he’s making me work extra hard for having so many days off :laugh: :laugh:


    What a top weekend, great trails good company and the Bull s%#t was hot by the camp fire even if Tiny did’nt s%#t in Micks swag!! :huh:
    If you have never organised a ride with 20 plus riders all of varioius skill levels and on different machines not to mention weather or many other unforseen circumstances then you will never understand the work that goes into such a event for very little reward.
    My most memorable Moments.
    1, Arriving to such a good turn out of Old Bulls :P
    2, The ever smiling always happy support crew Tiny, Lotsa, and Bubba without whom this ride would not been possible. ;)
    3,A great Saturday ride with the A group. :P
    4, The ring of knowledge around the camp fire and all the great prizes handed out that our fantastic sponsors had supplied. :)
    5 Crash getting the Old Bull of the year award could’nt have gone to a nicer bloke he is a shining example of what Old bulls is all about and a very worthy winner.
    6, Rididng with the B group on Sunday a great group of people, kat girl riding the grade three hill followed closely by Scott on the big V storm who made it look easy!! Scott I hope you did’nt think I doubted your riding ability when I said you should think twice about attempting that hill it was the ground clearance that i was worried about but you soon proved that was not an issue!! :ohmy: A true Old Bull.
    7, Mick and Moose always smiling and happy to be riding different terrain B)
    8, Fish picking me up for work at 4.30 am with his wrist in plaster and a big grin on his face when he said what a great weekend, old Bulls know how to put on a top ride. :)
    9, Meeting some new Old Bulls and putting a few faces to names.
    Thanks to mal5.1 for all his efforts in linking all the trails with TB.
    To Kram hope you get better soon mate and get back in the saddle soon!! missed you round the camp fire. ;)
    Finaly thanks to all the Moderators who put so much work in behind the scenes and to Chris for being such a computer nerd and giving so much of his time to keep the site up and running.
    To TB and his GPS brain that manages to link up tracks never mind if we are riding the Watagans , Orange , Hill end or the Turon!!
    I am truly gratefull to be a part of such a great group of people and long may we continue to ride together. :woohoo:


    Great reports boys B)

    Another great weekend out riding with OTB

    First of all would like to thank TB and Mal for putting the ride together and organizing all the minor details which are what makes the rides go smoothly. ;)

    Got to give it up to the support crew Bubba ,Tiny and Lotsa
    all the sweeps,too many to name the cameramen floating through the pack and the rest of the riders for making it such a good weekend .

    Thanks to all the sponsors Jack Links,Suttos,Muckoff,Whippys,Pivot pegs and a special thanks to Mud n Tar from Wauchope for the tyres as i am the lucky winner :cheer: :cheer: :) :)

    Some of the memorable moments for me in no particular were

    #Getting to the start point seeing all the bikes scattered everywhere
    #Watching all the bikes roll out, awesome sight
    #The pace of some of the riders in the fog :woohoo:
    #Jason riding in a slopyjoe and Tshirt. :ohmy: They breed them tuff in Dubbo. :unsure:
    #The quality of riders when the going got trickier. :)
    #How well it all went at the servo like a Swiss watch :)
    #Unfortunately Krams off good to hear all is well mate and hope you have a speedy recovery. ;)
    #Catching up with some old faces and meeting some new ones when holding the corners.
    #Katgirl ditching the boat anchor to go riding and camping with 40 odd blokes :woohoo:
    #All the yarns around the campfire.
    #The young fella’s hitting the sack once the street lights come on. :huh: :ohmy:
    #Benji bringing that log in over his shoulder 😆
    #Leaving nothing but a memory at the campsite
    #The carnage on some of the hills :laugh:
    #Chicken down to his rear guard in the swamp and in total contrl :woohoo: :woohoo:
    #Muckoff being filled in by LC’s Kato 😆
    #Fish finishing the ride up and down some snotty hills with a shattered finger :ohmy:
    #Justo’s 1hr tyre change :laugh:
    #Someone buying more jerky at Capertee :huh:
    #Sutto riding his bike home :ohmy:

    Im sure there are more but i cant type and think at the same time.

    Cheers to all involved and bring on the next one :) ;) B)




    Trailboss wrote:

    So what happened on the hill :ohmy: I thought everybody just rode up no dramas?


    got all excited on that hill :woohoo: took the worst line possible in second gear and went around the 4 bikes in front got nocked of line sorry STM :unsure: than looked around to see bikes starting to lay down and they had the good line ? that was one fun hill wish we had a few of them at home was not that hard but



    Guys and Gal,

    From a sponsors point of view I just wanted to say thank you to the whole crew involved in this group and thank you for the support you have given our company!

    Attending this event was amazing it made me want to make sure that our company remains as a long term sponsor to the site as the value we get from the whole crew is amazing! You are all an amazing bunch of people to know and have supporting our products!

    As a rider the ride was great! I love TBs Loam its like nothing I have ever seen before that counts as loam, You are all mad and I would love to be invited on more rides so feel free to pm me and let me know if you have any rides coming up!

    until then keep it clean

    and thanks from Mic-Off From Muc-Off



    G’day Subjects, I had a great weekend away, thanks to all of you for combining to make it the unforgetable event it was. Here’s my version (I’m sure I’ve left bits out).

    Up early (not as early as some), drove to the Blaxland meeting place. Everyone was as keen as…nobody late, all raring to go. Very fine mist/ fog was hiding what the weather was going to be like for the day!
    Unload the bikes and all the gear – intros made, packs, bags, swags and eskies loaded – off we go.
    Chris, Hatto & I nipped off up ahead early on to get some photos and footage of the rubbling, multi-eyed angry caterpillar snaking its way along the first powerline run. What a sight and sound that was!
    The 650 was not a happy camper. It was hanging up on revs and wouldn’t rev out properly, but hey….the show had to go on. A smart bloke would have prepared properly by allowing more time to de-Condo the fiddy and test out a new (2nd hand), quieter muffler before hand – anyhow…lesson learned.
    At one of the first snotty uphills that caused a little bit of carnage, I went left of a stump without enough momentum and dropped the back wheel into a massive hole that almost swallowed me and the bike. Luckily the bike pinned me against the stump which stopped us both being consumed by a hole that looked like it bottomed out at the earths core. Unluckily Hatto had his camera out……bastard. Chris and (can’t remember) helped me up and I got going again. Thanks fellas. The fog/ mist was playing havoc with vision…a few offs were had, but nobody banged themselves up too much. XR400 bloke (sirrevalot) had 2 speeds…and 1 was stopped laying down…the other was maximum revs, and was on a steep learning curve and just kept getting back up. Before our lunch stop we’d covered many different tracks – powerlines, fire, twin, tar, service etc.
    Later on Chicken was on the Bluetooth slowing very quickly at the top of a dusty crest just saying Crash, get up here, Crash, get up here, Crash…Crash……in front of us was the dust settling over Krams off. It seemed a cracker….it doesn’t take much dust to hide the enemy of all bike riders – RUTS! Like all optimists say….it could have been a lot worse, it was a terrible combination of ruts that emptied into a huge erosion washaway. Kram was in good spirit and tough as teak. Although, his hand seemed to be in serious need of a chassis alignment with his forearm!!! Chicken went on ahead o arrange an extraction and Moose transferred Kram out to the tar and I took his bike out.
    The afternoons’ plans had to be shortened up (because TB’s wheelie out of Capertee was sooooooooooooooooo long). With such a large group, with such a wide band of experience and ability a call had to be made to cut some ripper singles out. A good decision I think, we had get in early enough to set up and get organised. One of the most enjoyable parts of a bike riding weekend, to me, is kicking back after a great days ride, after a cleansing shower/wash, relaxing and talking it up with your buds!
    The night was a beauty. Like everybody has said, it was good to put names and faces together. Although, I am still stuggling to match them all. There were so many freebies given away………how generous are the sponsors? Which brings me to OB of the year! What’s going on there? Blown away….that’s what comes to mind. I couldn’t believe it. I’m a nobody plodder that loves the bush and country and getting out and seeing it. I don’t mind having a bit of a go every now and again. Thanks to everyone that threw a vote my way. It shouldn’t be forgotten that Boulder tallied the most votes and would have won again (if I hadn’t have secretly modified the OBT rules and regulations handbook to say you can’t win it 2 years in a row).
    There was a ripper fire blazing away all night. Many beers, rumskis and “start ya barstard” ‘s downed and some really funny stuff going on.
    Although, I thought being OB of the year entitled you to some “royal” treatment………don’t think so (ay Mal) I did try repeatedly through the evening… did result in receiving some of TBs’ personal supply of Rumskis..after my beers and rumskis ran out! (Long live the King!!!)
    Sunday morning came around. It was a little quiet to start with……then old “Iron Nuts” STM sprung into action………marking his territory as the Top Dog of the Turon River……He dived in…obviously issuing a silent challenge to all the other Bulls on the river bank…….”come on you bastards” he said with only his eyes!!!!! We all looked at each other and silently said “…..F*#k that…….you win Bro!”
    Tough as Kram I reckon”
    We all then sprung into action. Breakfast downed, camp packed up, rubbish cleaned up and all loaded and ready to go by 8.15am.
    It was a modified trip back too. Some shocking rocky hills, crystal clear streams, mud baths (Muc-off baths) etc. Unfortunately, plenty of down time with a drowning and multiple punctures had the return changed as well, which was a good move, because we only just made it in on dark.

    Dot points:

    Did TB do any wheelies
    Mooses Ker-splat on the causeway
    Ollies hairy legs (on the outside of his duds)
    The size of that V-strom
    Kats enthusiasm and passion
    Horse ladys’ hide
    The waters’ temperature
    The job done by all the road crews – thanks Lotsa, Tiny and Bubba.
    Sponsors gifts – gold
    That sweet 690
    Hatto – Mr Nomatterwhatyouneedigotitbro (top fella)
    Benjis – how much did he enjoy his first OB ride!!!!!
    Fish probably still has the smile on his face too!
    How the hell did Tiny fit into the rear canopy section of a crewcab ute?
    Donnas’ (Mal5.1s’better half) effort for Kram!

    Hopefully TB has something decent from the helmet camera to show, not sure. I have his standard camera, but don’t have a lead to download it and send it to him, so, I’ll have to get it to him somehow.

    Thanks to TB, Mal5.1 3.0 8.0 and Chicken for combining to organize what turned out to be a great anniversary weekend. Such a well run do for such a mix of riders. Really well done.

    And again, the Sponsors – SUTTO’S / MUC-OFF / WHIPPS / JACKS LINKS / MUD N TAR & 4BP MOOT DESIGN

    King Crash

    AN EVEN Bigger thanks to SUTTO’s for the beautiful brand new M2R Helmet/ Crown I received on Saturday night. “It’s going straight to the Pool Room!!!”


    Another incident from the weekend involved Burple getting terribly off line on a short sharp pinch with a double step rock shelf, in the pines Sunday morning. She rared, bucked, farted, skidded then wheelied. :laugh:
    Unfortunately for STM and Benji this took up all the track as well as about 20 ft either side. Benji of course made it look easy anyway, scratching past the “gumbo” in the pine tree,but I’d left STM with nowhere to go.
    When I sheepishly went back to help him, he was twisted around the top of his bike with his foot on the edge of a 2 ft rut. Helped him reorganize himself and drag his bike to where he could get started but I still felt like a dickhead for what I’d done to their run at the hill. Oh well, it happens!!.

    On another note, another exhibition of “Old Bull sprit” I saw was by Selena, Lachie and Kieren all being put out of their usual routine by a bunch of Greg’s noisy, hungry, thirsty, sleepy and even snorey mates. You guys rock. Thanks for everything.

    Still laughing to myself as I recall another incident or 2 from the weekend.

    Catchya later



    King Crash wrote:

    caterpillar snaking its way along the first powerline run. What a sight and sound that was!

    Mate I would love to have seen that, there was times during the ride when Mal and I could look back and see bikes winding down a valley

    King Crash wrote:

    The 650 was not a happy camper. It was hanging up on revs and wouldn’t rev out properly

    Yeah but it was an easy fix, although it needs a valve adjustment (wait till tony sees that XR’s need adjustments as well)

    King Crash wrote:

    At one of the first snotty uphills that caused a little bit of carnage, I went left of a stump without enough momentum and dropped the back wheel into a massive hole that almost swallowed me and the bike. Luckily the bike pinned me against the stump which stopped us both being consumed by a hole that looked like it bottomed out at the earths core.

    Yeah and what about the cheer from the crowd when you got up the top :P

    King Crash wrote:

    XR400 bloke (sirrevalot) had 2 speeds…and 1 was stopped laying down…the other was maximum revs, and was on a steep learning curve and just kept getting back up.

    Yeah he seemed like he was a little above his comfort level :laugh:

    King Crash wrote:

    The afternoons’ plans had to be shortened up (because TB’s wheelie out of Capertee was sooooooooooooooooo long).

    Did I tell you about it Crash or did you see it :laugh:

    King Crash wrote:

    Which brings me to OB of the year! What’s going on there? Blown away….that’s what comes to mind. I couldn’t believe it. I’m a nobody plodder that loves the bush and country and getting out and seeing it. I don’t mind having a bit of a go every now and again. Thanks to everyone that threw a vote my way. It shouldn’t be forgotten that Boulder tallied the most votes and would have won again (if I hadn’t have secretly modified the OBT rules and regulations handbook to say you can’t win it 2 years in a row).

    To better explain it, you can win OBT of the year more then once but not 2 years in a row.

    Congratulations Crash you are a worthy winner

    King Crash wrote:

    There was a ripper fire blazing away all night. Many beers, rumskis and “start ya barstard” ‘s downed and some really funny stuff going on.
    Although, I thought being OB of the year entitled you to some “royal” treatment………don’t think so (ay Mal) I did try repeatedly through the evening… did result in receiving some of TBs’ personal supply of Rumskis..after my beers and rumskis ran out! (Long live the King!!!)

    What can be said here :P





    Moose wrote:

    On another note, another exhibition of “Old Bull sprit” I saw was by Selena, Lachie and Kieren all being put out of their usual routine by a bunch of Greg’s noisy, hungry, thirsty, sleepy and even snorey mates. You guys rock. Thanks for everything.

    Catchya later

    You are welcome as always Moose from us all


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